Alchemy Tweaks (rev. 1 by Frobozz on 09-02-17, 04:59 pm)
Posted at 09-02-17, 04:33 pm Link | #1

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Right now Alchemy is pretty alright, though it's plagued by inconsistencies and inconveniences. Alchemy crystals have varying stack sizes between skills (golem crystals stack to 5, Raincasting stacks to 10 and Frozen blast seems to stack to 50). Cylinders, not having the option to be Special Upgraded or Spirit Weapon'd means that they have a lot of fall off compared to other weapon options. And the big cannon of Alchemy, the Tower Cylinder, takes 5 seconds to install and uninstall, which is embarrassingly long because after the installation you have to then actually start loading skills, taking even more time before you're actually able to do damage, compared to other classes (or even just using a regular cylinder) an extremely long time before you're useful...and then the enemies can just be out of your range so you have to cancel the skill, uninstall, reinstall, reload...we need that installation time to be short, like a second or half a second.
Sandburst is also a problem skill, because as it functions now it's only effective on low CP enemies, ruining its effectiveness in higher ranked missions.

So, list of changes that would improve the health of Alchemy would be:

Change ALL crystal stack size to something like100
Change Tower Cylinder install/uninstall to .5-1 second
Enable Special Upgrades and Spirit weapon
Enable Sand Burst to blind at any cp

I don't know how much is possible, but Alchemy may see a rise in popularity if it becomes more viable as a form of doing damage.
Don't get into the Totemizer.
post rev. 1 by redclad on 09-02-17, 09:51 pm
Posted at 09-02-17, 09:48 pm Link | #2

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I'm no alchemist so my opinion might not be meaningful but here it is anyway:

I agree for stack sizes. There's absolutely no reason for stacks to be so small since the goal was to sell more premium services on mabinogi.
I think this was already raised in an old content poll and players refused (any known logic reason for that ?). Since the population completely changed since then, I hope the next content poll will raise this question again in the near future so current players can express their opinion.

I've almost never seen someone use a tower cylinder. The reason might be because it's too long to install but I believe there's a reason why it is so long. It does give a nice boost to alchemy skills, so it make sense to have some limitations to keep the other cylinders in use. Here the limitation is to set up the tower cylinder BEFORE activating enemy spawns. If you need more mobility during the fight, simply switch to a normal cylinder and move around.
Again that's what I think but I never actually used cylinders in fights so I might be completely wrong.

Special upgrades and spirit weapons: sure. I don't see a reason not to have them. I saw several alchemists who don't have a spirit weapon at all because cylinders are not available.

Sand burst: any cp might be too powerful, not sure though. I would simply raise the cp limit of each rank to be more meaningful in various situations and still usable on some mobs in hard difficulty but not all.
Posted at 09-03-17, 04:40 am Link | #3

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Here's the thing about Tower Cylinder redclad. It takes 5 seconds to install, X time to load whatever alchemy skill (and then you actually have to fire it) during the 5 seconds you are completely vunerable, and while installed you cannot load defense, counter or windmill. If you get knocked back once you are completely incapable of using your Tower Cylinder for the rest of the fight. There is no other weapon in ANY weapon class that can be shut down like that in a 1 on 1 situation. Even archers, mages and small cylinder alchemists have options like counter attack and windmill to create distance to load their skills and land a hit. There is no way, with just your tower cylinder, to create enough time to re-install and load more skills before they can attack you again. So, the drawback to your tower cylinder should be that you are very vulnerable while deployed, not that and once you're knocked out of deployment you cannot deploy again until the end of the fight.

And as far as Sand burst goes, you cannot chain blind an enemy, and any damage done to the enemy knocks them out of the blind. So even if you do use it on a big boss, you can't perma-cc him with Sandburst. Considering that, being able to blind any monster isn't that crazy of an idea, since you're only getting a one time CC of the enemy.
Don't get into the Totemizer.
Posted at 09-03-17, 05:42 pm Link | #4

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Then I have nothing against these tweaks. It could be added in a content poll at some point I guess.
Posted at 09-03-17, 07:01 pm Link | #5

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But the tower cylinder isnt meant for regular use, is it? If that was the case all the other cylinders would be used way less. Is it not meant for use against bosses and situations where the extra damage and range outweighs the setbacks of the cylinder? But the current time could be shortened a bit, I think a time of 2-3 seconds is more reasonable.
Posted at 09-05-17, 01:43 am Link | #6

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cant you Spec upg the Advance Cylinders? or was that added a later patch?
Posted at 09-08-17, 03:26 pm Link | #7

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Fun fact~ Max damage enchants affect flame burst damage by alot
Posted at 09-08-17, 04:38 pm Link | #8

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Personally I think decreasing the tower cylinder deploying/packing by 2/3 seconds sounds fine.

