Posted at 07-09-17, 12:08 am Link | #41

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game is 6 months old and im the only one above 1k? anyone else see the problem???? and why i feel that we need the pets????? and to those that claims it makes the game "too easy" just dont use them???? or better make it that you get one every 500 lvs or something.. that way all those people who are against it probably wont be getting on anyways soooooo MUHHHH TRGGGGGGGGGR
Posted at 07-09-17, 03:48 am Link | #42

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game is 6 months old and im the only one above 1k? anyone else see the problem???? and why i feel that we need the pets????? and to those that claims it makes the game "too easy" just dont use them???? or better make it that you get one every 500 lvs or something.. that way all those people who are against it probably wont be getting on anyways soooooo MUHHHH TRGGGGGGGGGR
I don't see the problem... people play the way they want with features at their disposal. They can play casually or hardcore (some want to reach lv 100 each rebirth, some go for lv 20).
Are you saying you're not good enough to enjoy game contents without AoE pets ?
I don't think any feature in the game was designed with these AoE pets in mind, so everything can be done without them.
If you need help, just try to find people who want to play seriously and can reach lv 1k as fast as possible (it's an mmo after all, some things are designed for parties). If you can't or don't want to... well an mmo might not be what you're looking for (especially a private server with low population).
Posted at 07-09-17, 06:42 am Link | #43
Still a casual gamer

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game is 6 months old and im the only one above 1k? anyone else see the problem???? and why i feel that we need the pets?????

There's just so much wrong with that.
They may be entirely different creatures, but on the subject of difficulty i'll point out we get one free nao per in game day. Is this really not easy enough for you? If you're 1k+ and you honestly think we need aoe pets to make the game easier, i'm just gonna go ahead and say you need to learn the ai, or properly equip yourself for whatever you're running. Equipment standards aren't high, for in game content, though player standards can be.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 07-09-17, 10:20 am Link | #44

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I'm as equip as I can be, i know the so. But how do u want me to deal with multi aggro when I dont have someone to run with? I pointed out 6 months and only me got to 1k to show you that all the other top players from 2-3months ago quit. Thing you guys seem not to understand is im not running the same content as you guys, do I need AoE pets for adv missions no. Do I need them for hardmode SOLO, yes. So it comes back around to very first post, we lost pretty much ALL our old players that would get to lv100 per rb and that just left a void. And honestly i expect it to be a cycle so #nohope #idontneedaoepetsformyintsmsoyou'renotallowedtoaskforaoepetsforhmmissionthatyou havenootheroptiinbutrosolo #iblameloserforleavingme #firstto1kinunder10rbswins5mil #aoepetsgonnamakemelazyWOOT #tooweaktorunmissionsthatwasmeanttobesoloYATHINK? And redclad you made my point for me while others might be fine to only get to lv20 in a 2week period why should I have to alter my progression when im not holding back how they choose to play, the addition of AoE pets wont be as useful to them as it would be to me as we're running completely different levels. A perfect example of this would be bitw if i were to spam int everything dies in one wm, but in HM even a do crit can't ko... before you guys start saying gitgud I was just using bitw as an example since alot of people runs it. What am I suppose to do when I know the AI and is geared out of my ass AND no one to run with???? I would love a fucking solution that isnt AoE pets. Maybe it's just time to quit playing and let the cycle continue.
Posted at 07-09-17, 12:33 pm Link | #45

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Well, again, it's designed for parties of ppl (maybe friends) who run dungeons/missions together. If you're alone it just means that this server with a low population doesn't fit your expectations, sorry for you.
AoE pets are definitely not a solution if you want them to promote solo players in a mmo.
Simple pets should be enough for most agro control (not with 20 mobs at you of course but that's designed for parties only).
If you can't 1-shot mobs in hard SM, it might be because you're not supposed to.... I can't one shot mobs even in some int SM, yet I can solo the adv ones. You can probably solo some hard SM (for 1-3 players) even if it takes more time, what is wrong with that ?

