Do you want Knuckles and Knuckle Mastery (and potentially Tumble) to be added?
Add Knuckles and Tumble.
13 (76.47%)
GIANTS ONLY! (No Knuckles)
4 (23.53%)
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Adding Knuckles (But not fighter)
Posted at 07-30-17, 07:41 am Link | #1

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So, everyone likes to punch things right, well as much as I would love fighter to be in Mabi Pro, I feel as though its combat system would break the game pretty badly (after all, it did on its first release in Live). However, why don't we add Knuckle weapons, the Knuckle Mastery Skill, and maybe tumble because tumble is cool, for the sake of just having another melee weapon in the roster. Knuckles already had some of their own little gimmicks with the basic combat skills as well and can help diversify play style, such as the shorter Windmill range, faster charging counter at the cost of more stamina, being compatible with Final Hit (like dual wielding) and the fact they were very fast 5 hit weapons. They would also be a fine addition simply for being a weapon that scales off Will instead of strength, I would think they are still completely viable as weapons without fighter skills.

So what would you think on this idea, adding Knuckles simply added as a weapon along with Knuckle Mastery (And maybe Tumble because don't we all want to do backflips?)
post rev. 1 by Arctic on 07-30-17, 09:10 am
Posted at 07-30-17, 09:07 am Link | #2

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It simply wouldn't work the knuckles when imported dont render but the animation(bugged) works simplely put i dont see it happening
Posted at 07-30-17, 09:09 am Link | #3
Drahan GM

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It simplely wouldnt work the knuckles when imported dont show you do the animation and all(bugged) but they simplely dont render

It is possible for us to import them, but they lack skills to actually utilize them as intended.
post rev. 1 by Shoebox on 07-30-17, 11:19 am
Posted at 07-30-17, 11:15 am Link | #4

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I don't know about any of the other changes, but if the animations are transferable I wouldn't have a problem with knuckles being usable by all races instead of just giants. Seems like a cool idea to me.

For the purpose of Mastery I think classing them as Blunts would be fine. They shouldn't get a DW bonus so it isn't be too busted but it would put them in line with other weapon choices at least. If they aren't already under a mastery, that is.
Posted at 07-30-17, 05:47 pm Link | #5
Still a casual gamer

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I wouldn't mind other races using them, but honestly if we're not adding a bunch of fighter skills, i'd much prefer the stats and such to remain as is.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 07-30-17, 06:53 pm Link | #6

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It is possible for us to import them, but they lack skills to actually utilize them as intended.

Back in Live, when Knuckles first came out, I made due simply because of my high Will already, using the basic melee skills, after all, you can use all of them with Knuckles including Assault Slash.

Making them usable like Blunt Weapons (Running them off Blunt Mastery and STR) is also fine with me, heck even if Tumble isnt brought in I'd still use them because again, they had their own little changed to the basic skills like the faster charging counterattack for more stamina, and the shortened windmill range.
Posted at 08-03-17, 10:41 am Link | #7

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Personally i would love to see something like this. Just the stances/animations alone were neat and i want something fast that isn't a generic dagger lol. I vote for it.
Posted at 08-04-17, 10:03 am Link | #8

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I'm fine with putting knuckles under blunt mastery and keeping it on str based dmg, but humans shoudn't be able to use final hit with them. Using FH with knuckles for humans is completely broken and makes other fast dual wield weapons completely obsolete.
Posted at 08-04-17, 11:11 am Link | #9

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If they made the Knuckles count as one handed weapons for the purpose of FH so it did knockback instead of comboing that could fix that. Provided it was something they could do in the first place.
Posted at 08-05-17, 10:41 am Link | #10

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If they made the Knuckles count as one handed weapons for the purpose of FH so it did knockback instead of comboing that could fix that. Provided it was something they could do in the first place.

But doing that will take away the potential for 2handed enchants, wich made knuckles still usefull while not having a mastery.
Posted at 08-05-17, 12:29 pm Link | #11

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Two handed weapons are still single handed for the purpose of FH knockback anyway.

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