Pro Server Tools
Posted at 03-31-17, 08:27 pm Link | #1
Still a casual gamer

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There are a variety of tools that have popped up over time, for mabi live. Some of them, i'm thinking would be nice to see on this server, so figured i'd ask and see if there was anyone with an interest in remaking them for mabi pro. Two of the most notable i'd like, just me personally, would be
1) Mabimessage
2) Local Hotkey Server

Clicking the threads should give you adequate info on them. There may be other useful tools, but those two are some i'd really like to see, mabimessage especially with the tiny font on high resolutions.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-31-17, 10:21 pm Link | #2
Drahan GM

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There are a variety of tools that have popped up over time, for mabi live. Some of them, i'm thinking would be nice to see on this server, so figured i'd ask and see if there was anyone with an interest in remaking them for mabi pro. Two of the most notable i'd like, just me personally, would be
1) Mabimessage
2) Local Hotkey Server

Clicking the threads should give you adequate info on them. There may be other useful tools, but those two are some i'd really like to see, mabimessage especially with the tiny font on high resolutions.

Our hotkey server is fine though...
Posted at 03-31-17, 10:23 pm Link | #3
Still a casual gamer

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I've had my hotkeys reset, and ui, at least twice since i started. Your hotkey server may be fine, but if so something on my end acts up now and then, and resets everything.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
post rev. 2 by Drahan on 03-31-17, 10:55 pm
Posted at 03-31-17, 10:27 pm Link | #4
Drahan GM

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I've had my hotkeys reset, and ui, at least twice since i started. Your hotkey server may be fine, but if so something on my end acts up now and then, and resets everything.
Our web server is wildly unstable, which is probably why. That system that you posted should work fine here, you just have to set it up differently though.
In particular, the method of setting it up is totally wrong on their part, here's what you should actually do:

Unpack one of our .pack files (mabipro-1.0.pack), open up urls.xml in /data/db, then copy that to the data folder equivalent in the MabiPro installation directory.
Next, edit urls.xml and find the section for Japan, and then modify the UiUpload sections to point to and whatever URL that hot key server emulator is expecting (which is probably the same for what NA uses).
Posted at 03-31-17, 10:36 pm Link | #5

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MabiMessage sounds neat, is it locked to the live servers? Or can you change a config file or something to have it point to
Posted at 03-31-17, 10:50 pm Link | #6
Drahan GM

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MabiMessage sounds neat, is it locked to the live servers? Or can you change a config file or something to have it point to

It uses WinPCap to sniff the data on the wire, it should work on MabiPro theoretically. May need some modifications to change the IP it sniffs from though.
Posted at 03-31-17, 11:49 pm Link | #7

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Ill try it out
Posted at 04-01-17, 02:37 am Link | #8
Drahan GM

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Ill try it out
Seems MabiMessage's developers have abandoned it, the app requires a connection to their server which no longer responds.
It's also not open source, so there's probably no hope.

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