Anyway as I said earlier, I would prefer no AoE pets but I don't mind if they get implemented with or without tweaks. Not planning to use them anyway and I don't care how ppl play outside of my parties.
post rev. 1 by Selzyr on 07-09-17, 12:42 pm
Posted at 07-09-17, 12:40 pm Link | #46

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I'm as equip as I can be, i know the so. But how do u want me to deal with multi aggro when I dont have someone to run with? I pointed out 6 months and only me got to 1k to show you that all the other top players from 2-3months ago quit. Thing you guys seem not to understand is im not running the same content as you guys, do I need AoE pets for adv missions no. 1-Do I need them for hardmode SOLO, yes. So it comes back around to very first post, we lost pretty much ALL our old players that would get to lv100 per rb and that just left a void. And honestly i expect it to be a cycle so #nohope #idontneedaoepetsformyintsmsoyou'renotallowedtoaskforaoepetsforhmmissionthatyou havenootheroptiinbutrosolo #iblameloserforleavingme #firstto1kinunder10rbswins5mil #aoepetsgonnamakemelazyWOOT #tooweaktorunmissionsthatwasmeanttobesoloYATHINK? 2-And redclad you made my point for me while others might be fine to only get to lv20 in a 2week period why should I have to alter my progression when im not holding back how they choose to play, 3-the addition of AoE pets wont be as useful to them as it would be to me as we're running completely different levels. A perfect example of this would be bitw if i were to spam int everything dies in one wm, but in HM even a do crit can't ko... before you guys start saying gitgud I was just using bitw as an example since alot of people runs it. What am I suppose to do when I know the AI and is geared out of my ass AND no one to run with???? I would love a fucking solution that isnt AoE pets. Maybe it's just time to quit playing and let the cycle continue.

1- No you don't, if you do, regardless of level, you are fucking weak.

2- you shouldn't alter your progression for anyone, but remember, Mabinogi here on this version is f2p, and from the looks of how Drahan/Flip and the other devs are doing things, this server aint going anywhere(I mean, down or something) its here to stay, so rush all you want, you'll burn out eventually like some of the other "veterans" or "high level" players like you call them, did, and quit.

3-My answer to all of this giberish you posted, "git gud."

On a more serious note, to answer a few others and Drawing, there are players, and more new players are joining the server everyday, some stay, some leave, for example, Brotherhood(my guild) grown more big then what I was expecting, people are slowly training and making their way to hard content due to some of us focusing on crafting first so we could obtain proper gear before jumping into that content, and to say the truth, not rushing like I did on EU and somewhat on NA, feels good, taking my time to make choices, enjoy the game with guildies, by all means Drawing you don't have to do this, you want to be a solo player, go at it, but don't expect people to want the same broken gameplay as you, just because the intended content wasn't built around Soloing without broken mechanics.
Posted at 07-09-17, 12:46 pm Link | #47

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Well, again, it is designed for party play I already stated that but is there a party available? No. Will there be one in the near future most likely no again.. solo? Again I've said this before im asking for aoe pets not because I want to steam roll through content, but to actually be able to run without having to wait months until player base catch up. That's if it ever even does most people stop playing by their 1st or 2nd rb, the few that makes it pass 300 usually will quit before 1k with such a huge gap. Gimme a solution pls
Posted at 07-09-17, 01:41 pm Link | #48

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Well, again, it is designed for party play I already stated that but is there a party available? No. Will there be one in the near future most likely no again.. solo? Again I've said this before im asking for aoe pets not because I want to steam roll through content, but to actually be able to run without having to wait months until player base catch up. That's if it ever even does most people stop playing by their 1st or 2nd rb, the few that makes it pass 300 usually will quit before 1k with such a huge gap. Gimme a solution pls

Learn to wait and not to rush?

And what you are asking it is to steam rool, no matter how many "pretty words" you use it, and the community IS there, you just want them to be rushing like you did to get to that point to run the same shit as you, and none of them seem interested to do so, yea, I do think its either time for you to move on to the next mmo "beat" and repeat then being around then.
Posted at 07-09-17, 03:39 pm Link | #49

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Rush?? You are missing the fucking point that people are quitting before 1k. I'm pretty sure cowe is like 900 something where is he??? Gone. Loser was like 700 when he stopped 2 months ago. And a few other players that was around 500-600 that quit. So now you're telling me I have to wait for people to catch? You guys complain that neon made live too easy with daily rb until 1k or whatever they did, it's because of this exact thing that is happening to this private server now. High level player base is quitting and needs to be replaced, since you guys can't even consider why aoe are needed forget about new players getting a little boost to catch up.
Posted at 07-09-17, 03:46 pm Link | #50

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And Id like to even know how im rushing? Playing the game is bad now? Out of the 14 days between rb I run during 6 days only 2 hours of spamming and 4 hours if i have nothing to do that day. Getting to 100 literally takes 6 hours out of the 336 hours you have till next rb. Soooooo?
Posted at 07-09-17, 07:47 pm Link | #51

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I thought all the problem about AoE pets would be already fixed since Drahan already said it is possible to do what I was saying about making the AoE pets restricted to just 1 for each player.

