Posts: 121
Joined: 03-22-17
Last post: 1424 days
Last view: 410 days
Honestly, when it comes to pages, the whole "They expire for challenge" or "Because they're magic" has always been the most BS. Nothing lore wise can ever explain why they expire, and making them expire doesn't add challenge to getting them. Most, if not all pages (aside from shock) are somewhat easy to get. You'll mostly never run the content that drops them until you're actively hunting the pages, and anytime you do before hand, you'd either ignore the hell out of the page, or take 5 seconds to ask global if anyone needs it, and no one will 99% of the time with this low pop, drop it back on the ground and be on your way. It really adds nothing to make them expire, especially the much rarer ones that are actually time consuming as hell to get.
That said, them expiring, and enchants, aren't so bad. The real issue is with their tiny expiration window. A few hours may seem like a lot, but when you realize your friend or that one guy you got the page/enchant for in the first place is gone for the day, away from their comp, then there's nothing you can do.
If I had actually found Frutties enchant we'd been hunting for for the past 3 days of spamming the ever living hell out of TOA on the two days he wouldn't be around, I'd be so fucking pissed.
Idk, my post is all over the place. Remove skill page timers or increase the duration 2-3x. Enchants, just double the time.