Game crashed after entering boss room in dungeon
Posted at 05-04-17, 08:55 am Link | #1

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I was doing a dungeon outside of Filia and once i made it to the boss room my game crashed and now i cant log back into that character, the game just crashes again when i click start on her.
post rev. 1 by Hope on 05-04-17, 10:39 am
Posted at 05-04-17, 10:36 am Link | #2

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Did it "crash" or did it "freeze"/lock up? If the game crashed, then your best bet is submitting a ticket, explaining what happened. If it locked up or froze, give it a few minutes and it'll resume like normal.
Wish you luck!
Posted at 05-04-17, 11:44 am Link | #3

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I have been issues with starting the game as well, what works for me is running the [default.reg] file in the game folder and then restarting my pc. Works every time
Posted at 05-04-17, 12:38 pm Link | #4

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If you're using windows 10, skipping cutscenes can freeze your game for a bit. There's a fix in the FAQ (

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