I can't really say much about special upgradable cylinders, since I don't know the potential of alchemists that have achieved close to endgame (for example, someone that uses flameburst having a fully enchanted set that boosts flame alchemy, wearing cressida set, and upgraded volcano cylinder with enchants). Although I do find it a bit weird cylinders can't be special upped while most other things can.

I think sandburst just being able to blind anything would be pretty OP in certain scenarios (imagining peaca in ghast rooms, people just blind most of the ghasts and gang up on them one by one). I think its usefulness can receive a huge boost, but it shouldn't be able to just easily blind opponents in 1 shot in the end game stuff.
Posted at 09-08-17, 06:50 pm Link | #9

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Egoable cylinders/SG cylinders would be a nice touch, and by god I would love a higher crystal stack count to save my inventory from thousands of 50 stack water crystals. In regards to stun locking enemies with sand burst it'd take a zerg just to pull it off, especially in a place like Peaca.
post rev. 2 by Excelsian on 09-08-17, 10:43 pm
Posted at 09-08-17, 10:41 pm Link | #10

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I'm not saying stun locking is a problem now, all I'm saying is that if we get what Futalover wants (being able to blind regardless of CP), then it'd be too good of a skill, since you can basically blind every mob besides one and gang up on it in the super hard content, after which you can more easily deal with the remainders (this is not implying I don't agree right now it sucks and could use some help).

Egoable cylinders... I'm not even sure if it is feasible on this server. If it is, I think it'd be alright to add them (although I haven't really looked how balanced they are so yeah).
Posted at 09-11-17, 01:43 am Link | #11

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Ego able cylinders are actually pretty bleh, they would only make golems even more broken. but fire and water alchemy bonus from the stats are pretty much null for how much it will cost to level that weap.
Posted at 09-12-17, 08:20 pm Link | #12

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Uhm, instead of the Special upgrades how about unlocking all normal cylinder upgrades by default as a start and adjust the inventory crystal stack size.

As for Tower cylinder its fine as it is, its extremely powerfull when set up in a party in the right locations/times. Its not meant to be used in solo play.

Also if you're worried about getting hit while using it, they invented barrier spikes for that.

Oh and Spirit Cylinders would be nice but I'm not sure thats feasable.
Posted at 09-30-17, 05:05 am Link | #13

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Even if anything else is denied, cylinder upgrades do need to be unlocked, it took what a couple of months on live to unlock them all, and that was with max dedicated RAs running amuck, there's a small amount of RAs on this server and only a slim few of them actually use a cylinders religiously so upgrades won't be complete for a very long time.
Posted at 10-09-17, 11:50 pm Link | #14

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The real issue with tower cylinders is, most, if not ALL 'good' missions, that is missions that give a great amount of exp and gold that people regularly spam run, are missions where you move around, a LOT, and as fast as possible. Leaving NO time or want to set up a tower cylinder. There are even a few other places where you would use a tower cylinder, where you might get kicked in the face for it, like some Rath castle rooms and any 4 orb dungeon room, because once you hit the right just wasted 10 seconds + load times, and if you're soloing, you CANNOT load the cylinder anyway, you HAVE to be in a party because even if you set up next to the orb, you cannot hit it. Not to mention you do not get their buff until you complete... g9, g10, g11(URG), and NEARLY HALF OF G12. G11 at least let's you have a royal alch so it's not soloinogi, but g12 is not only BORING AS SHIT, making you run back and forth to the castle CONSTANTLY, just like in g11, to do the SAME MISSION ALL OVER AGAIN WITH SLIGHT CHANGES, but also 99% SOLO without even a royal alch. I don't care if you do it on basic before you get to int difficulty, that's not fucking worth it for something you can't use all that much. Not to mention, you might not be able to use it REGARDLESS because people you're partying with might not want to wait 5 seconds + load times before starting a group.

The amount of cylinder upgrades we don't have is crazy. It's just so damn bad. To make it even worse, the alch ele mastery skills are TRASH at the amount of dmg they actually give you. They are the LAST THING in the ENTIRE GAME you should rank, even if you're going pure alch, just because it's a waste of AP.

Sand burst was originally made JUST for blinkers. This is god awful. The MAX CP at rank 1 is 2.4k That means, some INT level and adv-HM mobs in missions are completely immune to this.

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