Two-Factor Authentication is now available! (rev. 2 by Drahan on 11-07-20, 04:52 am)
Posted at 08-14-17, 07:09 pm Link | #1
Drahan GM

Posts: 2147
Joined: 02-06-17
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Last view: 17 days

Here at MabiPro, we greatly value security and we know our users do too!

This is why we developed a secure Two-Factor authentication system that allows you to ensure that your account is used by you, and only you.

Ingame Two-Factor authentication prompt
The Two-Factor authentication system can be used by every account, but please note that it is optional. You are not forced to use Two-Factor authentication.
We highly encourage you to use it if you are a figure of high interest, or if you just value the utmost security for your account.

What is Two-Factor authentication?

Two-Factor authentication is an added layer of security for your account. Instead of just requiring a single password, the Two-Factor authentication system requires a unique time-based security code generated by a device that you possess as well as your password.
This means in order to login to your account, you'll need your password as well as the 2FA device of your choice. This affects your forum account and your in-game account - both will require your 2FA device to sign in to.

This greatly increases your account security, as it makes it impossible to steal your account without stealing your 2FA device.

How do we use Two-Factor authentication?

Since it isn't obvious on exactly how to enable Two-Factor authentication, you can follow this conveniently written tutorial below!

We hope you enjoy this new security feature as much as we do!

-MabiPro Team
Posted at 08-15-17, 03:50 am Link | #2

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Wooohooo ! ! it's optional!
Posted at 08-15-17, 05:17 am Link | #3
Drahan GM

Posts: 2147
Joined: 02-06-17
Last post: 393 days
Last view: 17 days
Wooohooo ! ! it's optional!
Just because it's optional doesn't mean you shouldn't use it! If you value your account, anyways!

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