Content Poll #3
Posted at 09-28-17, 04:45 am Link | #1
Arisa GM

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Content Poll #3 is coming up! Content polls are MabiPro's tool to gauge how much community support new features and changes to the game have before they are implemented. Voting on this poll will start on Saturday, but the questions that will appear on the poll are going to be listed here so that the community can discuss them before the vote starts. You are free to discuss the questions in the comments of this post. If your total level is at least 20, you can vote on the poll in-game once it officially opens by clicking the "Content Polls" button in the game menu. Note that for a question to pass, at least 75% of voters must vote Yes on it. We will do our best to implement changes described by questions that pass the vote.

The questions

Question 1 Should the stack size of cobwebs be increased from 5 to 10?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 2 Should the stack sizes of thick and thin thread balls be increased from 5 to 10?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 3 Should the stack sizes of all alchemy crystals be doubled?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 4 Should it be possible to dye shields?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 5 Should it be possible to dye wands?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 6 Should it be possible to dye bows?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 7 Should it be possible to dye siren's masks?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 8 Currently, Shyla appears in all of her locations simultaneously. Should she instead only be at one location at a time, like Price?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 9 Should a new tier of lesser gachapon be added to contrast the expensive seasonal gachapon? It would be purchasable from Shyla for a small number of red coins, and contain less valuable items.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 10 Currently, there are no obtainable pets in the game with area-of-effect (AoE) abilities. Should AoE pets become available through Shyla's shop? (This question resolves to No unless at least 75% of votes are scattered across "Yes" options, in which case the question resolves to the most popular "Yes" option.)
  • Yes, they should be released with standard price points depending on their power
  • Yes, but it should only be possible to have one pet with an AoE ability on each account
  • Yes, but they should cost very large amounts of red coins to make them difficult to obtain
  • No, the pets should still be released but only if their AoE abilities are removed
  • No, don't release the pets at all
  • Skip question
Question 11 Should the rate at which MP is regenerated through the use of the Meditation skill be increased? (This question resolves to No unless at least 75% of votes are scattered across "Yes" options, in which case the question resolves to the most popular "Yes" option.)
  • Yes, make it as strong as it is in Nexon's Mabinogi
  • Yes, but not quite as strong as it is in Nexon's Mabinogi
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 12 Should we run a special content poll that revisits some past questions that failed to pass at the time?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 13 Should knuckle weapons be added? There would still not be any knuckle-specific skills.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 14 Should some future pets be released on a rotating schedule? They will only be available for a limited amount of time until another set of pets becomes available for purchase. No pets introduced in this fashion will become permanently unobtainable - they will always eventually become available again.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 15 Currently, the Composing skill is capped at rank 6. Should the skill book "Instrumental Timbre" (that allows characters to raise Composing from rank 6 to 5) be added? It will be sold by Nele for 220,000 gold.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 16 Profile pages on the website show a list of characters associated with an account along with some of their stats. Should time played become one of the publicly visible stats on this page? (This question resolves to No unless at least 75% of votes are scattered across "Yes" options, in which case the question resolves to the most popular "Yes" option.)
  • Yes, treat it like any other stat
  • Yes, but it should be possible to opt out of showing your time played stat
  • No, but make it possible to view your own time played stat privately instead
  • No, don't show the time played stat at all
  • Skip question
Question 17 If a guild's leader stops playing, should there be a process guilds can use to replace them with a new leader?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 18 Currently, a charged lightning bolt will disappear after 15 seconds. Should this time limit be removed?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 19 Should the drop rate of red envelopes be reduced?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 20 Currently, the server rates only apply to channel 1. Should they also take effect on the housing channel?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Posted at 09-28-17, 05:08 am Link | #2

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Really pushing for more dye-able equips. Any say on which palette they'll use or fixed dyes only?
Posted at 09-28-17, 05:35 am Link | #3

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I'm going to make my case for a few of these, in hopes that the server's ready to continue its ascent into amazing loveliness and not stifling trolldom.

Increasing of stack sizes, in all cases listed: There's no downside to these. Excessive inventory juggling isn't a challenge, it's an annoyance, and these particular items are among the worst. Let's do it!

Question 8: This would destroy the use of Shyla for paid transportation and discourage use for almost anything else. Shyla is a popular feature of the server and taking away features is silly. A new moving NPC could be fun, or Price's shop could be added to, though.

Question 10: AoE pets are a politicized knee-jerk issue due to their potential for being spammed. However, by themselves in small numbers they really aren't that harmful. A lot of people love their designs. I will be voting for "One per account" as this encourages choice and uniqueness, lets everyone have access to this feature, but doesn't allow anything overpowered. Remember, summoning pets is on a timer that would negate the spam ability. I could also understand voting for "release these pets without AoE skills" though. I hope for one of those two to pass, as they aren't overpowered and aren't completely stifling.

Question 11: This is absolutely, 100% a no-brainer. Just do it already. Everyone who plays mage wants Meditation fixed, unless they have a particularly massive masochistic ego. If they do, maybe consider picking the second option, I will agree that Meditation is very powerful on Nexon Mabi. I'll be happy with either yes option, though.

Question 15: Do we want expanded content? Yes, absolutely, more content is awesome! Why ask?

