post rev. 2 by Nieve on 07-08-17, 06:25 pm
Posted at 06-29-17, 04:48 pm Link | #21

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Hello. I'm Desta and I joined a few days ago. I've been looking for a Mabinogi server for several years and I'm pretty happy to have found one. I searched on Google and saw a Reddit thread about MabiPro. Started playing Mabinogi when it was released in NA either on Ruairi or Tarlach (I forget which since it was a while ago), but stopped after G3.
post rev. 1 by Kyuurie on 06-30-17, 07:11 am
Posted at 06-30-17, 07:09 am Link | #22

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Greetings! I just joined tonight~ I learned of the the website via random reddit post about mabinogi. In-game name is Chara! I have played the game when it was open beta to around over a full year. I stopped playing it cause I didn't have any friends on it anymore xP. Cant wait to play with all of you.
post rev. 2 by 1lann on 06-30-17, 10:10 am
Posted at 06-30-17, 09:17 am Link | #23

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I may as well say hi as well. I'm 1lann, I'm brand new to Mabinogi and MMORPGs in general. I'm here because I'm friends with Drahan, and I was really intrigued by the technical aspects of MabiPro. I've spent many days developing software for MabiPro because I was bored and it's a really fun challenge. However I would also like to appreciate the work I've done as it feels pretty weird spending days programming for a game that you've never played, so now I'm going to try to play it! I hope to see you guys around.
Posted at 06-30-17, 05:28 pm Link | #24

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Yo, what's up? I'm Vlad. I'm a college student, guitar enthusiast, magic tricks amateur and a Quentin Tarantino fanboy.

First time I ever played mabinogi was at the dawn of the Europe server, where g3 was the latest update and everyone was doing pally vs dk in tir. I liked the celtic references of this game a lot so I gave it a try. Things were tough back then but it was always refreshing to see the results of your hard work. I left for some time and came back some years later only to find out that the server was dead and all our progress was gone (albeit we received some mediocre compensation in NA for our shop purchases).

I joined NA and lost my interest quickly since a lot of the knowledge and tricks that I knew became obsolete. There was just too much content. Dungeons were almost irrelevant for farming, everyone was doing shadow missions, AP everywhere... I mean, you could bash a stick against a wall and get instant AP; everything was accelerated. So I went back and forth with it 'till I finally decided to quit. Years later, nostalgia hit me and I started searching for "private servers" thinking that maybe, maybe, some community out there was as nostalgic as me for the old school feeling. As you can see, I found them.

IGN: Vladislav (Feel free to chat me up if you wanna hang out)
Posted at 07-03-17, 07:12 pm Link | #25

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Hey all, my IGN is Claymore and I've been pretty actively playing the game recently. I actually found out about this server this weekend. I suppose I typed in "old school mabinogi" into google out of nostalgia, and lo and behold, I find this place.

I've played mabinogi since somewhere around when elves and giants were released, and have been a long time player. It's only recently that I stopped playing on the official mabi servers partly out of frustration of the direction the game was going in, and just from getting hooked on other games.

You know, when they first released the Dynamic Combat patch I was pretty excited, with the instant smashes and such. But when that hype wears off you begin to realize that that very change contradicts the way the game's combat was designed. Soon the game just became an AOE mob aggro managing damage fest. Either way, the game was (and still is) enjoyable, but just isn't the same game.

Anyways, now I'm here on Mabipro and I love it. I hope this community continues to grow.

Btw shout out to the GMs for being so active!
Posted at 07-04-17, 05:47 am Link | #26

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Hi boys and girls, im your fellow tryhard mabinogian Lame. Found out about mabiPro from a screenshot someone posted on some mabi dischord server and they were making fun of someone advertising the game on live. Been playing ever sine i found out this was legit. 108 days now, and still going stronk n flexin on dem casualz ikid
Posted at 07-06-17, 04:25 pm Link | #27

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Hello i'm Mirco from Italy.
Sorry in advance for my bad english! >_<
I used to play on Mabinogi EU some years ago from when it was on G2 until it went to G9(or G11 can't remember well). One day i got into a car accident and couldn't play for some months (got hurt really bad). When i got back the game was already closing (dungeon disabled and all)... i tried playing on Mabi NA but it was unplayable for me( couldn't even fight the foxes in Tir, that's how bad it was for me u_u). Every now and then i googled for private servers until about 20 days ago when i found MabiPro. Since work and other stuff takes a good part of my daily time i can't play as much as i would (making me a casual player i guess) but i still enjoy every moment i spend ingame. Still very noob just lvl 34 for now, only finished all Hamlet quests. My ign is Platino i hope to meet many wonderful people . I hope everyone will have a nice and wonderful day. Bye bye!
Posted at 07-07-17, 04:51 am Link | #28

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hi i krow. krow know krow post late introduction but as all crow say, better late than never.

krow play live mabi for eight year of krow life, only to be ruin by reforge. krow and krow friends go mabipro where krow rediscover what krow love about mabi: wm with hp drain and iframe. krow never been more happy playing mabi again and krow look forward to mabipro future and more windmill spam. also no reforges which krow thinks is eleven crow out of ten crow.
Posted at 07-08-17, 12:57 am Link | #29

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Hello! I'm still downloading the client, but I'm Foxharth. I've been playing the game for about 9 years, ever since the closed beta-test of North America -- However, I managed to find this server by complete accident while trying to see if the AURA source was still available.

