Anyone know what outfit this elf is wearing? (rev. 1 by Nieve on 08-01-17, 05:07 am)
Posted at 08-01-17, 05:06 am Link | #1

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It's one of the G13 login screens.
Posted at 08-01-17, 05:14 am Link | #2
Drahan GM

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It's one of the G13 login screens.

I have no clue. Considering this is poster concept art, I am unsure whether or not this outfit really exists.
Posted at 08-01-17, 06:13 am Link | #3
Flipend0 GM

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I have no idea as well
Partly because I am not a fashionogi
Posted at 08-01-17, 07:51 am Link | #4

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I've always wondered, but i assumed it was Full Leather Armor.
Posted at 08-01-17, 02:41 pm Link | #5
Patoots GM

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It has to be a mix of premium newbie wear for female elves with... the closest you could get to the boots being lance feather So it's likely artistic liberty! O:
Posted at 08-01-17, 05:33 pm Link | #6

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I see. Thanks for all the replies! It's something that I really want to fashion for my elf (or at least close to it). xD
post rev. 1 by Raizion on 09-10-17, 06:37 pm
Posted at 09-10-17, 06:36 pm Link | #7

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Late reply, but it's this outfit right here. Minus the sleeves of course.

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