Party Play
Posted at 07-10-17, 11:57 am Link | #1

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Since most people tend to quit the game after they hit a certain point from boredom of playing alone I was wondering if there is anyone out there with suggestions how we could improve party play in the game to get people to party up more and hopefully keep playing.
Right now we have the red envelopes which are a bit too random in my taste but still a nice idea.

What if we were to add for example a slight exp buff or damage buff to parties while being close to each other so it doesn't get exploited with AFK alts ofcourse.

Let me know if you got any other ideas and suggestions that you might think might make party play more enjoyable.
Posted at 07-10-17, 12:20 pm Link | #2

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I agree +1
Posted at 07-10-17, 01:16 pm Link | #3

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What if we were to add for example a slight exp buff or damage buff to parties while being close to each other so it doesn't get exploited with AFK alts ofcourse.
I suppose this would be difficult to introduce.

I can't think of anything permanent and easily feasible to promote parties but I do believe that many events and the daily SMs are doing this job to some degree.
There might be more punctual ways to promote parties like daily dungeon raid given by a quest, not with the usual exp/gold rewards but with random crafting mats like fashion contest rewards, something appealing to many players.
Since players don't have the same level, the quest could be given based on total level or the choice could be given through a npc with different dungeon difficulties.

Programmed field boss raids maybe, ppl would know when to gather and would do it (the rewards should not be the same as the normal field bosses, so players would still be interested in hunting them).
post rev. 1 by LazyFae on 07-10-17, 04:11 pm
Posted at 07-10-17, 04:10 pm Link | #4
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Dungeon passes and SMs are the way i'd go tbh. Problem is the balancing of them. Most of them really are not that difficult if you have the recommended party number. Problem being, people don't want to do something they don't profit from, and it really is not right to tack on good profits from something that was intended for say 4 people, but can still easily be soloed with just a little more time.

Best way to promote party play, i'd honestly say pick a dungeon and work on revamping the mobs native to the dungeon, as well as loot which includes end chests. And i say dungeon and not SM, because the SMs have more generic mobs that carry over from one shadow mission to the next. Shadow fighters, archers, and lancers are common in most of the SMs for example. But, if that would actually make testing rebalances easier, then i'd encourage it, just may run into the issue of balancing one and breaking another due to not having properly looked into the other while focusing on the one.

Party quests, of course, would also help reinforce this.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 07-10-17, 08:25 pm
Posted at 07-10-17, 08:25 pm Link | #5

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Problem with dungeons is that there is only 1 person that gets the good reward, making it way more valuable if you need something from a certain dungeon. There is a pool of items from which 1 treasure chest has 1 of, usually certain items/ESes, and only 1 person gets a reward from that pool of items. If dungeons could be changed that there is always guaranteed 1 person that gets it, and the other chests have a decent chance to have an item from that pool as well, there will be more reason to actually run dungeons with more people, promoting party play.

Personally, if I run dungeons, I usually need stuff from it and just solo it since bringing more people just reduces the chance of me getting it, meaning I have to run the dungeon even more.
Posted at 07-10-17, 09:08 pm Link | #6

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I like the idea, I think something to make people want to party more is always good.

As for ideas what could be added to make partying more attractive, I have 2 ideas that I can think of at the moment, dont know if it can be done but lets say what people think about it.

1 - Right now we have 2 different currencies, gold and red coins, what about adding a third currency and this third currency would only drop from from dungeons/SM/TM when in a party and maybe adding an additional shop to Shyla, I dont know if there are plans to add beauty coupons but if there are, then maybe the beauty coupons could be obtained from this shop using the new currency, as well as some other items that are just for appearance so that we dont have to worry about affecting gameplay, maybe adding some of the good outfits from gacha but since it would be an easier to obtain version, lets make them timed, like the outfits expiring after a week maybe, but also making them kinda expensive so it wont affect gachapon either.

2 - If the idea of adding that third currency is not good, instead of that we could just have drops that are only obtained from the boss when in a party, this has to be a really good drops that people really wanna get, and the drop rate should be a little low so that it gives people reasons to run the dungeon/SM/TM many times, but also not so slow that it makes the frustrate them and discourage them from running it?
Posted at 07-10-17, 10:53 pm Link | #7
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Problem with dungeons is that there is only 1 person that gets the good reward, making it way more valuable if you need something from a certain dungeon. There is a pool of items from which 1 treasure chest has 1 of, usually certain items/ESes, and only 1 person gets a reward from that pool of items. If dungeons could be changed that there is always guaranteed 1 person that gets it, and the other chests have a decent chance to have an item from that pool as well, there will be more reason to actually run dungeons with more people, promoting party play.

