Waterballoon Battle (8/18/~8/25) (rev. 9 by Drahan on 09-16-17, 07:54 am)
Posted at 08-18-17, 08:14 am Link | #1
Flipend0 GM

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Joined: 02-06-17
Last post: 104 days
Last view: 68 days

Will you join Lorna's Red Team or Pan's Blue Team?

Lorna and Pan just can't decide who's better water balloon fighter. They have a conflicting history with each other, and they're going all out on this fun summer event.
However, they can't just do it all by themselves! Where is the fun with that? This is why they're asking you, the Milletians, to join in and show who's the most dominating side. Will it be Lorna's Red Team or Pan's Blue Team?
Only you can decide the outcome!

Event Details:
  • Event will run from 8/18~8/25.
  • The event takes place in Sliab Cuilin and runs once every real-time hour. Each game lasts until either 20 minutes have passed or if one of the teams has earned 120 points.
  • If a team receives 10 points, the team will obtain a title. If a team receives 90 points, the team will obtain a prize. This does not apply to personal points
  • At least 4 players are needed to participate, with a maximum of 20 players for each team.
  • Lorna or Pan will be able to explain how the event will work.
  • There is a Transportation Agent located in Dunbarton. He will be able to Fast Travel you to Sliab Cuilin (5000 Gold Fee)

-MabiPro Staff

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