Edit: Some of the readme from the previous links had misinformation- You should download the latest editor as well, as it has some hotfixes. Yes, within the first hour.
Hello everyone! As you know a long time ago I specifically reached out to the community with intents to let everybody know that I was trying to fund a PMG editor to help custom content go a lot further for our server and the mabinogi community in general regardless of which server one would play on. The new pmg editor would allow so many more things to be done no matter which region, server, or private server one would play one, and also regardless of which version. This was what I wanted when I set out to fund this and get this tool made for a modern mabinogi modding audience. I have no clue whether or not it can do everything AND butter your toast, but in how ever long, a PMG editor has been made and is now within reason to be distributed to the public as a test version for widespread usage and quality assurance testing.
When I reached out I was fully expecting to pay this entire cost out of pocket and for it to take much longer and be much more difficult to find someone to make it. But through my bold outreach to the community I found many generous individuals who were kind enough to shoulder the cost for this ambitious project. Within the zip file provided you will find the PMG editor, a readme that should help explain the barebone steps which should be taken to make your experience using this test version as easy as we can make possible at this time, along with credits given to those who helped and those who donated. I never expected this to be as successful as it has been, but the rest of the team and I have agreed that this holiday was the right time to give you all what you've been waiting for.
With all of that said, I am very proud to announce the first public test version of a modern PMG editor for Mabinogi!

The PMG editor is available with due credits publicly and free of charge.

This is just showing the editor can convert PMGs, the following pictures are proof of exporting to editing software.

The link can be found below these credits.
3DS MAX 2019 Or possibly Maya are necessary to work with the PMG editor
3DS MAX 2019 Or possibly Maya are necessary to work with the PMG editor
3DS MAX 2019 Or possibly Maya are necessary to work with the PMG editor
The editor is not stand alone and you must have a basic grasp of 3d modeling and possibly animation and rigging to use the editor to its full capabilities.
Credits to:
Patoots - Lead Organizer
Kamuna - Lead Programmer
Drahan - Organizer
Jade - Lead Tester
Noone - Tester
MabiPro Team - Various Roles
Special Thanks to the People Who Made This Possible:
Khaine and Harunaru ($200)
Axatokee ($101)
Abazure ($100)
Elimination ($100)
Jade ($88)
Primate ($1)
Link to the download: https://mega.nz/#!BJZBhK6I!wXF-WxptPWMarGXLMWdZmfoiR2m7iwbvVpritW9q0U8
File mirror: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QALaZVuQ5d3e7s5vq6W4zUCnPILjYC2i _________________________