Night time mobs (rev. 2 by Farsela on 07-30-17, 04:14 am)
Posted at 07-30-17, 03:41 am Link | #1

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I was just reading about some of the neat shadow missions that were made on this server and thought , what about mobs that appear only at night.
Examples like the mermen or even siren showing up near lakes and rivers such as corrib valley , or human bandits showing up near narrow roads like onsa sail and near spiral hill.
Or other mobs like the specteres or skeleton warriors showing their ghastly mugs in unexpected places.

Just thinking on how much more dangerous it would be traveling at night seems kinda exciting.... on second thought i should have named this thread things that go bump in the night.
post rev. 1 by Lyekouyioue on 07-30-17, 05:17 am
Posted at 07-30-17, 05:16 am Link | #2

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That sounds very fun, I already avoid most gate travel, running into something interesting on the abandoned roads would shake things up a lot ♥
Posted at 07-30-17, 05:27 pm Link | #3

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I actually do like this idea. I never would have thought about this. Like Lyekou said, I sometimes tend to not even bother travel by Moon Gate because it sucks the fun out of a good adventure... So having night time mobs would just make things a little more interesting.

Thanks for sharing and hope the GM's consider it!
Posted at 07-30-17, 05:51 pm Link | #4
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i travel by gate still, when it's faster, just cuz all the running still seems pointless since i'm not stopping to do anything.

Honestly, having unique mobs for night and day would be interesting. I mean, metus has somewhat of a similar concept. Just do us all a favor, and not make pointless mobs like a few zombies scattered around appearing here and there. Give consideration of the difficulty of the mob, whether it will aggro first or not for the sake of new players, as well the drops and xp rewards for killing them. I'll hold off on straight up supporting the idea, but flesh it out a bit more and it may be something i'd go for.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
post rev. 1 by Alder The LoreKeeper on 07-30-17, 09:05 pm
Posted at 07-30-17, 09:03 pm Link | #5
Alder The LoreKeeper

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As much as I like this idea and just adding more diversity to the game, adding mobs to the main zones requires a region editor to my understanding.
EDIT: To further elaborate, it's because it's all hard coded, I haven't heard of anyone figuring it out.
Posted at 07-31-17, 02:16 am Link | #6

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All valid points and I should have fleshed it out a bit more ,but I decided to jot this down quickly before I either forgot or got occupied elsewhere. As for how it could possibly be done i thought about how price and fleta work since they are timed instances it should work in a similar fassion.
As for the mobs themselves they probably shouln't be as aggressive as thier dungeon coumterparts, but perhaps more like the sheepwolves from onsa sail pretty much not a threat untill provoked or unless you linger around longer than you should.
Posted at 07-31-17, 03:01 am Link | #7
Flipend0 GM

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As much as I like this idea and just adding more diversity to the game, adding mobs to the main zones requires a region editor to my understanding.
EDIT: To further elaborate, it's because it's all hard coded, I haven't heard of anyone figuring it out.

I've been thinking about it actually. It is possible to utilize a particular function in the game to achieve this idea.
Posted at 07-31-17, 08:25 am Link | #8

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I honestly love this idea, making it more dangerous to travel at night time sounds awesome. I especially like the idea of using the bandit enemies, just without the commerce.
Posted at 07-31-17, 09:02 pm Link | #9

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Yeah it would be fun trying to take down noface nelson or scandelous charolette , zippy and the other fomor bandits or npcs never seemed to fit in or atleast thats what I thought.

If someone can explain to me where their species came from and why we never seen them before merchant of venice i'd like to know.

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