Shop spaces _INSIDE_ Bangor ? (rev. 6 by Lyekouyioue on 07-27-17, 12:39 am)
Posted at 07-27-17, 12:29 am Link | #1

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Do you think the personal shop spaces could be added to bangor between the pub and the dungeon?

It has been giving me good ideas on how to set up a long distance trade for 'production day's for ores for iria's old furnaces, wood for carpentry, and vice versa, and seems like a fun idea for a samaritan based production team to do every 'production day'(sorry don't know the mabi name for it xD)

Like for example, you can set up shop at Dugald Camp, so people don't have to run to tir or dunbarton to find wood selling
But with bangor, the only available market spots are outside of the town, near the gate.

Or hey, why not more shop areas for other points of interest in the game?
Posted at 07-27-17, 12:32 am Link | #2
Drahan GM

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I am really unsure of the code behind shop spaces, however I do like your idea!

I see no issues with this and think it would be worthwhile to implement if it's possible.

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