Sky Palace feedback
Posted at 12-09-19, 03:01 am Link | #1

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So, this "bird" was recently requested - by a certain "Fireman" - to provide their "voice" to open a certain door. In plainer terms, it seems feedback for Sky Palace is being requested. I didn't know where else to post this, so it's here. Feel free to voice your own feedback here as well.

So, I was never very good at complimenting the good parts of things, but rather, I'm good at pointing out the bad. But before I start complaining, I want to say that I think Sky Palace is a cool and fun addition to the game, and I hope to see it improve with the aid of our feedback. Now, I'm gonna start tearing into it.


First, I want to mention is that the rewards in the standard 3 box types are awful. In my most recent run through to floor 50, the best reward I got was a piece of average firewood - and I got that reward twice that run. I also got 30 handmade arrows from my one and only glimmering chest (and on my previous run to 50, my one and only glimmering chest gave me a bugle...on a server with global chat). The prizes don't need to be incredible every time, but this junk is simply insulting. It feels like if we don't get the bonus level, we don't get anything besides a useless floor 51 shard to waste our inventory space. If we're going to put in 25k for the shard and the time to run the content, we should probably get something for it.

Second, I feel like the characters aren't very well balanced, and a large part of that is how difficult it is to train most skills. I personally find that it's just too hard to rank up most skills without the -CP accessory you get on the first set of floors. By the 50th floor, you probably aren't going to reach r1 Flame Burst as Cai, or r1 Crash Shot as Jenna. Meanwhile, a skill like Smash or Magnum Shot can be easily and reliably ranked to r1 (or higher) by the end of the second or third set of floors. This leads to being overly encouraged to only build around such skills that are easy to rank. It feels bad when Ruairi is smashing enemies for thousands of damage, and everyone else's job is just to support him.

Third, I have concerns with how much inventory space I can devote to shards. If I play a lot of Sky Palace, my inventory will suffer for it. A solution to this problem would be very much appreciated. Maybe a bag or storage medium for shards, or an alternative way to save our progress.
Posted at 12-09-19, 03:53 am Link | #2

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I agree completely with the 1st and 3rd points.

Rewards from glimmering chests especially have been less than stellar (less than a handful of herbs and ingots from the most recent glimmering chests). If the chests are harder to get, junk rewards are all the more frustrating to get. Plain chests and Fancy chests being high junk rewards are fine, but Glimmering chests, at the current rate of obtaining them, are awful to see rewards like 4 sunlight herbs or 3 gold ingots from. There may be plenty of great items in the drop pools, but to spend a few hours to get zero experience or gold for my character, and then only get a very small amount of materials as a reward makes me want to do just about anything but SP.

As for the shards, we definitely need a way to break the currently useless floor 51 shards that are eating our inventories, either for exp or gold or other rewards. As of current the shards take up too much space in my already clogged inventory and it's very discouraging to run Sky Palace knowing I'll just end up with another shard that I'll feel bad about destroying.
post rev. 1 by Jade on 12-24-19, 03:22 am
Posted at 12-24-19, 02:57 am Link | #3
Jade GM

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There are some helpful suggestions here such as a means to make use of completed saves or storage, and the possibility of editing some rewards. I might be able to do something with these.

However, it is unlikely that I will continue further new development on content that is so deeply unpopular that the responses are mainly silence and the occasional negativity.

Thanks for playing.
Posted at 12-26-19, 01:52 am Link | #4

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I should reiterate, those are the only faults I have with it. I love the design of it so far, and greatly want to see how difficult the next set of 50 floors are. It's fun to play this RP system with actual progression to the RP characters. The RP characters are interesting and it's fun trying out the various ways to build the shop RP characters. This is a fantastic system that we can run with players of all levels. I'd be dragging people to run this more often than I do if I could, but the two points I said above are the sole turnoffs. I think this is a step up in content as not only does it really help to bridge the gap between all kinds of players, but also lets players play with skillsets they haven't had a chance to build into yet. Still, it needs slight tweaking with emphasis on the slight. Right now breaking 51 crystals (to run this more often) feels like a waste because I want to have a few for the next floor set.

I want to see how Sky Palace is furthered. I greatly enjoy this content. I enjoy how the characters are handled, both in character progression and how to obtain characters. I enjoy how I can run this with anyone at any level without it feeling too weak for myself or too difficult for them. I'm excited at how difficult the next 50 floors could be, or what secrets they contain. I like the ever increasing difficulty of mobs on every floor. I love the quirks in this place, like the ghosts for relic orbs, the extra speed boost the characters get, the alchemy oven NPC for turning junk into useful gear, Tiro's shop and loot exchange, etc. The finale floors have been the best fights in a long time, even if that damn horse is a murder machine.

I love this content. I have critiques on it and it can be buggy sometimes, but it's very well done and I want to see how it progresses further. I would hate to see this die off.
Posted at 12-26-19, 02:37 am Link | #5

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There are some helpful suggestions here such as a means to make use of completed saves or storage, and the possibility of editing some rewards. I might be able to do something with these.

However, it is unlikely that I will continue further new development on content that is so deeply unpopular that the responses are mainly silence and the occasional negativity.

Thanks for playing.
Don't feel discouraged, most people discuss SP in the A2 spoiler channel, content discussion, bug reports/support and/or ingame. The majority of what I've seen is usually three things: most people generally say this is really cool content and better than nexon, they question how worthwhile rewards from non-special floor chests are most of the time and otherwise post bug reports.

Personally, I haven't bothered posting much on the forums because when I did seemingly nothing came out of the bug reports I posted versus getting lucky and talking to you about them ingame.

