Server Advertising..
Posted at 05-25-17, 01:44 pm Link | #1

Posts: 4
Joined: 02-18-17
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I'm not sure if the GM's condone attempting to spreading the word via vanilla mabinogi. But so far I've seen a couple of people advertise on Alexina... Which i'm not sure if y'all can get hit for that...

Just trying to keep the server from being shutdown..

Happy Hunting,

Posted at 05-25-17, 04:04 pm Link | #2
Drahan GM

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Do we condone it? Not really, but there is nothing we can do about it. Realistically it's not our problem.
Posted at 05-26-17, 02:10 am Link | #3

Posts: 4
Joined: 02-18-17
Last post: 2661 days
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Roger that. Just wanted to let y'all know in advance... Just incase nexon starts catching on...?

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