Spotlight of the week: An interview with Guild
When people think about guilds in Mabinogi, they might imagine large organizations and close communities bustling with activity, filled with comradery and bravery, and always seeking adventure and excitement at every moment’s notice. Some Milletians might think of guilds as being easy going and casual in nature like those often seen around Erinn such as Yggdrasil, Marchen, and Guardia. Others however, are also aware of talented guilds that constantly strive to stand above the rest through hard work, determination, effort, and teamwork on a daily basis as a whole in order to become among the best in Erinn. But even among these dedicated guilds in Mabi Pro is a particularly famous guild that stands above them and has left its mark nearly everywhere on Mabi Pro since its establishment while also boasting a long string of remarkable accomplishments, “Guild”.
With some of the largest amount of players in its population, Guild's members are well known for being some of the most strongest and skilled individuals in the server whose combined achievements include destroying the Seal Stones around most of Erinn's towns and dungeons before anyone else, having some of the first Royal Alchemists on the server, building Abb Neagh Residential Town's first Guild Castle (and perhaps first castle in the server), winning the weekly Fashion Contest numerous times in a row, having some of the highest ranked life skills in Mabi Pro including the hard to rank Weaving and Blacksmithing skills, and finally being some of the most powerful players combatwise known on the server at the time of this writing.
While "Guild"'s reputation as a formidable organization precedes it, it is also infamously known for being aloof and somewhat unfriendly to outsiders while some of its members are at times known to adopt an "elitest" attitude around Mabi Pro's community. Though this is not limited to "Guild" among Mabi Pro's population of guilds, the community's lack of information concerning "Guild" and "Guild"'s own strength and solitary stance have caused a few misunderstandings and a growing rift with some of Mabi Pro's community. To resolve these misunderstandings, our staff from Triona's Corner was able to have an interview with Guild's very own spokesman (self-proclaimed), Waffo, in hopes of allowing Mabi Pro's community to better understand "Guild", what they're all about and what they wish to accomplish, and to establish friendlier relations between "Guild" and Mabi Pro's community.
An Interview With Guild
Woofle: Hello readers! Today, Guild's very own spokesman, Waffo, has generously agreed lend us his time to be interviewed by Triona's Corner and answer some questions that both Mabi Pro's community and readers have for him! Waffo, thank you for coming today.
Waffo: Np.
Woofle: In this interview we'll be splitting it into three segments,and the first segment is about...."Guild"'s very own Waffo himself!
First Segment: All about Waffo
Q: How long have you been playing Mabi Pro?
A: I've been playing since the server was opened. Day 1. Flip told our [guild’s] discord about it and all of us came in at the same time. Well, most of us did. Some of us straggled in later.
Q: What do you think about Mabi Pro so far?
A: I totally love it! I completely enjoy the time I have had here. It's nearly a perfect recreation of how I used to play back in the day with my older friends. I decided to roll a mage again just like the old days. While tough, and expensive at times, I still love it!
Q: Was there a reason you moved from Mabi Live to Mabi Pro?
A: There were a few reasons. The biggest one was that there's just too much power creep right now in the live server. There are now so many skills and buffs and event items that give too much stats and bonuses that I can't really keep up with it. There's a lot of items only available in past events and Gachapons in Mabi Live that I’ll never be able obtain even though they could help me out a lot, which makes my character very weak in comparison to others despite my main's level in Mari. I eventually just fell off trying to keep up with the end game, and just did what I was capable of. I still try to complete the new stories and generation missions that come out, which I still adore to this day. However, I’ve decided that I won't try to keep with the endgame players in my level range in Mabi Live; it's just not possible for me anymore. I haven't fully quit Mabi Live though. If new content is released, I will go play it but for now this [Mabi Pro] will hold all of my Mabinogi time.
Q: Please tell us some of your hobbies here!
A: A few new things I've been doing here is taking up the support role, which I typically like to do in most games I play. This time, I've made a healing wand ego and decided to master Party Healing right away. I also really like the idea Potion Making, so I have been doing that as well. Oh haha, one other thing! I actually started off as a chef at first. On Day 2 during my time in Mabi Pro, I started learning how to cook which I’ve never done before in Mabinogi. I really like it, it’s fun. But, I don't do that as much anymore today. I should get back into it in the near future.
Q: Most memorable experience in Mabi Pro so far?
