Recruitment Thread for Glowing Gargoyle Run (rev. 15 by Nieve on 09-08-17, 05:55 pm)
Posted at 09-01-17, 04:49 am Link | #1

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I am only recruiting Elves and Giants for a Glowing Gargoyle Run.
The run will be held at 6:00 PM (18:00) EST on Saturday, September 9th, unless I state otherwise.
Reserve your slot by posting on this thread.
Reservations are first come (post), first served.
Please show up at Maiz Dungeon a few minutes before the designated time so we can organize.

1. Aethelfled
2. Saoki
3. Satella
Posted at 09-01-17, 04:54 am Link | #2

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Elf1 wants to come!
Posted at 09-01-17, 04:55 am Link | #3

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Platinum would like to join
Posted at 09-01-17, 04:56 am Link | #4

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Hello, I would like to join! In game name is Funke
Posted at 09-01-17, 05:16 am Link | #5

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Add me! It'll be under Paboya, not Bonuta since that's my human.
Posted at 09-01-17, 05:31 am Link | #6

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Sesshomaru would like to be there!!
Posted at 09-01-17, 03:27 pm Link | #7

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Hello, I won't be able to make it tomorrow. My wife wants to head out for a hike this weekend and we will be gone for the night. Good luck!
post rev. 2 by Skychords on 09-01-17, 04:27 pm
Posted at 09-01-17, 04:26 pm Link | #8

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Hello , i want come ! : D
I'm Izaya
[Posted by Skychords on 09-01-17, 04:27 pm, deleted by Skychords]
  • #5111
Posted at 09-01-17, 04:27 pm Link | #10

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Id like to join in game name is Noerf
Posted at 09-01-17, 04:29 pm Link | #11

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All slots have been filled.
Posted at 09-08-17, 04:32 am Link | #12

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Please post the character name that will join the run.
Posted at 09-08-17, 04:36 am Link | #13

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Saoki would like to be there!
Posted at 09-08-17, 03:07 pm Link | #14

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I'd like to join. IGN Satella
Posted at 09-09-17, 03:52 am Link | #15

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Ah, Saoki may have to pull out. I work tomorrow. Will not be home until 7pm AZ time.

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