Hammers of Durability/Production Failure Potions
Posted at 05-15-17, 10:02 pm Link | #1

Posts: 110
Joined: 04-28-17
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I'm rather unfond of having a weapon with durability so low, I can't run a dungeon with it, that I have raised to artisan, as well as upgrades and such. Either a way to prevent failures from being an issue, or a way to raise max durability would be nice. They shouldn't upset the economy too much, I think, if you have them at an appropriate price

Though, I'm not entirely sure how the potions work. Do they disappear after a successful repair? How long does the effect last if a failed repair doesn't happen? Do they last indefinitely until a repair fails...? The NA wiki is rather unclear on this... Probably because they are a one-time event item in live mabi.

Anyways, thoughts? Ideas?
Posted at 05-15-17, 10:46 pm Link | #2

Posts: 89
Joined: 02-16-17
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Hammers of Durability don't currently exist in the server files - they may be possible to import depending on script functions.
I would prefer to see them as rare rewards (like upgrade stones) than buyable personally, but that's just me.

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