Also, I believe Patoots asked me when it first came out how I thought while I was in a run, and I said I thought it was really cool.
post rev. 2 by Jade on 12-26-19, 03:39 am
Posted at 12-26-19, 03:35 am Link | #6
Jade GM

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Thanks for the interest, these types of posts do help a bit at this point. Me especially but also probably most of us on the team, don't feel motivated by players who focus on bickering and tear at us and each other. It's just stressful, and there is not nearly enough support internally to keep up a productive momentum on a tough project like A2.

A1 had people offering public runs of content, it had youtube videos, more sharing of info and theorizing and excitement that did not purely revolve around "utilitarian" meta/balance etc, and overall things seemed warmer even when there were bugs and and tweaks needed. Unfortunately, at this point the team itself is also very short staffed in terms of people who have the technical ability, the willingness to use it, and the time in which to do so.

The best thing to do now is to try to use this as a turning point in favor of more healthy conversation overall, and maybe someday I can go find out where Khiara landed and open that place up to all of you. It probably seems like an uphill battle but every little bit counts. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it. Sorry about the grinch freezes.
I'd fix it if I had any clue what causes it, and that also goes for many other things.
Posted at 12-26-19, 08:23 pm Link | #7

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Thanks for the interest, these types of posts do help a bit at this point. Me especially but also probably most of us on the team, don't feel motivated by players who focus on bickering and tear at us and each other. It's just stressful, and there is not nearly enough support internally to keep up a productive momentum on a tough project like A2.

A1 had people offering public runs of content, it had youtube videos, more sharing of info and theorizing and excitement that did not purely revolve around "utilitarian" meta/balance etc, and overall things seemed warmer even when there were bugs and and tweaks needed. Unfortunately, at this point the team itself is also very short staffed in terms of people who have the technical ability, the willingness to use it, and the time in which to do so.

The best thing to do now is to try to use this as a turning point in favor of more healthy conversation overall, and maybe someday I can go find out where Khiara landed and open that place up to all of you. It probably seems like an uphill battle but every little bit counts. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it. Sorry about the grinch freezes.
I'd fix it if I had any clue what causes it, and that also goes for many other things.

We all do really enjoy sky palace its just getting things like wood and arrows alongside no exp gain for a successful run leads to me putting it off in favor of other content due to my play time being limited and wanting to push the most levels possible. the reason you see a better response for a1 content is every step of the way is rewarding in its own means via explore exp or the various manuals for gear...and the obv rewards of bh caves and banquet. We have no intention of trying to make you feel bad or discourage you and I'm sorry if things came off that way.
Posted at 12-27-19, 08:49 am Link | #8

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I enjoy it very much. Would really make it more rewarding for new players if it rewarded you like a shadow mission with experience and gold at the end. I don't mind the boxes as much, I'm used to RNG silliness from live.
Posted at 12-29-19, 11:16 pm Link | #9

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Just wanted to give major props for the creation of A2 and Sky palace dungeoning.
I can really appreciate a new form of content that plays extremely differently from the core, kinda feels like a survival/resource management rogue-like, and I really enjoy it.
Mentioned it to a few of my friend who do not play anymore and are reluctant to try it out.

My only sore spot is that it doesn't feel rewarding to invest that much time in. But otherwise, this would by my favorite mabi content in general to date. (except for barding)
Good job team
\(^ w ^ )/
Posted at 01-21-20, 05:29 pm Link | #10

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This is hands down my favourite content to date in Mabinogi between everything I've experienced on live and on mabipro. I've gotten to the point where I am going to be writing up a guide and I run SP at least once a day as well as do my best to show it to new people.

The two things I would love is crystal storage & if some of the "junk" rewards were cut out from chests. (What classifies as junk is probably up for debate but getting Sunlight herbs from a Glimmering Chest for example feels lacklustre as it can take a few hours to get up to the floors rewarding Glimmering).

Another idea, although I'm not so sure if it would stay a reasonable idea after thinking about practicality; I think it would be an extra incentive to run Sky Palace if main characters were to gain random exp or even exploration experience upon finishing a set of levels. If you wanted to make it less you could even do it as only gaining experience from completing floor 50.

Jade, seriously, thank you for making this and thank you to everyone else on board making content like this available to us. I will single-handedly champion this content as a lone player if need be.
Posted at 03-10-20, 07:28 am Link | #11

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I love Sky Palace and really appreciate all the hard work the GMs have put into it!

I honestly don't need anything changed from how it is now, and really just wish there was more of it.
More characters/upgrades, more floors, more traps, more monsters, etc.
Posted at 04-07-20, 08:43 am Link | #12

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Also wanted to comment on how awesome Sky Palace was. If it was more rewarding I'm sure lots more people would take interest in it. It's some of the best content I've ever seen, thanks!
Posted at 09-02-20, 09:23 pm Link | #13

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I wanted to chime in and just say that SkyPalace is one of the coolest pieces of content in Mabi imo. It is a really amazing technical marvel from my point of view. I love the roguelite feel of it, the story behind it, and the sheer effort that went into it.

The only gripe I have with it at all is loot tables for the higher tier boxes. If just some of the junk was taken out of them and the roll was weighted for some better stuff then it would feel like a better reward.
That being said; I still commonly run skypalace just for the fun of it when I have nothing else to do in mabi. So yeah better rewards would feel better, but the experience of it is awesome.
Posted at 04-04-22, 04:17 am Link | #14

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Years late but i recently been doing a lot of Sky Palace, i think it's a very cool addition to the game. A suggestion i have would be to have a floor 51 that's just a stone chicken to new game plus back to floor 1 with a fully built character.
Posted at 04-08-22, 05:41 am Link | #15

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Years late but i recently been doing a lot of Sky Palace, i think it's a very cool addition to the game. A suggestion i have would be to have a floor 51 that's just a stone chicken to new game plus back to floor 1 with a fully built character.
Still fun to this day~

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