update mana regeneration from meditation
Posted at 06-15-17, 06:43 pm Link | #1

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Would be very nice to be able to have the updated meditation to have a more meaningfull meditation for magic user
The % difference is pretty huge from the version we have and this one.

I know mabi devs / lore dont make magic very friendly.. but well... I still persist to think that something should be done on that point.
Posted at 06-15-17, 09:11 pm Link | #2
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add inspiration, maybe tweak it a bit... that would dramatically help magic just by itself.

But yeah, meditate update, i've seen requested and discussed a few times. Certainly would be nice.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 06-16-17, 06:35 am Link | #3

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Simply making the meditation % rate higher would be enough, even if it wasn't as strong as Live. Just higher in general by 100-200% would be much better. As it stands, night time is the ONLY TIME it works at early ranks and even then by a a small amount. That makes sense lore wise but isn't fun in a game-play aspect. MP pots should still be useful, but not a 110% necessity for magic as they are now. Even if you cap meditation now, you're dead in the water without MP pots and that makes the skill seem very useless.

Either that or adding a passive to mediation to decrease mana evap by 5% every other rank.
Posted at 06-26-17, 10:19 am Link | #4

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that wouldnt kill anything to have meditation regen% like the official mabi tho.

I mean, i've played a bit with a magic user only, and every 1-2 run ( and only doing a TMs ), its a 5-10min pause to regen mana ( with a magic scroll )
Not saying, its pretty slow because cast time

Honestly, sure that match lore yadi yada, yes magic is powerfull, but on a gameplay side, that's just just really annoying.
( not speaking about how you have to grind the herb pig for mp pot, wand repair cost ( insane ) .. etc )
Posted at 06-28-17, 12:38 am Link | #5

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There's lots of magic related stuff from live that I wouldn't hate to have on this server. It's really just not fun to use here.
Posted at 06-28-17, 08:06 am Link | #6

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I agree. Clearing dungeons is already really slow if you play MP conservative, and even then MP pots are kind of required. Not sure what the best fix would be, but something needs to change to make magic viable for anything else but niche situations.
Posted at 06-28-17, 10:11 pm Link | #7

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I do like the idea of improving Meditation at least by a little bit, but I also like how mages currently function, and I don't find it to be a problem that MP pots are so essential. It is a hard path to take, but I find it very rewarding.

Here are some tips that I found useful when I was still an upstart mage.

1. Solea caves are a nice place to hunt for mana herbs. Minimal, very easy combat, so you won't have to traverse a dungeon in hopes of finding one or maybe two patches. You'll find other herbs and ore, which can be frustrating when you only want mana herbs, but health potions are never terrible to have, and making stamina potions can help you rank potion making I guess. This method doesn't rely on you having an herb pig either, nor dealing with its limited mana pool.

2. If you don't have your transformation skill, work on getting it. If you raise the rank of the transformation skill that increases your MP, transforming will not only increase your maximum amount but also give you a bunch of MP to work with. This has been very helpful for me when I either lack MP potions or don't feel like using them. Use it wisely and it will greatly cut down on your need for MP potions. If you are a human, Dark Knight is the ideal option for becoming a powerful mage.

3. Work on a combat pet. If you're an upstart mage, using magic is generally going to be your only option for combat. However, some enemies you end up facing may very well not be worth the MP to kill them. Let your pet help you take care of those mooks, so you can save your MP for the harder fights.

4. Once you have your bolts all ranked to r1 (or have ranked to it and then skill reset, either one), your first goal should be getting Thunder. Ideally, rank Thunder up to Rank B or higher. With enough Intelligence and rB Thunder, you have a good shot at rafting effectively. If you can raft and acquire between 28 and 30 stars (and no more than that), you can earn 10 mana herbs each run. The better you get at Thunder, the easier it will be to reach that goal.

Here is a guide I found to be helpful when it came to rafting with Thunder: http://mabination.com/archive/index.php/t-20633.html
Once you can do this reasonably well, making your own MP potions should no longer be a problem.

5. Don't forget your lovely mana tunnels. Hop on over to one if you run low on MP and can spare the time. If you end up needing to wait for a continent warp, you could always go to Shyla for a beeswax wing, which can help you hop continents, though it costs 10,000 gold per wing.

6. If you're going to make your own potions, don't forget to raise production mastery. The stamina isn't particularly helpful, but the increased chance in a successful mana potion is very much worth it. The less mana herbs you waste, the better.

Lastly, though it has been mentioned over and over in the forums, I'll say it again for consistency. If you're just beginning the path of the mage, you really don't need a wand. The repair cost will eat you alive early on, and the benefits you get from it won't be worthwhile. Plus, swapping out of your wand will cause mana evaporation, so for someone who is struggling with MP pots, this can be a huge hassle.

Consider getting a wand when forking over 50-60k is manageable for a full repair. People have their own preference on when they feel they need a wand. Personally, I think it should be considered once you hit rank 1 firebolt (for a CC4 Fire Wand), or when you're working towards an advanced spell.
Posted at 07-05-17, 11:49 am Link | #8

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This is for everyone, anyone without knowledge how Magic works in general and in deept on Mabinogi pre Genesis that starts a Mage(and doesn't rank WM to 1 from the start) is a gimped Mage.

But I do have a few things to say about what was posted.

