Modding Start/Dungeon Defog (Big Images)
Posted at 02-27-17, 01:21 pm Link | #1
Still a casual gamer

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Tools Required: Mabiunpack by serif

I would recommend searching the files section of mabimods for mabiunpack, i will not provide it.

This guide will essentially be ground up, assuming you have little to no relevant knowledge. This is a basic getting-started guide, not in-depth, if you truly want to learn the ins and outs of modding, there are better resources, such as the aforementioned site's guides.

Open mabiunpack, you'll want to go to your mabipro directory/package folder. The current version of the game, should look something like that. To start off with, you'll want to open your X_full.pack. The number in front of full may vary depending on when you downloaded your game.

First thing i'll cover, is dungeon defog, how to make and update it. I may use a lot of words, but the action of doing it in itself, is really simple so please try to stick around.
We currently have 2 dungeon types that are used, uladh dungeons and iria dungeons. Uladh dungeons use data/db/dungeondb2.xml and iria is data/db/dungeon_ruin.xml.

Now, you will extract these to your mabipro directory. If the following does not exist, you will create it, %MabiPro%/data/db. Extract the two dungeon files to this directory, but do not bother opening them quite yet.

As the game has updates, you may find certain mods either unworking, or causing the game to break. Each update, will bring a new pack file, see the first image. Right now, we go up to X_to_200.pack. IF we have any files from our mods we made, in the newer pack file, that means you can expect it to mess up something in your game. Since we pulled our dungeon files, form the full.pack, we need to now make sure there's not a newer version of these files, in our 200.pack, so let's go ahead and open it again. If you need a refresher on the directory, just review the steps leading up to the second image. Here's a quick screenshot of my 198_to_200.pack. You may have a different number the start, say 199_to_200.pack instead of 198, don't fret as the steps will be the same. Just open it up, and look for the files.

As you can see, dungeondb2.xml is in my 200 pack, but not dungeon_ruin.xml. So, i only need to extract one file, and it will replace the dungeondb2.xml that i previously extracted, i only need one of each file unless i'm making back ups. You can look at mabiunpack to see the directory to place it again, data/db/dungeondb2.xml. Mabiunpack will show you the directory and naming of each file you want to mod, so always double-check it, and the spelling of any folders and files you make.

Next step is the last step, open the directory with your two dungeon files, data/db. You will want to open them in some kind of text editor, i personally prefer notepad++. (link to the image, so you can see the right side of it)
Dungeon defog is simple, once you open the relevant file(s), just search for fog. You'll see some entries in your file, that say fog="1", you simply change it to fog="0". Quotations marks and semtax are essential, screw them up and you'll break your dungeons, possibly crash your game. My image does have proper semtax, you can use notepad++ and replace all as i show, and it should be done rather quickly. Notepad, not notepad++, can do the same i believe, but operates a fair bit slower. Once you have successfully replaced all fog="1" to fog="0", save your file, and you can start your game. You do not need a program or patcher to read the data folder, you do not need to convert your data folder into a pack file, you only need to start your game. The wonderful staff have cut out the middleman, to avoid an annoying step.

Now you know how to create dungeon defog. Just make sure if the game updates, you look for those two dungeon files in the new pack files. If they exist, you just extract them to the same directory, and repeat the last step where you open the file, replace all fogs with 0, and save it. That should literally be all you have to do every update, to keep your dungeon defog working, and when you get in the practice of it, it shouldn't take 2-3 minutes.

You are free to ask questions, especially if i seem unclear on something. I can't guarantee i'll have a proper response, but i won't get mad at questions, so long as you're not asking for something ridiculous like being able to teleport or infinite final hit, you should expect to get banned for trying to do that stuff as it would have a negative impact on the game and community.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 02-27-17, 01:31 pm Link | #2
Still a casual gamer

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Quick for the staff here, if the guide is possibly an issue, or under scrutiny, i made a backup locally of this. Have no qualms about removing it, even if temporarily while under review, and letting me know later if it's safe to post again or something.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 02-27-17, 02:54 pm Link | #3
Drahan GM

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Thanks for the guide. I'm sure some players will certainly find this useful, especially for lower end computers.

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