A:Hmmm, oh yes haha! A few people in "Guild" decided it would be fun to test the server's strength at the time and wanted to try a Peaca raid. I think this was week 2 of the server being up. We got about 15 people I think, and we lost about 7 people.... but the rest of us powered on through to the boss and oh man, that was a grueling fight! We had him sit in the corner while some of us farmed the ghosts for the fluids and a couple of others would lure the main lich away from everyone else. It took us a good 15 minutes, but we finally got enough swords to rush him down and finish the evil mage. It was quite an intense fight. It reminded all of us about how mortal we still are in this state in the game, and not as strong as we were in live despite our previous skills and expertise in Mabi live.
Q: Do you have a particular combat style that you usually prefer?
A: Magic 100%, my own source of damage is fusion bolt. I love to use ice lightning the most! I consider myself to be a lightning mage mainly, so my thunder and lightning bolt are quite strong. My other bolts....not so much. So I typically stay back a bit, charge up what I can, and just plow through what I can. If I'm with someone else, like a warrior, I just let them do their thing: run, smash, or WM, while I just pick off what's around them.
Guild running alby basic HM
(Photo Credit: Waffo)
Q: Who or what has been your greatest opponent so far in Mabi Pro? Any reason why?
A: I would say another Milletian. That name I'll withhold, because I don't think he even considers me a threat to him yet haha. However, I'm constantly trying to keep pace with him, despite our class difference. However, we work VERY well together in fights, so I'm often paired up with him.
Q: Any major goals to strive for lately?
A: I want to be one of the most powerful mages that has ever graced the great land of Erinn. However, I also want to help teach and protect its citizens; I want to be someone people aren't afraid to ask for help or ask a favor from. I want to try to be a guardian to the people who live and play, so I'm constantly training to do so.
Woofle: And that concludes our first segment! Now, our next segment is about....Tada! Waffo's own guild, "Guild"!
Second Segment: All about "Guild"!
Q: Waffo, I see that you're in one of the most renowned guilds in the server, "Guild"! Care to tell our readers a little about it?
A: Sure, no problem. Guild started out quite small and a bit fragile....Guild actually is composed of a few stragglers from our real guild that we were supposed to make, "Yotsuba". However, we had a few internal inssues... a few fights, some separation. Not everyone wanted to be together, and some of us wanted to do our own thing and break away from the /v/ based guild. But the main man there didn't like it, so we had a bit of a civil war of sorts. Eventually, "Guild" came out on top, and its members brought over a few stragglers from Yotsuba. We eventually started to grow and.... we wanted to keep a strong standard of quality within our ranks. That's us in a nutshell. We aim for quality, not quantity.
Q: How long has "Guild" been established for?
A: Hmm, it's all flown by so fast that I think it's been... about a month or so? Possibly around 5 weeks by now. Ahh, I found it. February 12th is when we were created. Wow, it's been quite a while already.
Q: Why the guild name, "Guild"?
A: I didn't get a say in the name....but from what I was told, this name was used in live for a little while, and then they wanted to bring it over. Sadly, I don't know too much of the backstory of the name.
Q: How would you describe Guild?
A: Dedicated, tough, but rough. Some of us... are a bit hard to approach.
Q: Could you share with us an example of the day to day activities you engage in as a member of "Guild"?
A: No problem. Most of us in the guild are fighters. We love to go out into missions or dungeons and hunt for items. Our backbone of the guild are our life skillers; a good handful of them dedicate lots of their time in life skills, noncombat alchemy, weaving, tailoring, refining, and blacksmithing. Most of our combat mains' hunting is for them and some of it is for our archers or mages. The warriors get experience from it as well, so everyone wins. Currently, our highest leveled members are working on getting a group of level 300s to start running advanced shadow missions. I'm the last person that has to reach that goal haha, then we'll really be raking in the money!
Guild hunting for Thunder 5 and doing g1 black orb gathering for guildies
(Photo Credit : Waffo)
Q: Waffo, what do you think "Guild" is to you?
A: These are all of my friends now. I love spending time with them and doing what I can to make their days easier. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Q: How does it feel like to be in such a great guild such as "Guild"?
A: I love the dedication everyone has to their goals, but it's a little hard to keep up sometimes. Since I'm a mage, once my mana runs out in combat, I'm pretty much useless while the warriors keep chugging along. So sometimes, I feel like I'm holding them back. Which is part of my main drive of wanting to compete with that certain someone. It's a strange place for me actually... On one hand, I'm being pushed to being better than I have ever would have been. It's a lot of work at times haha!
Q: What do you think about your fellow guild members in general?
