Character Movement Speed Needs Something:
Run & sprint skill/action (YES!)
6 (26.09%)
Run & sprint skill/action (please... no)
17 (73.91%)
I don't care
 0 (0%)
Multiple voting is not allowed. 23 users have voted so far.
post rev. 1 by LazyFae on 03-28-17, 06:51 pm
Posted at 03-28-17, 06:51 pm Link | #21
Still a casual gamer

Posts: 306
Joined: 02-23-17
Last post: 926 days
Last view: 921 days
I honestly would like a speed up. I don't care if it's base speed, a title, or a skill. It may have an impact on the server atm, should it be implemented, but long term it will still be a joke unless the boost is comparable to a mount without any real drawbacks. People will still use mounts just cuz they'd either be faster, so you still have other title buffs, or so you won't lose stam/mp. Let me go faster in dungeons without having to summon a pet literally after killing 10 enemies? Yes please. Go through orb rooms hitting the orbs faster, while still having full access to my skills? I'm all for that.

I mean, some of the arguments i see, they strike me as a farfetch'd excuse to say no. Inflation? What are you looking at that's going to be inflated? Red coins? Look at the metal skeleton fomor scrolls then. They were the original reward a month ago, now they've been nerfed quite heavily. Why? For balance. Not because it kept to the original mabi's setup, but for honest balance. Same will hold true of anything implemented on this server i hope. We will see it or related areas of the game, tweaked and adjusted for the sake of balance.

People will still have reason to use pets. Short-term, this will likely offer a benefit to fresh players, who still haven't had time to farm coins. Long term, since the coins are tradeable and easily farmable, something is very likely to change in the future. Whether costs, drop rates, or even allowing the coins to be traded. I expect something to happen to prevent a flood of coins as people get their pets and items they want, then realize they have no need for coins and start trading them freely for gold or other items.

So long term, i don't see a rush ability having any major effect because player growth, changes and balances will all keep it in line or make it less desirable than some of the nay sayers seem to think.

Also, that white voting bar... that was just bad. Have to highlight to see the text.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
[Posted by Eriul the Wanderer on 03-28-17, 08:02 pm, deleted by Eriul the Wanderer]
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