How long have you been playing Mabi?
Since it started
59 (37.82%)
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78 (50%)
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Posted at 02-21-17, 05:43 am Link | #21

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Since the week G1 was released in NA, on Ruairi.
Same name.
Posted at 02-21-17, 06:50 am Link | #22

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Open Beta, Tarlach.

Had stayed up till 1-2 am on a schoolnight playing Maple/Kartrider before the servers went down for patching, tried Mabinogi on a whim. Played it until the servers went down and the characters were wiped. Sat there in my chair for a good hour just staring at my screen, feeling like I'd just found a missing part of me.

Then my parents started waking up, had to act like I just got up early and I was starting to get ready for school. XD
Posted at 02-21-17, 07:58 am Link | #23

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Started playing on EU just after the G12 update (which, as I understand, included G7-G12 and pissed off some of the foreign servers that we got a huge update). Was there for about 9-12 months before it shut down, that was almost 5 years ago now. Then played Mabi NA for a while until it became all too clear that they were just going to stick everything we used to have to work hard for into Gachapons; quit for about 2-3 years.

This server is really hitting my nostalgia hard, loving the experience so far.
Posted at 02-22-17, 01:48 pm Link | #24

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Played open beta and enjoyed it. Forgot what server I rolled on afterwards, but paid rebirths/story content was absolute cancer so I quit within a month. Forgot my nexon account, so made a new one when G7 just came out, rolled on Alexina. After that, I played all the way to G16. Was one of the first week RAs on the server, and kept it all the way until I quit. Just got bored with it, with nobody to play with, and the combat being too different from how it used to be.(read: casual garbage) Then my friends dragged me back into it when Saga first came out, then promptly pissed off and left me. Thankfully, I found a guild(that I also wound up running for a long while) that I still keep in contact with to this day. If not for them, I'd have given up on that run within a week. Instead, I kept going all the way until G20.
Posted at 02-24-17, 06:30 am Link | #25

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I started in G3 in Tarlach, but ended up taking a long break shortly after starting until G9, and I continued to be active up until the current day.
Posted at 02-24-17, 09:55 pm Link | #26

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Since it started
Posted at 02-24-17, 11:25 pm Link | #27

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Well, i started playing back around 7 1/2 years ago but i quit a few times but let's forget that
Posted at 02-27-17, 09:21 am Link | #28

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since G1
Posted at 02-27-17, 10:12 am Link | #29
Miku GM

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For about 7 or more years. Probably about around october of 2008? I remember it very well.
[Posted by eichinihiro on 02-28-17, 02:04 am, deleted by eichinihiro]
  • #366
Posted at 02-28-17, 06:00 am Link | #31

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Open Beta, Tarlach.

Had stayed up till 1-2 am on a schoolnight playing Maple/Kartrider before the servers went down for patching, tried Mabinogi on a whim. Played it until the servers went down and the characters were wiped. Sat there in my chair for a good hour just staring at my screen, feeling like I'd just found a missing part of me.

Then my parents started waking up, had to act like I just got up early and I was starting to get ready for school. XD
Dude, it's Darkending, whats your IGN on
Posted at 03-05-17, 06:49 pm Link | #32

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I don't recall the exact time of when I started playing but I remember playing when you couldn't dual wield weapons, when giants and elves weren't even a thing, and when the seal to the entrance to Bangor was closed off because no one could break the seal. Good times lol
Posted at 03-07-17, 04:18 pm Link | #33

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My first time playing is on this server just a week ago or so.
Posted at 03-08-17, 09:07 am Link | #34

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When the steinbergs stopped blocking my region
Posted at 03-08-17, 08:48 pm Link | #35

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Posted at 03-16-17, 11:48 am Link | #36

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Since around NA open beta testing.
Posted at 03-16-17, 10:09 pm Link | #37

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My first time playing is on this server just a week ago or so.

What made you decide to play here rather than official?
Posted at 03-24-17, 07:01 pm Link | #38

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I Started Playing mabinogi during beta of eu server, reached lvl 1000 on that last day before it went down...
also played mabireborn private server, too bad it went down...
currentl inactive on Us mari server as ign Artheus.

I hope server rates will be high on this server, unfortunately i just don't have the time to grind all day anymore... #life just wont allow it :-(
Posted at 03-24-17, 09:45 pm Link | #39

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I started some patch before Iria came out. The human I played at the time had a poor, generic name that I also happened to rebirth to age 10 so I practically quit it. I made a giant as soon as iria came out named Bouldergeist and did it right. Only some long while later did I actually make my human alt named DJSulfrus. Both on Tarlach server
Posted at 03-25-17, 10:51 am Link | #40

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Started in the second day of Europe's Closed Beta, to the last day it lived. Moved to NA a year after

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