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Joined: 04-26-17
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So recently we, (Uzuu and Excelsian) read some people talking about how one of the most unique things about Mabinogi is the classless system as in you can be whatever you want to be and rank whatever you want to rank. However, this is usually overlooked by the fact that, in order to reach your fullest potential in any given class, you must have a set of equipment with enchants that correspond to it. As a result, some hybrids are limited (you can't have a very effective spellsword as you would sacrifice melee damage for mana reduction/int enchants and so forth.) As a result, we were wondering how possible it would be to implement a system similar to the switching weapons hotkey, where you could press a button that changes your entire equipment to your second slot with the same rules as when you can switch your weapons (aka not being hit, not using a skill). More details as to how the system could potentially work at the end, but first some arguments regarding the idea.
We propose this for the following reasons:
1 - It would add completely new, strategic elements to the game-play. What is the best way to maximise your DPS with your character? Instead of maxing out one class you would be encouraged to explore other classes since you can more easily do reasonably well with those classes aswell besides just your main class.
2 - It gives end game players more versatility and more strength. Ofcourse there are downsides to this and people will scream that you can now be OP. Yes, character's will get stronger, but assuming these players have spent large amounts of time ranking extra skills and time farming for optimal equipment for these skills then they should be rewarded for that in terms of their strength. In a server like this where progression is fast it is important to keep giving people new goals to complete. This would be an interesting way to open up new pathways for those who wish to explore other avenues. When someone who is close to reaching their full potential/almost reached their full potential in a certain style of combat, it will take a long time for them to gather equipment for any other combat style to rival their main one. Because of this, there is a stronger reason to have multiple classes trained and it is more rewarding to spend your time/efforts into progressing two classes on your character.
3 - It doesn't just have to benefit "pro" players. It can benefit those who are just starting out as a hybrid to make them more viable in combat. You can have a mana reduction set with will o the wisp (which is a popular start for most mages) for when you want to use some magic, and switch to a fox/giant set if you want to switch to melee at some point while fighting (fox/giant being a good starter set for melee people, but terrible for mages)
There are cons to this ofcourse, the largest one we think being that while it would add a completely new element to combat, it would also reduce some strategy from the game. With this system you would not have to think of what you would be sacrificing to enhance your other class. An example of this would be putting Quartz on an accessory which can be used for a hybrid Archer/Melee class, whereas in this system you could just go for separate accessories, Stout for Melee and Light for Archers (Quartz giving 5 damage to both, whereas Stout gives 15 str to Melee and Light gives 15 dex.) However, with the new system I am proposing you can still use a hybrid build to save money, but you have the option to put in more effort to create two sets. If one wishes to save money they could by still going with the hybrid build, that does not become unviable. However, it will give those who do want the option to maximise their damage output the ability to if they put in the time and money to do so. Of course, one can already do what we propose by just un-equipping their melee equipment and switching to archer equipment, but doing this would be rather unviable when you want to do this during combat, making it only possible if you actively know beforehand you want to spend the entire fight using a certain combat style (with maximum efficiency).
Now, some details how we envisioned how this could potentially work.
First of all, just like how weapons have an auxiliary slot, the rest of what you wear would need an auxiliary slot (including/excluding robe, doesn't matter much). If this is possible to make. Since we have 0 clue what is possible due to coding, we envisioned three ways in how this could be implemented (with suggestion number one being the easiest but most undesirable, and number 3 being the most desirable option)
1. Make the equipment set switch together with your weapons. So when you press the button to switch weapons, you also switch the rest of your equipment set
2. Make the equipment set have their own hotkey to switch, separate from the weapon. This way, if one has not invested time yet to have a secondary set available for their second combat style, they can swap their weapons still, without swapping out their one single combat set they have (for example, if someone has 30dmg from str enchants and 20 dmg from max damage enchants on their melee set, but their archery set only has 15 dmg from dex, their melee set will still benefit archery more until they upgrade their archery set. So by allowing one to not swap their equipment whenever they swap weapons, people that only have one set can still use that one set for both weapons equipped).
3. Make the equipment set switch together with your weapons, but if any equipment slot on the auxiliary set is empty, equip the item from the main slot automatically when switching to the auxiliary set. We assume this solution is much harder to implement (if ANYTHING of what has been said so far is even possible), but it would be most desirable solution. For example, a warrior that has a full set of clothing (boots gloves suit hat and 2 accessories) with max damage enchants, could switch to the auxiliary slot with his incomplete mage set (mana reduction boots, gloves, hat with int enchants, but no gloves/accessories yet), and automatically equip the accessories/gloves from his warrior set on his mage set, which would, even when inferior to actual int enchanted stuff, still be beneficial to the mage compared to having nothing equipped (since max damage enchants still benefit mages somewhat).
The examples we have used have mainly been involving archery, melee and magic, but this system is especially useful for alchemists, since alchemy benefits quite a bit from their alchemy damage bonuses, while any other class gains nothing from it.
Now, we know that perhaps this idea is already impossible right from the start (as in, making an auxiliary set for the rest of equipment, or allowing the swapping between sets), but we have personally no idea if it is, so it is better to try. What do other people think of the idea of being able to swap equipment sets? Could there potentially be other ways to implement this system apart from the auxiliary slot idea? (We were personally thinking of perhaps having an auto-equip function like a lot of other MMOs have, where you can equip a set, save the hotkey to auto-equip that set and then whenever you press the hotkey, your gear gets unequipped and the set you saved on the hotkey gets equipped with the pieces that are in your inventory).