Australian Player
Posted at 07-29-17, 06:27 am Link | #1

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Hi, I've been thinking of playing this since I loved the old mabi but I don't know whether or not I would have a good experience in terms of lag since I am from Australia.
The lag is noticeable in the official mabi server but it was still very playable and fun, if there are any fellow Aussies or OCE region players, is the lag the same/worse/better than the official mabi server?
post rev. 1 by Flipend0 on 07-29-17, 06:54 am
Posted at 07-29-17, 06:52 am Link | #2
Flipend0 GM

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Hello Calin. and thank you for joining MabiPro

I just want to let you know that since we are running in proxies, we do have an ingame pinger, but it will show off false information.

To determine your latency. I highly recommend you ping the domain manually via the Command Prompt

to do this, press WINDOWSKEY+R and type in cmd, you will see a black screen, then type ping
you'll want to look at the "time" string. Based on the value you get this is how your experience will be.

0~59ms = Excellent
60~199ms= Good, you may have a minor delay
200~399ms = Caution , you may have delays
400~600 and higher = Poor, heavy delays will occur.
Posted at 07-29-17, 07:15 am Link | #3

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Oh thanks. Getting around 265ms, not sure about the official servers for comparison since I think Nexon blocked ping returns or something.
Posted at 07-29-17, 08:19 am Link | #4

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The lag is going to suck if you want to do melee or ranged combat, the delays spike a lot meaning you won't get combos off or your shots will just miss for seconds at a time. Magic and Alchemy have a delay too with shooting, but it's not as much of a problem most of the time. Sometimes you'll just not shoot for a long time and get absolutely wrecked by something no matter how much you click but it's more consistent than melee or ranged at least. This is with Nagel's off too.
Posted at 07-29-17, 03:04 pm Link | #5

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Just tried it out, it seems very much the same to me just maybe a tiny bit laggier but that's probably because of the good old skill load times that I've long forgotten
Posted at 07-30-17, 03:56 pm Link | #6

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Just tried it out, it seems very much the same to me just maybe a tiny bit laggier but that's probably because of the good old skill load times that I've long forgotten

the server is on the east coast instead of south cali which is quite a bit worse for australian players

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