I do like the idea of improving Meditation at least by a little bit, but I also like how mages currently function, and I don't find it to be a problem that MP pots are so essential. It is a hard path to take, but I find it very rewarding.

Aus already suggested a way to deal with Meditation being "fucked" his post is in the forums https://mabinogi.ir/thread/597-mana-crystallization-to-make-mana-evap-less-suffering <- link here.
But I do agree what Meditation COULD be improved, but this isn't something easy to do, so a "safe measure" to deal with this would, implement Ausar Idea.

Here are some tips that I found useful when I was still an upstart mage.

1. Solea caves are a nice place to hunt for mana herbs. Minimal, very easy combat, so you won't have to traverse a dungeon in hopes of finding one or maybe two patches. You'll find other herbs and ore, which can be frustrating when you only want mana herbs, but health potions are never terrible to have, and making stamina potions can help you rank potion making I guess. This method doesn't rely on you having an herb pig either, nor dealing with its limited mana pool.

No, no they aren't even for a starting Mage with WM at rank 1(remember what I said? no WM rank 1, gimped Mage, if you want to start Magic, go rank WM to rank 1, you will tank me later.) Solea Caves are good after you have skills rank rA/9 for mana herbs(or any other type of herbs) Rabbie spamm for MP 30 for a bit, and then after obtaining a Herb Pig from Shyla, you are game to get more herbs then you would get on Solea.(you can get 2 pigs if you have enough MP 30 pots and once one runs out of time, start with the other, this will could you 140 red fomor coins if Im not mistaken, but those coins you can make it, with a bit of money too in the mix by doing rabbie spam for the MP30 during the WM training.)

2. If you don't have your transformation skill, work on getting it. If you raise the rank of the transformation skill that increases your MP, transforming will not only increase your maximum amount but also give you a bunch of MP to work with. This has been very helpful for me when I either lack MP potions or don't feel like using them. Use it wisely and it will greatly cut down on your need for MP potions. If you are a human, Dark Knight is the ideal option for becoming a powerful mage.

To this one I got nothing to say, is indeed a good tip.

3. Work on a combat pet. If you're an upstart mage, using magic is generally going to be your only option for combat. However, some enemies you end up facing may very well not be worth the MP to kill them. Let your pet help you take care of those mooks, so you can save your MP for the harder fights.

Depends much of the situation, there's certain situations a "combat pet" like you called it, can kill you.
As a Mage, you should always have a side weapon set, be shield+mace or Dagger(dual?), and you should only use your wand on dungeons that deem it worthy of using it.(spare on repair costs) remember that WM can save you a lot of trouble too.

4. Once you have your bolts all ranked to r1 (or have ranked to it and then skill reset, either one), your first goal should be getting Thunder. Ideally, rank Thunder up to Rank B or higher. With enough Intelligence and rB Thunder, you have a good shot at rafting effectively. If you can raft and acquire between 28 and 30 stars (and no more than that), you can earn 10 mana herbs each run. The better you get at Thunder, the easier it will be to reach that goal.

This, is a wrong concept, you should focus on deciding the type of Mage you want to be, mind you, in the end you should rank everything if you want to be a Mage, but the ideal way for me to rank Magic up unti now been "Rank WM to 1 - Rank Bolt(s)(any type of bolt, I do advise Ice Bolt tho or Firebolt) to 1, focus on magic Mastery/Meditation/Mana Shield/Healing(Party Healing if you feel like it) mind you, you shouldn't ignore the other combat skills that CAN save you, Counter Attack/Defense is two of them, combat mastery increases your HP too, so is worth to considering if you don't want to rank a bit on that one too.

5. Don't forget your lovely mana tunnels. Hop on over to one if you run low on MP and can spare the time. If you end up needing to wait for a continent warp, you could always go to Shyla for a beeswax wing, which can help you hop continents, though it costs 10,000 gold per wing.

mhm mhm, Agree, but if you grind enough Rabbie Basic/SM's you wont have enough trouble with money(and XP)

6. If you're going to make your own potions, don't forget to raise production mastery. The stamina isn't particularly helpful, but the increased chance in a successful mana potion is very much worth it. The less mana herbs you waste, the better.

this should be a priority, prod mastery tbh, because you'll need Stamina in order to rank the other combat skills to a decent rank to survive even as a Mage.

Lastly, though it has been mentioned over and over in the forums, I'll say it again for consistency. If you're just beginning the path of the mage, you really don't need a wand. The repair cost will eat you alive early on, and the benefits you get from it won't be worthwhile. Plus, swapping out of your wand will cause mana evaporation, so for someone who is struggling with MP pots, this can be a huge hassle.

There's a reason for that suggestion Ausar posted, not only to help starting Mages but to help everyone in the long run with the Mana Evaporation problems.
And Wands ARE worth at the start(specially if you are going fusion Mage) but you need to know well what you are doing to make the most of it.
Posted at 07-05-17, 02:13 pm Link | #9

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Why not implement (repairable) spell books? I don't like the idea of adding skills like inspiration.
post rev. 1 by Krow on 07-07-17, 05:00 am
Posted at 07-07-17, 05:00 am Link | #10

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Why not implement (repairable) spell books? I don't like the idea of adding skills like inspiration.

You can also keep spell books irrepairable and put in ways to obtain Spell Book Repair Quills, which have a chance to either succeed or fail.

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