Now I'm all gitty with nostalgia and really, really happy.. I'm going to make my character as my name on the forums(Foxharth). . But I'm incredibly happy and cannot wait to get into the nostalgia rush.
Posted at 07-08-17, 03:54 am Link | #30

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Hi, I'm Roseline! I still play live server on Mari, I really like pink and have been around since g2, but I've nearly given up on live altogether after playing mabipro; there's no motivation to do content in live anymore with the ability to solo anything and no real reason to do dungeons and life skills anymore when everything is in a new gacha or overpowered by reforged items. Although, I've always just played the economy and fashionogi anyways eheh.

I heard about mabipro through the person who advertised on Mari server I think, though I've heard about it through multiple sources so I'm not exactly sure which one it was that led me here first.

Overall I'm really excited to play a mabinogi that's free of all the unnecessary stuff Nexon ruined it with and to relive childhood years ^^ My IGN is Roseline so feel free to add me or note me!

post rev. 2 by Montyminion on 07-08-17, 09:07 pm
Posted at 07-08-17, 08:27 pm Link | #31

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Hello everyone! I still need to get the launcher downloaded, but I believe my in-game identity will be Kappi or Kappi Friedhelm for my primary, and Gado Tenshi for my secondary if I get two characters. Character wise, I plan on at least going with a two handed fighter kind of character, and a martial artist. Both of them will try having bardic and farming skills. Edit: If the class is in the Private server, maybe even a gunslinger named Vagnus Red
I found Mabipro from looking around for sandbox MMOs. I had played Mabinogi in the past, but found that the game was a bit unwelcome to new players, seeing that everyone else was above my level, and I had no one to experience the world with. I searched for private servers, hoping that not only would I find a newer one, but also one without a cash shop, and I came across Mabipro!
"Even if nobody believes in me, supports me, or recognizes my effort...I'll keep going."
Posted at 07-09-17, 01:49 pm Link | #32

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Selzyr, Leader of Brotherhood for more then 15 years, played on KR/TW(Cannot recall servers) JP(Cichol) EU(Morrighan) NA(all servers).
30 years old, living in the UK/London.
Posted at 07-09-17, 08:29 pm Link | #33

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Hello! My IGN is Kikyou, been playing Mabinogi pretty much since the beginning and it was the first MMO I've ever played that I put effort on and dedicate to it for many years. I played on the JP server and NA, I'm still playing the live server since there are a few things I enjoy about it, but I really hate the pay2win things of the game and the fact that I dont have much to do there anymore, so I joined MabiPro with hopes to find things to keep enjoying about this game I love so much.

Been playing MabiPro for a few weeks or maybe already a month and enjoying but havent been able to do much cause im still training, but I'll get to it soon enough hehe
post rev. 1 by kylonith on 07-09-17, 10:58 pm
Posted at 07-09-17, 10:41 pm Link | #34

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Hello, I'm Kylonith. Most people just call me Kylo. I've been playing Mabinogi since around 2010 but only seriously got into it in late 2015. However, I was nostalgic for a better version of the game, which I found in

I've played MabiPro for about a month and a half now.
Posted at 07-09-17, 11:48 pm Link | #35

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Hey Hi everyone. My name is Jonathan. I used to play Mabinogi a few years ago and nostalgia knock at my door. So I hope I can be part of this group.
IG: Armonius
post rev. 1 by Mikuru//X on 07-10-17, 01:29 pm
Posted at 07-10-17, 03:26 am Link | #36

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My name is MikuruX and I'm the owner of Anime Toshokan Inc. I guess I'm here cause of nostalgia sake. I used to play Mabinogi back when in G3 of the Taiwan server and then played religiously at one point on the NA server. Time has gone by and I left because it became a financial strain on me (I was basically helping myself, my guild/family, and other players with NX contests and such). Not to mention I was playing FFXI & being a full-time volunteer GM for S4 League on the official server for Alaplaya at the time as well.

At any rate, hoping to play here and there and meet other people online when I'm not at work or busy with the other games I play.
Founder & Owner of Anime Toshokan Inc. & A.G.E.S. Network
"We've Been Waiting For You!"
post rev. 1 by Cambria on 07-11-17, 03:51 pm
Posted at 07-11-17, 03:37 pm Link | #37

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Hey there. I used to play Mabi back in G1-G3 days, off and on after that, put too much time and money into it. Looking forward to getting to spend more time (and non-pay-to-win monetary support, if I can figure out how to!) in it the way I remember it being. Am downloading the client now.

On, there was a thread about the trailer for Mabinogi Mobile, and I mentioned that I'd quit before. Someone replied mentioning here, and I took a look and well.. here I am.
[Posted by Tungsten on 07-15-17, 02:07 pm, deleted by Tungsten]
  • #4294
Posted at 07-15-17, 02:26 pm Link | #39

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My name is Tungsten. I'm new to Mabinogi. I didn't like what Nexon did to the game with it's 'Services' so I looked for a private server and I found MabiPro.
Posted at 07-21-17, 05:42 pm Link | #40

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Hi I haven't official started playing the game but I found out about Mabinogi Pro through a youtube video and thought I check it out. I found the website through a Bing search.

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