But after reading everything you guys kept posting... to be fair, I'd like to say that solo play is also part of MMO, you'll always find people wanting to solo content in every MMO you go, be it for that feeling of accomplishment or be it cause the person doesnt like or cant do party play for whatever reasons.

I also get what Drawing is saying about needing AoE pets to make up for the lack of hard mode players, obviously if there are no other players that can party with you the difficulty you're running, having AoE pets would be more important for you than the others, having Selzyr coming and respond to that by calling you weak for not being able to solo hard mode things is a rather unfair response, you cant judge that kind of thing because there are other factors that come into play such as lag and the fact that not everyone plays the game the same way. Thats the reason having those pets as an option would be good.

But still, it would be nice for players like Drawing having AoE pets to help soloing hard mode content, but just controlling it so that it doesnt make it too easy, which can be done by having the AoE pet restricted to 1 for each player, not 1 of each, just 1 total. I dont see any problems with that, I guess it would be a way to keep all players happy, except for the players that dont want AoE pets because they dont want AoE pets that is.
post rev. 1 by Meorin on 07-09-17, 09:15 pm
Posted at 07-09-17, 09:07 pm Link | #52

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I honestly feel that bringing AoE pets is going to make people solo stuff even more.
Mabi.Pro has been trying to get people to play together more by bringing party quests and the like and nerfing skeleton scrolls to get people to actually play together.
Sure one might have trouble soloing a particular mode or mission, but in my opinion it's only going to drive people even further from playing together when the Mabi.Pro team has been trying hard to get people to play together.
Because then everyone will just end up soloing using AoE pets, Mabi.Pro has already been seeing a decline in players because people aren't finding other players to play with.

I think the focus should not be on AoE pets to solo, but rather on getting people to be able to play with each other in a party more. Maybe lowering restrictions of shadow mission minimum levels would help this.

PS: Most of the old 'pro' players stopped playing because they got burned out from solo grinding.
post rev. 1 by LazyFae on 07-09-17, 09:29 pm
Posted at 07-09-17, 09:15 pm Link | #53
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I guess it would be a way to keep all players happy, except for the players that dont want AoE pets because they dont want AoE pets that is.

That'd be me i guess. I don't think i can emphasize just how horrible it is to me. It's not just an issue of handling content, it's that you're asking for something to basically abuse the content of the game. You're not asking for ai or anything to be inspected, stats to be adjusted, or any sort of rebalance. You're asking for an abusive gimmick to give players an edge in content that is basically not intended for them to handle as they are doing. You want HM SMs that you can solo? Make it a suggestion, explain what you want and why. But to ask for a feature you can use pretty much anywhere to abuse content not meant for how you're playing, which will then be abused in other areas, is just wrong. Don't screw over the community for such a selfish reason. Make better use of the free crap you're given, and shyla's shops.

I can see what drawing's trying to argue, but ultimately selzyr has the right of it imo. No matter how drawing words it so people take pity on him, he still wants more abusive gimmicks to take advantage of, to solo content he's not meant to solo. While i feel sorry he has no one to play the game with on his level, that's just an unfortunate reality of it, but i refuse to let one 'poor me' convince me to support even more abusive mechanics.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 07-09-17, 09:37 pm Link | #54

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If players only get 1 AoE pet, I dont see it becoming a huge problem like abusing like you say though, but if the majority vote for no AoE pets or AoE effects being removed, thats fine by me, I still disagree with what selzyr said because not everyone plays under the same circumstances, not to mention not everyone who joins the server will be an experienced player, we'll be getting people that are new to Mabinogi and decided to start with this server invited by a friend or X situation and of course these new players that are less experienced may have trouble with situations like Drawing mentioned and we cant just say ''This game isnt for you'' because then RIP servers growth. As much we know population on this server will be low, it'd be nice to increase it if possible to keep things lively as much as possible.
Posted at 07-09-17, 10:15 pm Link | #55
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If players only get 1 AoE pet, I dont see it becoming a huge problem like abusing like you say though, but if the majority vote for no AoE pets or AoE effects being removed, thats fine by me, I still disagree with what selzyr said because not everyone plays under the same circumstances, not to mention not everyone who joins the server will be an experienced player, we'll be getting people that are new to Mabinogi and decided to start with this server invited by a friend or X situation and of course these new players that are less experienced may have trouble with situations like Drawing mentioned and we cant just say ''This game isnt for you'' because then RIP servers growth. As much we know population on this server will be low, it'd be nice to increase it if possible to keep things lively as much as possible.

