Solea Herb Map
Posted at 09-15-20, 03:36 am Link | #1
Still a casual gamer

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Joined: 02-23-17
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I think original credit for these go to Live's Tiara pack. There's more mapped than just herbs but as the Saturos rooms lacked any herb markings, some of the herbs marks were offset uncomfortably, and a few spots were missing; "Herb Map" is a an apt description for this.

While I did put in effort on this, the majority of the work isn't even mine. As such, while acknowledgement would be nice, not going to demand credit on these. Feel free to redistribute for any reason short of UOTiara owner or site admin demanding you stop.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 02-07-21, 12:35 am Link | #2

Posts: 9
Joined: 10-14-17
Last post: 363 days
Last view: 66 days
I have made a map for these tunnels.

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