Assist us in Translation and get rewarded. (rev. 3 by Flipend0 on 05-08-17, 01:35 am)
Posted at 03-23-17, 07:39 pm Link | #1
Flipend0 GM

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Hello Milletians, Game Admin Flipend0 is here.

Firstly. I would like to thank all of you for sticking around. We're very glad that everyone has been enjoying the game, it really means a lot to us!

One of the biggest problems in game right now is the enormous amount of translations we still need done. We realize that this causes a headache for our playerbase and we want to fix it. However, the translation files for this game are massive and as a result requires a lot of time and effort. Most of the people on our team are developers not linguists, and we only have one person translating for us at this moment. thank you courtneyy

Now that we have a steady community, we'd like to ask our players to find out if anyone could assist us in translating. Translation requires a lot of work, so we have a plan to reward people who help out with Red Fomor Coins or possibly other items.

At this moment we are still developing a system for our upcoming translators, if you are interested in doing some volunteer Translation work please send a ticket to us and let us know about your skills. We're mainly looking for those who are fluent in Japanese or Chinese, and could translate to English.

This system has been completed.
If you want to participate please send us a ticket with information about yourself and we'll give you a test!

Thank you,
MabiPro Staff
Posted at 03-24-17, 02:11 pm Link | #2
Still a casual gamer

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With enough knowledge and google translate, you can actually translate without any knowledge of either language. I worked on that for a bit. In fact, i even submitted a bit of translation in the dev chat inquiring about this. I was requested to test it on my own server to make sure it worked first, due to someone else having done similar but his file or translation caused problems. Which, while i understand i won't be doing. Don't have the server set up, and while i wouldn't mind helping i really have no intention to download and set up my own server.

If someone could work something out with me though, i may help again at some point. Atm though, other stuff has my attention besides the game, so i make no promises that i'll be of any assistance any time soon, even if someone's willing to collaborate.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-24-17, 03:12 pm Link | #3
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The dev team is cooking up a way to make the translation process more streamlined so you shouldn't need to setup your own test server instance to contribute once the system has been setup. It'll also help us keep track of the work each individual has put forth so you can be compensated for your time and effort, as well as keeping multiple people from working on the same bits needlessly. The tool itself is still in development, but we are certainly looking forward to working with you. Thank you very much for your interest In the project!
Posted at 03-24-17, 04:09 pm Link | #4
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I do have a semi-related inquiry then. While we will of course, be helping this server, are the translations going to be open for say other server hosts to grab, or are they going to be private? It won't affect me either way, i'm simply curious.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-24-17, 06:21 pm Link | #5

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While I only speak English, I'd be willing to help with proofreading if machine translation is necessary to ensure we don't have any engrish.
Posted at 03-25-17, 03:32 pm Link | #6
Drahan GM

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I do have a semi-related inquiry then. While we will of course, be helping this server, are the translations going to be open for say other server hosts to grab, or are they going to be private? It won't affect me either way, i'm simply curious.
We're not going to host a download link to all of our translations if that's what you mean.
For the most part, they will be private due to plain inaccessibility.
It's not like we're really trying to keep them private considering we distribute them to most translators though, and most of the translations so far are accessible via digging around in a few chats here and there to find when we've shared them back and fourth.
Posted at 03-25-17, 11:18 pm Link | #7
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This post contributes nothing to the topic, for those who are only interested in that. It's just personal opinions and viewpoints.

Yeah, just want to make sure i'm not leaving the wrong impression, i'm not making any demands. I don't even have any real expectations on the matter. Even if all the translations for this server were somehow protected, and only worked in even a remotely acceptable manner on this server alone, i wouldn't change my mind on helping. I mean, yeah i wouldn't think too highly of anyone involved in securing the files in such a way, but i'd still help and wouldn't bother to complain cuz i play on this server, and i'm contributing to this server.

My own perspective, is that i'm helping myself primarily. I'd like to look at iria exploration quests first, solely cuz i've already seen a request for that, and after that and whatever of my own wants crops up, i'd likely keep an eye out for other requested translations to work on during idle times.

As a personal thing, generally if i contribute it's something i like to share with any who may desire it though. So any translations i contribute, while i'm doing it primarily for this server, i would like to give access to those outside this server. As time goes on, we get updates and changes though, so i doubt every translation that's going to happen, will be applicable across all servers, and i get that. I wouldn't waste a lot of time helping in those scenarios, but should anyone want to reference any previously done work/efforts, i personally would have no problems allowing that. Any personal gains, well that's a secondary benefit. I may end up interested in getting something out of it, but i'm not helping solely for the rewards.

Anyways, looking forward to seeing how things turn out. Regardless of what happens, when i have free time i'll probably try to contribute. Assuming the system that gets set up for this is something that's not horribly inconvenient to me.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 04-04-17, 04:56 pm Link | #8

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Why couldn't you just take the NPC text from the Aura project? Are there any major differences between the NA NPC dialogue and the JP NPC dialogue? It's completely open source and all of the NPC text is easy to find.
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 04-04-17, 05:28 pm
Posted at 04-04-17, 05:27 pm Link | #9
Drahan GM

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Why couldn't you just take the NPC text from the Aura project? Are there any major differences between the NA NPC dialogue and the JP NPC dialogue? It's completely open source and all of the NPC text is easy to find.
Except that Aura is nowhere near complete...
Posted at 04-04-17, 05:47 pm Link | #10
Flipend0 GM

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Why couldn't you just take the NPC text from the Aura project? Are there any major differences between the NA NPC dialogue and the JP NPC dialogue? It's completely open source and all of the NPC text is easy to find.