Then it boils down to what's the point of the server? Growth? Mabi's got a large player base in comparison to pro. It has more content and honestly is more friendly to newer players. Is that what this server is to become? Something where you can just faceroll any content? With naos, emergency bombs, red coin shop, and shyla's shop all on this server, the fact you don't have to pay for anything with rl cash, is honestly far easier than the live server was back during this generation. You also have the fact that you get double xp and ap, meaning faster char growth and your char's ap, ie your skills ranks, are basically going to be double what they would if you were playing live at its time during this generation. I'm seeing a request to help make it easier, and this may promote server growth, but on the flip side you could achieve the exact opposite and run the server straight into the ground.

I'm sure i'm not the only one who joined this server, because of the fact i had more fun on mabi back during these generations, than i can have on mabi now even though i've maxed out most of my skills on live. You were rewarded for effort during these times. I already don't feel much pressure running into a situation where i may die, because aside from trans for an easy heal and stat jump, i have all those naos. If the game gets too much easier, especially in party play, i can honestly say i will quit this server. Not because i don't get my way, just because the server moved too far into ezmode for me to get any enjoyment out of it. If i want quick profit games, or where i can show off how i can solo something that was originally designed for 6 people and to be helluva hard for them still, (MA) then i can go back to live.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
post rev. 1 by lame on 07-09-17, 10:30 pm
Posted at 07-09-17, 10:20 pm Link | #56

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HMMMMMMMMMMM. Lets start with a fun fact, when I first started playing this private server I did not mind that AoE pets were not implemented. But when I first started our community was ALOT bigger and healthier, we had some strong players that had proper gear and skills ranked.

for you selzyr who thinks im solo player because i refuse to run with others, when ive stated many times its the lack of Hardmode players.

1- No you don't, if you do, regardless of level, you are fucking weak.

3-My answer to all of this giberish you posted, "git gud."

you started 3 days after me, and you cant hide behind "life skill first" and im the weak one? im the one who needs to slow down because you want to stand around? fun fact AoE pets wont change anything for you if u decide not to use them, you can ban people from buying them thats in your guild for all i fucking care but dont give me some bullshit excuse that i need to get better. ive never talked shit about about how shit you actually shit, i understood everyone had their own play style. I never blamed current active low level players for the lack of hardmode players, but that there is a endless cycle of people quitting before reaching HM or even reaching a decent level where they can do adv with ease

2- you shouldn't alter your progression for anyone, but remember, Mabinogi here on this version is f2p, and from the looks of how Drahan/Flip and the other devs are doing things, this server aint going anywhere(I mean, down or something) its here to stay, so rush all you want, you'll burn out eventually like some of the other "veterans" or "high level" players like you call them, did, and quit.

I would love to know for the love of fucking G O D how the addition of AoE pets will turn the private server into p2w. How does one even fucking rush my dude when you're able to get x4 exp AND access of a custom SM, that compared to SCC gives shit ton more exp.. Like legit the exp you get from int is what your would be getting from spamming scc adv.. exp from adv is same as scc HM. explain.

Learn to wait and not to rush?

And what you are asking it is to steam rool, no matter how many "pretty words" you use it, and the community IS there, you just want them to be rushing like you did to get to that point to run the same shit as you, and none of them seem interested to do so, yea, I do think its either time for you to move on to the next mmo "beat" and repeat then being around then.

If someone isnt going at your pace they must be rushing amiright?? i havent "beat" this yet cant move on you're stuck with me it seems.

I honestly feel that bringing AoE pets is going to make people solo stuff even more.
Mabi.Pro has been trying to get people to play together more by bringing party quests and the like and nerfing skeleton scrolls to get people to actually play together.
Sure one might have trouble soloing a particular mode or mission, but in my opinion it's only going to drive people even further from playing together when the Mabi.Pro team has been trying hard to get people to play together.
Because then everyone will just end up soloing using AoE pets, Mabi.Pro has already been seeing a decline in players because people aren't finding other players to play with.

I think the focus should not be on AoE pets to solo, but rather on getting people to be able to play with each other in a party more. Maybe lowering restrictions of shadow mission minimum levels would help this.

PS: Most of the old 'pro' players stopped playing because they got burned out from solo grinding.

we can just take a look at live to show you how wrong this statement is. AoE pets have been out for however long Party play is going strong. as ive stated I would rather have players to run with than AoE pets but the sad FACT is we will most likely NEVER have a big enough player base for such. doesnt matter how many new players we get, if they are just quitting after the nostalgia is over. Also im sorry but lowering restrictions wont help considering they wont be ready skill or gear wise to run hardmode missions. A better solution would be to give new players a boots such as free exp pots or weekly rb until a certain level or something, but your gonna have people like Selzyr being against it because he will feel his non existent progression was for nothing.