Personally, if I run dungeons, I usually need stuff from it and just solo it since bringing more people just reduces the chance of me getting it, meaning I have to run the dungeon even more.

Enchants for a dungeon work on a similar principal actually. If the dungeon can have an enchant, which i think all do, then it's guaranteed to drop from one end chest, regardless of players. Or at least an enchanted equip.

As for having it out with other people... Is this community going to do free for all for items? I mean in live, i wouldn't accept someone in my party if i need an item and supplied the pass, unless they agreed to let me get the item should it drop. It was a fairly common standard, if you supply the pass, first call on item reward. Unspoken rule is that you only get one item reward, and the gold and not several good items in one run, but i never really had much issue with it. The few times someone did nab the item and wouldn't give it up, you can bet they were shamed and several individuals wouldn't trust them in runs again.

Anyway, it's all kind of a questionable point on this server, since you just buy the unrestricted pass anyway.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
post rev. 2 by Excelsian on 07-10-17, 11:14 pm
Posted at 07-10-17, 11:10 pm Link | #8

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Enchants for a dungeon work on a similar principal actually. If the dungeon can have an enchant, which i think all do, then it's guaranteed to drop from one end chest, regardless of players. Or at least an enchanted equip.

The enchanted equipment/enchants are usually in the same itempool, which I mentioned earlier, which is only present in 1 of the endchests in every dungeon (so for a solo run it is always present, and with 8 people in only 1 of the 8 chests.)

Enchants for a dungeon work on a similar principal actually. If the dungeon can have an enchant, which i think all do, then it's guaranteed to drop from one end chest, regardless of players. Or at least an enchanted equip.

As for having it out with other people... Is this community going to do free for all for items? I mean in live, i wouldn't accept someone in my party if i need an item and supplied the pass, unless they agreed to let me get the item should it drop. It was a fairly common standard, if you supply the pass, first call on item reward. Unspoken rule is that you only get one item reward, and the gold and not several good items in one run, but i never really had much issue with it. The few times someone did nab the item and wouldn't give it up, you can bet they were shamed and several individuals wouldn't trust them in runs again.

Anyway, it's all kind of a questionable point on this server, since you just buy the unrestricted pass anyway.

I'm assuming this discussion is about promoting people to party with people outside of their usual group. Of course, you can promise to give up a certain item if someone els needs it. When I was looking for my delusional cap, I'd just invite Uzuu or Aldoros to come with me since they would give it to me. And of course, even with other people, some might be willing to give up the item for you when they run with you.

But, the problem is that there is much less incentive to run certain dungeons if someone else wants to claim a certain item already. For example, I'd be totally cool with running with random people alby adv 3 for wooden needle if the system I mentioned was implemented where everyone has a chance to get a good item from the end chest. But, as it is currently, I won't invite random people, and just invite people I know will help me get the wooden needle since doing it with random people that also want it is just much slower, since only 1 chest will have a chance for it anyway.

And that unspoken rule you talk about, you mean like you aren't allowed to get a stamp item from the black golem in ciar adv AND get spike from the end chest? It is kinda finnicky what to count as ''several good items'', I personally have never seen it happen that multiple good items were produced by the same dungeon/SM (as in, a monster dropped something very good and end chest gave something very good.)
Posted at 07-10-17, 11:42 pm Link | #9

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mhm finally a thread that is worth posting, most of the ideas are neat and all, and I do agree that party play should be pushed more, Id say one way to make things more viable would remove the timers of Passes? just an idea, so people would save passes to run with others, improving the End chest rewards in certain dungeons with the new items/manuals could be a thing too, and creating daily quests for dungeons would be something cool, and award like Double combat XP potions and all? I mean I know they are on Shyla but we all know that people like "free" stuff, if you get a potion as a reward for a dungeon you might be poke to do a few more runs, I'd say like someone ref'd before if there's a way to boost XP gains during party play would be a cool thing.
Posted at 07-11-17, 12:14 am Link | #10
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I'm assuming this discussion is about promoting people to party with people outside of their usual group. Of course, you can promise to give up a certain item if someone else needs it. When I was looking for my delusional cap, I'd just invite Uzuu or Aldoros to come with me since they would give it to me. And of course, even with other people, some might be willing to give up the item for you when they run with you.