There are some differences between NA NPC and JP NPC. (Like all translations, you can never capture the original text in a different language). Most censorships from NA has been removed in the JP version, so it kinda sticks to the original. And since some coding in some NPCs are japan-only, those are most likely needed to be translated from scratch too.

And we won't copy aura's work in due respect.
post rev. 1 by Aligatorised on 04-20-17, 11:41 pm
Posted at 04-20-17, 11:40 pm Link | #11

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Hello, I'm new here. I don't understand why the translation process has to involve labor in any kind of way. Like someone already pointed out, you could copy and paste the NPC dialogues from the Aura project. I see no good reason for why not, as it would be more convenient for exactly everyone.

If for some reason you still don't want to do that, you could take screenshots from NPC dialogues in the official version. There are programs that allow you to copy and paste text directly from an image. Even my phone camera has this function.

Why would you want to make it harder for yourself?
Posted at 04-21-17, 03:17 am Link | #12
Drahan GM

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Hello, I'm new here. I don't understand why the translation process has to involve labor in any kind of way. Like someone already pointed out, you could copy and paste the NPC dialogues from the Aura project. I see no good reason for why not, as it would be more convenient for exactly everyone.

If for some reason you still don't want to do that, you could take screenshots from NPC dialogues in the official version. There are programs that allow you to copy and paste text directly from an image. Even my phone camera has this function.

Why would you want to make it harder for yourself?

Do you realize how many dialogues there is in this game?
For one, Aura doesn't have nearly as many (and they are post-genesis dialogues too) completed.
Next, there's literally 50,000+ lines that need translated.
It would take years to do it by ripping them from Nexon's server.
Posted at 04-21-17, 06:52 am Link | #13

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As someone who has logged dialogue for Aura, I have to say that trying to get dialogue from official is very time consuming, especially when you factor in likability related dialogue and quest dialogue.

Then of course for MabiPro you would have to find where that script fits into the npc script file. I'd imagine that just translating the lines from Japanese would actually be much easier than trying to deal with all of that.
Posted at 04-21-17, 08:12 am Link | #14

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Do you realize how many dialogues there is in this game?
For one, Aura doesn't have nearly as many (and they are post-genesis dialogues too) completed.
Next, there's literally 50,000+ lines that need translated.
It would take years to do it by ripping them from Nexon's server.

Yes, I do realise that, but wouldn't it take much longer time to translate it by hand? As it is now, a lot of the dialogues that already are translated are gramatically incorrect or misspelled, and there are a lot of dialogues missing from very early game, basic characters. Dialogues that would very easily be implemented by proposed method.

Then of course for MabiPro you would have to find where that script fits into the npc script file. I'd imagine that just translating the lines from Japanese would actually be much easier than trying to deal with all of that.

But, if you know japanese you know what dialogue to replace it with. In the long run, I think it would take much shorter time than translating it by hand.

I'm only trying to help.
[Posted by donglord on 04-22-17, 01:47 am, deleted by donglord]
  • #2270
Posted at 04-22-17, 01:49 am Link | #16
Drahan GM

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Do you realize how many dialogues there is in this game?
For one, Aura doesn't have nearly as many (and they are post-genesis dialogues too) completed.
Next, there's literally 50,000+ lines that need translated.
It would take years to do it by ripping them from Nexon's server.

Yes, I do realise that, but wouldn't it take much longer time to translate it by hand? As it is now, a lot of the dialogues that already are translated are gramatically incorrect or misspelled, and there are a lot of dialogues missing from very early game, basic characters. Dialogues that would very easily be implemented by proposed method.

Then of course for MabiPro you would have to find where that script fits into the npc script file. I'd imagine that just translating the lines from Japanese would actually be much easier than trying to deal with all of that.

But, if you know japanese you know what dialogue to replace it with. In the long run, I think it would take much shorter time than translating it by hand.

I'm only trying to help.

A lot of our translations are machine-assisisted, but either way our method is a thousand times faster.
Your "proposed method" would take me 10 minutes just to put 1 line in, but our method you can just copy a line, translate it, and then you're done. No need to use a packet logger to grab the text, figure out where it's located in the game files, then end up doing the same translations we do anyways because we have to make sure locale specific stuff stays in for Japan server, etc, etc.
Posted at 04-22-17, 09:05 am Link | #17

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A lot of our translations are machine-assisisted, but either way our method is a thousand times faster.
Your "proposed method" would take me 10 minutes just to put 1 line in, but our method you can just copy a line, translate it, and then you're done. No need to use a packet logger to grab the text, figure out where it's located in the game files, then end up doing the same translations we do anyways because we have to make sure locale specific stuff stays in for Japan server, etc, etc.

I see, that makes sense. But since you were searching for people who know japanese I assumed everything was translated by hand, which seems to be a whole lot of labor for something that could be more automated. But very well then, good luck and good job with this server!
Posted at 04-22-17, 01:41 pm Link | #18
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Any word on the progress of this system?
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 04-22-17, 02:20 pm Link | #19
Flipend0 GM

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According to my b0ss the Phraser for the files themselves has been completed
I believe all they have to do now is actually create a webpage, which might require a bunch of testings
Posted at 04-22-17, 02:44 pm Link | #20
Still a casual gamer

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Awesome, thanks for the update flipend0
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079

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