A bit of Vanity!
Posted at 03-24-17, 03:58 am Link | #1

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Tittle is a bit meh, but you guys will get the gits of it in a sec.

Ever got annoyed you couldn't use Glasses for example with a Hat? or the fact that earings(accessories) don't display on your character?
I did, and always wondered why Nexon implemented Items like Glasses and whatnot as headgear without giving us options to wear a hat with it, after a bit of thinking and a few stupid remarks on Discord Ato went like "Suggest it on the forums!" and got me thinking "why the fuck not?"
The Mabi pro Dev team proved me up until now that they can/are smarter then the official dev team of the game, so my suggestion is simple, Certain items like Glasses could keep their appearances, and changed to be the item type to accessories, giving us more Vanity options and increasing the accessory list a bit, this could be extended to the Horns the Incubus drop for example? idk just an idea.

For the Earings, Official currently got Earings that again, can be used on the Headslot, the models could be imported like it was done with the loved Soluna Blade(LoL, good one there) and have the same treatment?

Again this is just an idea, the current price for repairing of accessories could be tweaked too, and the Durability of the other items that wouldn't display increased a bit? I know accessories are supposed to be a gold sink due to how they were handed back on G1 to G14 but was something that always annoyed me a lot.

Again, just an idea, discuss it away guys!
Posted at 03-24-17, 04:02 am Link | #2

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I think they were considering using accessory slot for Wings if they put them into the game, rather than robes. It'd be possible, but the thing is making it mesh correctly since the game only really recognizes one headgear at a time on the character.
Posted at 03-24-17, 05:05 am Link | #3

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I think they were considering using accessory slot for Wings if they put them into the game, rather than robes. It'd be possible, but the thing is making it mesh correctly since the game only really recognizes one headgear at a time on the character.

But would be cool no?
Posted at 03-24-17, 05:41 am Link | #4
Alder The LoreKeeper

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@Glacii that isn't how the game renders it, there would be clipping but things can render on the head at the same time because they're all their own models they for the most part don't override the head model, this suggestion is entirely possible and involves altering keywords in the system more than anything.

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