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Wanted: Wildfire Cylinder Reward: 10,000,000
Posted at 05-28-19, 04:47 am Link | #1

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Joined: 02-08-17
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If you've ever run Caverns before, you've been where you need to go. The Wildfire cylinder drops from the 3 star Alchemical monstrosity boss in the very last spawn room before the last boss, Eye of Viridius. The last room is split into 3 spawn groups, farthest from the door spawns a giant squid dropping water-themed enchants. The middle boss is a tanky cobweb mummy whose drops are mostly a mystery (but is worth 158k exp unboosted). Closest to the door is the spawngroup that summons the 3 star Alchemical boss you'll be hunting. The group is: 1 Blinker, 4 Nightmare Humanoids, 2 Viridius Cultists and a bonefish. Sometimes these enemies will spawn towards the middle, so it's recommended to pick off a few of the copies if you have a large, strong enough party. Especially since you may as well farm up the drops and exp from other mobs as well. Sometimes enemies will also spawn out of bounds. You can still reach them however using shadow spirit targeted on yourself. You probably won't have to do so, as it seems like the enemies respawn as long as there's only 2 left.

Now, to explain the 10mil pricetag. There's 1 of these cylinders in the entire server. A lot of people don't even know where to get them *still* despite trying to spread the info after I found one. Two, the enemies here are very hard. Bonefish are immune to melee, blinkers are a universal pain for small groups, humanoids sometimes swap colors without swapping resistances, cultists can change what damage their immune to without changing their physical appearance. And three, getting a black herb, running through, getting a caves pass and then getting to this end room is easily a 2+ hour process which many don't have time for. Though something to consider, you don't have to kill the bosses to spawn 3 star enemies; it's entirely possible to make a run where you just beeline for the end room and start farming. Once you're into the caves proper it only takes 5 keys to get to the end room, two of which can be obtained as guaranteed drops from the Sasquatch and Thunderbird.

Caves is high end content that can be fun with an organized group. I want to encourage people to run it together, as you may get frustrated on your own. There's also no guarantee you'll get it in your first run, or second, or third. This enemy seems to drop around 6 different items, likely all on the same % chance. They are mostly alchemy crystals, but you can also get the water version of the tower cylinder, the Seven Seas Cylinder. Sadly no interest in that personally but you still can turn a profit I'm sure. Something else to keep in mind; experience isn't all too bad in the final room, and large stacks of gold can be expected from a lot of the enemies.

If most of this has gone over your head, I'd recommend checking out these links to get familiar with the custom generation content (A1, seasons 1 and 2) in Mabipro.
Uzuu made a guide here to a1s1:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_1Ut5RXKvUnhkzhItLbYOaY_hjLp9OgoYGLH0Qxy_Gk/edit#heading=h.q6useswv11a7
Izhi made a guide to A1S2 here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G-7x7qz6vSTp6Yfeiyw9j6drvYzO-iAXwz60JCCVFFk/edit

10million is a lot of gold, I know. Even a group of 5 could split it and still come off well paid. I hope to see many people working hard to get one. And one final comment: The cylinder should be in the (Original) state. That means no repairs, enchants, upgrades, or color dyeing. Good luck out there hunters.
Don't get into the Totemizer.
Posted at 05-28-19, 03:18 pm Link | #2

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Joined: 12-26-17
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Posted at 04-06-20, 11:43 pm Link | #3

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Joined: 01-01-19
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Last view: 615 days

I have the item, message me in game IGN = Bigrig. Else, contact me on discord at InnocentBystander#4038.


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