A: Well, most of them will hate for this but...some of them are quite hard to talk to. They act very negative at times. Some like to discuss subjects that are a bit...distasteful and sometimes also demeaning to others. There are also a lot of elitists in the guild; if you aren't doing this perfectly then X Y Z. Make sure you are doing this so and so way. One last thing is that as a whole, they are very antisocial with other guilds and people. I try to fix that, urge them to be more talkative to "outsiders" or bring them over myself. I cause a lot of friction with them at times. However, they know I mean well so they don't really hate it and they do try to be social. That's our weakest point haha. I gotta’ get these guys to be a happier bunch.
Q: Care to share some thoughts about your mysterious guild leader, Aiz?
A: Our amazing leader was the one that rounded us together and pooled our knowhow and strengths into what we are today. But, he's one of the main contenders of only talking to us and not anyone else. He likes to keep to himself when we aren't working as a guild for something. However in times such as when we decided to build our guild castle, he's on the front lines doing tons of work and research getting what we need done such as organizing and rallying everyone. We actually got out the materials for the castle done in 3 days before the other guilds did. That's actually why the prices for Wooden Boards shot up so high temporarily haha! We bought the majority of them at the time, I think. That was a proud day for us, getting everyone on that castle and getting the materials and people. That was all our leader's work. I'm quite proud of what he has done.
Q: Is "Guild" currently recruiting? Any requirements?
A: We are always looking for members. However, we have a single test. If you are focusing on combat, you must be able to clear an Intermediate level mission on your own. Or if you're a life skiller, have a skill above rank 9. That's it. We want to have active and strong members pulling their weight.
Guild in the banquet after the dragon boat racing event
(Photo Credit: Waffo)
Q: There are some players who feel that Guild is filled with some of the strongest, hardworking, and accomplished individuals in the server. However, there are also others who feel that it's somewhat aloof, hard to approach, and mysterious. What do you think about that?
A: I agree with them. I don't blame those accusations at all. Members of guild can be very hard to talk to sometimes since they usually tend to keep to themselves. I've taken it upon myself to be Guild's community representative as a way to continue improving relations between Guild and the community.
Q: Anything big events that Mabi Pro's community should be expecting from "Guild" in the future?
A: Sadly, I wouldn't get hopes up about that right now. Not until I can get these guildies to break out from their shells and go socialize a little more perhaps. I would personally love to see Guild do events with the server, but that's going to take some time. We'll have to gradually shift our focus from inward to outward.
Q: Anything else you'd like to add about "Guild"?
A: Hmm, while we are a bit hard to walk up and talk to at times...Guild as a whole aren't bad people at all. Don't be shy and come strike a conversation with us. You might be surprised what you find out about us. Or at the very least, come talk to me haha. I can speak on behalf of the guild.
Waffo: Haha, sorry I took up so much time about "Guild".
Woofle: No no, thank you so much for enlightening our readers so much about "Guild"! I'm sure this will help people to better understand and perhaps get along with "Guild" better in the future. Finally, our third segment is.....! "Guild"'s very own Abb Neagh Residential Town!
Third Segment: "Guild" and Abb Neagh Residential Town
Q: As the first guild to successfully build a castle in Abb Neagh Residential Town, tell us more about it such as why "Guild" decided to choose Abb Neagh instead of another location, etc.
A: We chose Abb Neagh because of an internal vote, nothing special. We wanted to be close to Dunbarton and Taillteann as well. Our warriors spend a lot of time in Dunbarton, and our life skillers spend a lot of time in Taillteann so it worked out quite well.
AN castle complete
(Photo Credit: Waffo)
Q: What kind of focus does "Guild" intend to have concerning the residential area? In other words, are you planning on building specific houses only? Etc.
A: The Abb Neagh housing are open for everyone. Our plan is to have the full spectrum of houses in this town. The nicest houses would be close to the castle and town square while the cheaper houses will flow outwards from these locations.
A model of Guild's plans for Abb Neagh Residential Town
(Photo Credit: Waffo)
Q: What do you think about competition from other guilds such as Yggdrasil who also own their own residential areas as well?
A: Competition is healthy and a well welcomed trait that I love to see between guilds, in my point of view. Some of the other guildies think that there are some people who are out to get us, or want to hold us down. However, I try to absolve them of that viewpoint as often as I can. Everyone is just doing their own thing just like us. I welcome the competition! It keeps everyone growing!
Q: Is there anything unique or attractive about Abb Neagh housing and its location that sets it apart from its competitors to be more attractive to potential tenants?
A: I would say since we have a large variety of home styles, it would keep the town interesting to look at. Of course, we must finish it but we're still working hard on completing our plans.
Q: Concerning house taxes and prices, how does Guild plan on handling this subject in comparison to its competitors?