But, the problem is that there is much less incentive to run certain dungeons if someone else wants to claim a certain item already. For example, I'd be totally cool with running with random people alby adv 3 for wooden needle if the system I mentioned was implemented where everyone has a chance to get a good item from the end chest. But, as it is currently, I won't invite random people, and just invite people I know will help me get the wooden needle since doing it with random people that also want it is just much slower, since only 1 chest will have a chance for it anyway.

Suppose it really boils down to a difference in taste and style. When i was playing live, for a long time i'd ask in guild if someone wanted to join me and say 'dibs on *** item.' But i was able to solo so much for so long, i didn't really hit up people on my fl most the time, and most would flat out refuse me because i can solo or because they'd get nothing out of it. So when people actually hung in dunby and would join random parties, i'd do a quick check at dunby to see if i could find people. And if they wanted to run it too, i'd talk to them and most the time we'd agree that whoever gets the pass, would have rights to item at end, and if one of us got our item we'd usually run it again to help the other player, provided we could get a pass. It wasn't uncommon for me to get people on my friends list for this reason, and i'd end up running other stuff with them in the future, because i liked having people on my fl who would actually play the game to do stuff when they were on. I honestly had more issue getting friends to come without whining the entire time, or just leeching literally outside the room i'm fighting in, just cuz i could solo. Randoms were more enjoyable.

Anyways, i've rambled enough on this. I'm not really opposed to the idea of multiple of the same drop, or other rare drops, but the drop rate would have to be carefully reviewed and balanced is all.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 07-11-17, 01:07 am Link | #11

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I'm assuming this discussion is about promoting people to party with people outside of their usual group. Of course, you can promise to give up a certain item if someone else needs it. When I was looking for my delusional cap, I'd just invite Uzuu or Aldoros to come with me since they would give it to me. And of course, even with other people, some might be willing to give up the item for you when they run with you.

But, the problem is that there is much less incentive to run certain dungeons if someone else wants to claim a certain item already. For example, I'd be totally cool with running with random people alby adv 3 for wooden needle if the system I mentioned was implemented where everyone has a chance to get a good item from the end chest. But, as it is currently, I won't invite random people, and just invite people I know will help me get the wooden needle since doing it with random people that also want it is just much slower, since only 1 chest will have a chance for it anyway.

Suppose it really boils down to a difference in taste and style. When i was playing live, for a long time i'd ask in guild if someone wanted to join me and say 'dibs on *** item.' But i was able to solo so much for so long, i didn't really hit up people on my fl most the time, and most would flat out refuse me because i can solo or because they'd get nothing out of it. So when people actually hung in dunby and would join random parties, i'd do a quick check at dunby to see if i could find people. And if they wanted to run it too, i'd talk to them and most the time we'd agree that whoever gets the pass, would have rights to item at end, and if one of us got our item we'd usually run it again to help the other player, provided we could get a pass. It wasn't uncommon for me to get people on my friends list for this reason, and i'd end up running other stuff with them in the future, because i liked having people on my fl who would actually play the game to do stuff when they were on. I honestly had more issue getting friends to come without whining the entire time, or just leeching literally outside the room i'm fighting in, just cuz i could solo. Randoms were more enjoyable.

Anyways, i've rambled enough on this. I'm not really opposed to the idea of multiple of the same drop, or other rare drops, but the drop rate would have to be carefully reviewed and balanced is all.

Its like Excelsian was saying, would be preferable to those dungeons that have limited end chest rewards(and perhaps the others too) to revamp the rewards to be more meaningfull in terms of rewards, increasing the item rate a bit so more people would have a chance to get something cool other then gold a herb and or some crap like regular powder.
Posted at 07-13-17, 05:06 am Link | #12

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The only flaw I can really think of is people throwing alts into their own party, either to solo with benefits, or to fill up a not entirely full party, just so they get more access and better chances for chest loot, but hopefully that wouldn't be too big of an issue. It also would be a problem no matter how the end chests get adjusted, assuming the change ends up being worthwhile for people. Good things come with the risk of trying to exploit it.

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