Gachapon Suggestion
Posted at 07-07-17, 10:02 pm Link | #1

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Hello Mabinogian friends!

After I've been doing gachapon a few times and getting mostly crap from it, I wanna make a suggestion to add better gachapon to the server, it could be like adding different types of gachapon, like say.. Bronze, Silver and Gold Gachapon, each would cost different prices, Gold Gachapon being the more expensive one but also having less crap and a higher chance to get better items. Or instead of having the bronze, silver and gold gacha, maybe just keep the one we already have and add an extra option like.. right now its 50 red coins for 2 gacha, then how about adding another option that requires more red coins like 500 red coins for a stack of 11 gachapon? price its higher but it would have a higher chance to get better items (maybe even have at least 1 rare item guaranteed if possible)? I dont know what do you all think?

I really enjoy running around gathering those red coins, I've become addicted to it lol also been buying a lot of them cause I wanted to see how often good items come out from the gacha but no luck so far and I'd like to keep doing it but also want the red coins to be well spent, you know? I cant say I know this for sure but it seems to me like people dont spend coins on gacha since I dont see many items on housing and theres always just like 3-4 shops at dunbarton square and the items I see there are mostly mats, or event items, nothing seems to be from gacha, so I really think having more motivations to spend coins on gacha is needed?

Just a suggestion I wanted to make ^^
Posted at 07-07-17, 11:25 pm Link | #2
Drahan GM

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If you guarantee 1 "rare" item. then it's no longer rare.
The items are rare because they are rare to get.
Posted at 07-07-17, 11:31 pm Link | #3

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Thats true, maybe that would be too much but what about the whole idea of having the option to buy a more expensive gachapon for a higher chance to get something good?
Posted at 07-08-17, 12:44 am Link | #4

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Can something like the Monster Summoning Urn be introduced without the exploration exp statues dropping too? The concept of field bosses spawning is fun and I think an item + 1 fixed dye is a good reward but the statues themselves are just OP. Also if this was to be implemented it would of course have to be more expensive than the current 50 coins for 2 gachas.
Posted at 07-09-17, 06:22 pm Link | #5

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Personally I think the exp statues are less OP in this version due to the 25 exploration cap and 2 week rb prevents you from dumping a ton of statues all at once.
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 07-10-17, 10:54 pm
Posted at 07-10-17, 10:53 pm Link | #6

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Yeah, but if we get exploration statues, spamming cor exploration for hours to get your lvl 20-25 explo each 2 weeks is basically dead (yay, doing mindless things for multiple hours is gone), which some people might want to keep since it atleast promotes people to spend more hours doing stuff IG every 2 weeks rather than AFK since they feel like doing more stuff is useless. Also, I'd guess that the people that actually spend a good amount of time to get to 25 as opposed to the people that spend less time to get to just 20 wouldn't like it since those people that spend a lot of time to get to 25 would get less ahead since every1 reaches 25.

Personally I wouldn't mind the statues since exploration is braindead leveling in my opinion. Besides the statues, I would love the summoning of fieldbosses facilitated in some way.

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