Translating pictures for quests (rev. 1 by Vladisomire on 03-18-17, 08:54 pm)
Posted at 03-18-17, 08:44 pm Link | #1

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For the japanese quests we tend to get and have no clue what to do with them, I can recommend This website:

The more specific you are the better results it gives.


Select the picture, and add Japanese the the recognition language.
Press Upload.

You will then be given a preview of your image and a region it should focus on. Make sure to fully stretch it if you do it like this.
Press OCR.

Now you'll be given the picture in text you can copy to google. Do manually go to google translate. The link given here doesn't quite work. For me at least.

This isn't always as accurate but it should at least give enough information for you know know where it's pointing you.
Posted at 03-19-17, 07:05 am Link | #2
Eriul the Wanderer

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This is Brilliant Vlad! no seriously, we can start using this to have a clue what the quest is, translate it properly and foward the translation to the Dev's with this, making so the content starts slowly being translated!
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The more knowledge you get, the more questions you ask. The smarter you get, the more you realize that everything can be possible.
post rev. 1 by Vladisomire on 03-19-17, 09:17 am
Posted at 03-19-17, 09:16 am Link | #3

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Translations can be done partially by grabbing the wiki. A bunch of the wiki also consists of npc dialogs.
Posted at 03-19-17, 09:40 am Link | #4

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you can use google translate on your phone with offline database to translate quests as well
post rev. 1 by LazyFae on 03-19-17, 10:26 pm
Posted at 03-19-17, 10:25 pm Link | #5
Still a casual gamer

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you can use google translate on your phone with offline database to translate quests as well

This. If you want to help translate, i would strongly suggest grabbing the actual files, easily found with a little digging, and translating them from that. Faster and easier. Do note though, that there is a format used, which seems the same as the client files. Client side, the format is either ##[indent]text or identifierphrase(s)[indent]text.

The indent is tab, and is absolutely essential. I'm pointing this out, cuz if you translate the file as a whole, or if you use google translate on an entire line, it will break the indent. Turns it into a normal space. And in doing so, when you try to use the file, you will crash. So i expect it to do the same to the server. And on that note, you need to use some kind of comparison program, i like winmerge, to double-check your changes with the original. The identifierphrase is commonly a string of words, seperated not by spaces but by periods. Google translate will add spaces after these, again breaking your identifiers. So comparing the before to the after, will really help catching these simple errors, and it can be painful to try to find errors without such.

Back to the image translate, that is good for just playing the game. I greatly appreciate the share. This will really help people just wanting to do quests, and trying their hardest not to spam the discord chat asking for help. Some of us do really hate to do that, even if we get responses.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079

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