A: Well, we know we are higher than our competitors. But with our plan, it requires a lot of money and we want to make sure in the future that if we don't have the castle, this housing area will be in a very nice and neat order. We want to future proof this town, and make it strong and orderly in the future.
Woofle: And that concludes the third segment! Thank you so much for sharing your time with us today, Waffo. Would you like to give our readers a few last words?
Waffo: Yes, don't be afraid to come up to us! We don't hate anyone, we are just a busy bunch and a little antisocial. Feel free to apply if you think you have what it takes. If you don't support us, you don't have to stand in front of us in battle. We can work alongside with you and prosper in Erinn together.
Guild after buying the AN castle
(Photo Credit: Waffo)
Apocalyptic Soccer?!
On Sunday, 3/26/17, denizens of Erinn began reporting sightings of a mysterious blue and red fenced off area that suddenly appeared above Taillteann's Moongate. Though no significant events occurred right after the initial sighting of this strange structure, the following week had players trying to find out the meaning of its appearance with some individuals believing that it was a foreshadowing of an upcoming Musical Chairs event such as the one previously held in earlier in Mabi Pro's earlier days. By the middle of the week, the purpose of this colorful fenced off area was revealed when a giant soccer ball was added to the side of the structure and revealed its purpose as a soccer field for a possible upcoming event. This proved correct as late in the evening on 4/3/17, an announcement was suddenly broadcasted across the entire server informing Milletians about registration for a new Soccer event being available for a limited time by talking to Shyla and selecting her Special Events button.
Though the announcement was rather sudden, many players were able to successfully register for the event, were teleported inside the soccer field, were divided into Red and Blue teams, and were reported to even be automatically dressed up in Red and Blue robes as a sort of uniform before the event began. Sadly enough however, the entire server crashed following the start of the soccer match and an unexpected server long maintenance followed along with some players reporting the loss of personal items when the server came back on. Missing items were reported to be successfully reimbursed by Mabi Pro's support staff shortly after this occurred. An official statement by GM Drahan later released by them was that " Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been cancelled. It might get rescheduled later, but at least you get to keep your robes.". As an unfortunate side effect of the server crash, the scheduled wedding event for certain players that night were canceled as a result and rescheduled for next Saturday.
A sighting of the initial stages of the Soccer Field's construction on 3/26/17. Note the teeny tiny Flippy.
(Photo Credit: Woofle)
More and more goodies!
With a recent maintenance on 3/31/17, a number of changes were made to Mabi Pro in accordance with the desired changes voiced by players on the latest Content Poll along with some scheduled fixes. These include the introduction of the 30 day bag duration extension key (two of them) now being sold by Shyla for roughly 25k gold, same sex marriage in Emain Macha now being available, and the addition of Rank F First Aid now being available to newly created characters. In addition, a new Hot Time event was implemented for the first time in Mabi Pro and began on 3/31/17 through 4/2/17 where players were able to receive a free tradable dye for being logged in during a certain time. As a small note, the function of Camp Kits obtained from Advanced Play were restored and usable by players again.
A Note from the Editor: Finally, Edition # 7 is out! This time, I had the honor of being able to interview Waffo from "Guild" which was a pretty interesting experience and something I tried my best to write about. Honestly, my impression of "Guild" improved a lot more after talking to Waffo about his guild, and I hope that Waffo's efforts to reach out to Mabi Pro's community and establish friendlier relations with between the community and "Guild" will bear fruit. The interview itself along with the writing was a bit more than I thought it would be, so it took me a little longer than usual to release the newest issue this time. Concerning the soccer event, I wasn't able to enter the event since I missed the registration at the last minute.

However, I did hear everyone had fun blowing up bombs close to each other while inside. There wasn't much other content related to combat or exploring this time as usual (much to my regret) since I've been busy refining as well. Please forgive me. OTL
To my readers, thank you once again for supporting my amateurish efforts to write, and also for supporting Triona's Corner. I'd also like to congratulate Mustock for reaching rank 1 Weaving, Yume for finally obtaining Arrow Revolver, and a Happy Birthday (Yesterday) to Valinore! Please look forward to the next issue!
(Photo Credit: Abazure)
(Photo Credit: Rice)
(Photo Credit: Ryu)
Soccer Event 4/3/17
(Photo Credit: Sage)
Seconds before server death - Waffo
(Photo Credit: n3yut4b)
Max # of Players in server at the time of this writing : 131
In the Next Issue:
GM Drahan Officially Declares New Holiday in April: "Fight Sobriety Day"! O: