New G13 wiki and tools website
Posted at 03-03-17, 10:33 pm Link | #1

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I set up a wiki here, it should be fairly easy to import all the pages for G13 and then start adding pages for mabipro content as well.

I plan to add things like weather/moongate timers/calculators and more on the main page, but for now the main focus is the wiki.

If anyone is particularly interested in helping me set this up just contact me, but I may be able to do it myself.

Thanks for reading
Posted at 03-03-17, 10:40 pm Link | #2
Drahan GM

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You can rip the moon gate timer from our home page if you'd like.
Posted at 03-03-17, 10:54 pm Link | #3

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You can rip the moon gate timer from our home page if you'd like.

post rev. 1 by admin on 03-04-17, 01:12 am
Posted at 03-04-17, 01:11 am Link | #4

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You can rip the moon gate timer from our home page if you'd like.

ah, yes. the moongate timer which you ripped from mabi world.

edit: nice. i even get my own title.
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 03-04-17, 01:17 am
Posted at 03-04-17, 01:13 am Link | #5
Drahan GM

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You can rip the moon gate timer from our home page if you'd like.

ah, yes. the moongate timer which you ripped from mabi world.

edit: nice. i even get my own title.

Not ripped from mabi world, the timers were originally created by Kakurady and Huijun, and can be found on GitHub with an MIT License.
Posted at 03-04-17, 06:45 am Link | #6

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I wouldn't mind putting some time into this, nice work.
Posted at 03-04-17, 09:44 pm Link | #7

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Wow, even the site is a complete ripoff of mabinoger.
Posted at 03-04-17, 11:40 pm Link | #8

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ok keep finding stuff to complain about i guess
Posted at 03-05-17, 12:23 am Link | #9

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Wow, even the site is a complete ripoff of mabinoger.

it's a placeholder, i'll probably change it

what else are you implying is a ripoff of exec's website though?
Posted at 04-15-17, 11:28 pm Link | #10

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//Sorry for the necro, but...

Are we allowed to make an account and help make edits immediately or do I need to have your permission before I would start helping edit pages?
Posted at 04-16-17, 02:43 pm Link | #11

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Sure, go ahead and edit if you need to.
post rev. 2 by Hope on 04-17-17, 04:39 am
Posted at 04-17-17, 04:09 am Link | #12

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Oh.. my gosh. Thank YOU! I have to keep scrolling through endless pages on the actual Mabinogi World wiki to find the right one. I might try helping out on the pages and maybe screenshots, if and when I find the time and perhaps the patience. lol... Even if I don't, I still want to thank you so much for making this wiki. So thank you. ❤

Edit: I also bookmarked this for generations reference. lol
Posted at 08-05-17, 11:16 pm Link | #13

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Awesome thanks.
Posted at 08-27-17, 04:45 pm Link | #14

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is this website dead?
Posted at 09-02-17, 09:54 am Link | #15
Alexa White

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I dunno how import from mabiwiki
Tryed add actual gladius information and many errors occurs and most of all that type:
[Wap-Udgz6D0ACIox-YkAAAAO] 2017-09-02 09:52:19: Fatal exception of type "DBTransactionError"

Need simple guideline for importing.
Posted at 09-10-17, 03:55 pm Link | #16

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It says the account's been suspended?
Posted at 09-19-17, 04:56 am Link | #17

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Content Team
Yup. Seems to be dead entirely. It also had some big problem with spam-bots too. This is probably for the best. Restarting the wiki with some bot and guest protection would be a wise idea I feel.
Posted at 09-19-17, 01:28 pm Link | #18

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I would be best to eventually just make it a Pro wiki, since Pro has additional features.
Posted at 09-19-17, 09:54 pm Link | #19

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Yup. Seems to be dead entirely. It also had some big problem with spam-bots too. This is probably for the best. Restarting the wiki with some bot and guest protection would be a wise idea I feel.

The question is, do we know if anyone plans on doing this? If so I would be more than happy to help importing pages into the new wiki. I just don't know if anyone would be willing to host their own site.
post rev. 1 by Rezi on 09-20-17, 12:51 am
Posted at 09-20-17, 12:50 am Link | #20

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Is it against wikia's rules to host the wiki of a private server?

Or is it just that a wikia wiki would be too much of a downgrade?

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