That'd be me i guess. I don't think i can emphasize just how horrible it is to me. It's not just an issue of handling content, it's that you're asking for something to basically abuse the content of the game. You're not asking for ai or anything to be inspected, stats to be adjusted, or any sort of rebalance. You're asking for an abusive gimmick to give players an edge in content that is basically not intended for them to handle as they are doing. You want HM SMs that you can solo? Make it a suggestion, explain what you want and why. But to ask for a feature you can use pretty much anywhere to abuse content not meant for how you're playing, which will then be abused in other areas, is just wrong. Don't screw over the community for such a selfish reason. Make better use of the free crap you're given, and shyla's shops.

I can see what drawing's trying to argue, but ultimately selzyr has the right of it imo. No matter how drawing words it so people take pity on him, he still wants more abusive gimmicks to take advantage of, to solo content he's not meant to solo. While i feel sorry he has no one to play the game with on his level, that's just an unfortunate reality of it, but i refuse to let one 'poor me' convince me to support even more abusive mechanics.

I really dont see how the pets are exactly abusive. first you guys argued that they did too much damage upon summon, i gave a solution. dont want people hoarding to many, theres a solution for that aswell. you guys just keep going back to me wanting to abuse and solo content, as if the existant of AoE pets will kill party play.. cuz as we can CLEARLY see people dont party for missions anymore right? can you please tell me how the fuck AoE pets will be abuse on here?Let me state this again since you guys dont seem to understand it, even if u had 60 AoE pets being able to spam them none stop without having to do anything.. do u realize how dumb that sounds? im not asking for clouds for insta healings, im not asking for probably the most broken AoE pet; bone dragon. AoE pets have been out for YEARS on live it hasnt made the game "easier to solo" to anyone who had shit gear and low lv trying to solo high lv content, what it has made easier is access to those mission/dungeons that others are not available to run with you. So again i ask you to give me a reason of how they will get abused?
[Posted by lame on 07-09-17, 10:26 pm, deleted by lame]
  • #4197
Posted at 07-09-17, 10:29 pm Link | #58

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I'm sure i'm not the only one who joined this server, because of the fact i had more fun on mabi back during these generations, than i can have on mabi now even though i've maxed out most of my skills on live. You were rewarded for effort during these times. I already don't feel much pressure running into a situation where i may die, because aside from trans for an easy heal and stat jump, i have all those naos. If the game gets too much easier, especially in party play, i can honestly say i will quit this server. Not because i don't get my way, just because the server moved too far into ezmode for me to get any enjoyment out of it. If i want quick profit games, or where i can show off how i can solo something that was originally designed for 6 people and to be helluva hard for them still, (MA) then i can go back to live.

can i get a screen of you're character on live soloing MA without AoE pets? or maybe even you're skill tab.. since you're progression doesnt really match.
post rev. 3 by LazyFae on 07-09-17, 11:10 pm
Posted at 07-09-17, 11:05 pm Link | #59
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can i get a screen of you're character on live soloing MA without AoE pets? or maybe even you're skill tab.. since you're progression doesnt really match.

Which skill tab? I think i was at 12k or something last time i was on, but i haven't logged on in months so game's outdated and i won't update just for a screenshot. But the game's a joke now, rank the right skills early on and you won't have much if any trouble. Just the typical raincast, some related alchemy to increase duration, divine link, possibly sand burst, possibly lullaby, and get crisis escape. Pick a few dps skills and you're set...

And progression on this server doesn't match live, because i have no real drive to progress much on this server, especially since my net lag spikes so much lately that combat's a real pain. Using all my naos across 2 in game days for blood in the water int, gets rather ridiculous when i'm playing it safe and still dying cuz my skill doesn't load fast enough. Desyncing isn't an issue, because the ai is predictable enough i can load wm or counter when i know they should be near me, even if the sprite looks like it's on the other side of me.

As for available images i have atm, these are the best i can get for any kind of support, cuz again not updating mabi.
These forums don't like embedding google drive images, so you can have the urls for them. I tried to upload to puush, but after about 8 consecutive fails i gave that up.

Also, as for aoe pet dmg, i was never complaining about that. AoE pet dmg is a joke, the debuffs and cc are more effective than the dmg. I already covered that line of thought though, so you can dig if you want to read it again.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 07-09-17, 11:12 pm Link | #60

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You just literally tried to convince someone your argument was correct by showing off your e-peen. :^)

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