Question 16: Please, please don't pick option 1, and here's why: This is troll bait. If this information is forcibly accessible, anyone can go on your profile and use it to annoy you. Are you a new player? "LOL 30 hours?? like your opinions matter!!" Are you a veteran player! "LOL look at this guy's hours count what a nolife, how's that basement treating you??"
I understand it's an interesting stat, but I've seen this type of thing used for exactly that type of abuse in other communities, let's not encourage it here, okay?

Question 17: Let's phrase this another way. Should the actions of one player be allowed to dismantle an entire guild that has been building up through a group effort for months? Didn't think so. Vote yes

Question 19: People are going to vote yes mainly because red envelopes are bad. Please consider improving them, especially if they are made rarer, then they might actually be exciting to see.

Question 20: Another no-brainer. People currently avoid Castle Dungeons partly because leveling inside one will cost you 1AP from that rebirth.
Posted at 09-28-17, 09:19 am Link | #4

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I have made my choices for many of the questions and will only discuss those that are unclear for me.

Question 11 Should the rate at which MP is regenerated through the use of the Meditation skill be increased? (This question resolves to No unless at least 75% of votes are scattered across "Yes" options, in which case the question resolves to the most popular "Yes" option.)
  • Yes, make it as strong as it is in Nexon's Mabinogi
  • Yes, but not quite as strong as it is in Nexon's Mabinogi
  • No
  • Skip question

I want to say yest but less strong that nexon's mabinogi. So the question is: what would be the new rates ?
I propose to make rank 1 accessible and double the current rates ( )
This would make rank F at 300% (so less than rank F on live but more than our current cap at rank 9)
and make rank 1 at 600% (so less than live cap at rank 8: 940%).
Yet, with this solution, you need to invest ap to actually benefit of the full potential of this skill.

Question 17 If a guild's leader stops playing, should there be a process guilds can use to replace them with a new leader?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question

I will probably answer yes but.... what does "stops playing" means ? One week ? One month ?
Some people can go on vacation or not have access to internet for one month. Does it means they stopped playing ? Not forcefully.
I suppose the best way to address this question would be to make a poll among all guild members after some time of complete inactivity of the leader (no activity in the game, forum, discord).

Question 18 Currently, a charged lightning bolt will disappear after 15 seconds. Should this time limit be removed?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
This question troubles me. This "fix" can be applied extremely easily by changing an xml file in the data folder. To be honest I did mod this on live years ago and I'm using this here too. So if anyone can do it without control, then it would be fair to put everyone on an equal foot and remove the limit => "yes".
FYI: it's in \data\db\skill\skillinfo.xml
Just read the line for lightning bolt and it will be obvious.
Posted at 09-28-17, 09:20 am Link | #5

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Let's see here...

Posted at 09-28-17, 01:16 pm Link | #6

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It would fit in great if Shyla moved randomly,

Especially in this version of the game where travel is promoted and gates are limited
Posted at 09-28-17, 01:29 pm Link | #7

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Posted at 09-28-17, 01:48 pm Link | #8

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also put in chain casting so i can zap the shit out of rats. seriously chain casting plz <3

Chain casting is already in the game
Posted at 09-28-17, 03:23 pm Link | #9

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I feel like I've yet to post on the forums before.. usually tend to stray away from giving my opinion but here it is anyway.

Posted at 09-28-17, 05:28 pm Link | #10

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>people considering making the game more difficult in certain aspects (moving shyla)
god i love this community
Posted at 09-28-17, 06:51 pm Link | #11

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Im just gonna join here so first of all hi from tarlach!
Also gonna comment about some doubts ive got, the first questions are a YES from me so here are the rest.

Question 8 Currently, Shyla appears in all of her locations simultaneously. Should she instead only be at one location at a time, like Price?

Question 9 Should a new tier of lesser gachapon be added to contrast the expensive seasonal gachapon? It would be purchasable from Shyla for a small number of red coins, and contain less valuable items.
Yes, why not?

Question 10 Currently, there are no obtainable pets in the game with area-of-effect (AoE) abilities. Should AoE pets become available through Shyla's shop?
This one is interesting because we are talking about one of the most common exploits that abused the spam of this for everything so might as well not have them.
I was thinking of solving the need of some kind of CC with a skill-like option, like Stomp or Rage Impact, which i enjoyed from mabi, but i saw some user above that talked about the uniqueness of having 1 and i liked it, like you pick a Legendary Beast per account which CC but can also be your top partner/the one people know you for, thus also making it possible to revive it with the same price pet card. Maybe as an extra they could have more summoning time in the towns or something like that to really showoff!

Question 11 Should the rate at which MP is regenerated through the use of the Meditation skill be increased?
Yes, but not quite as strong as it is in Nexon's Mabinogi

Question 12 Should we run a special content poll that revisits some past questions that failed to pass at the time?

Question 14 Should some future pets be released on a rotating schedule? They will only be available for a limited amount of time until another set of pets becomes available for purchase. No pets introduced in this fashion will become permanently unobtainable - they will always eventually become available again.
Yes, it would be fun.

Question 17 If a guild's leader stops playing, should there be a process guilds can use to replace them with a new leader?

Question 18 Currently, a charged lightning bolt will disappear after 15 seconds. Should this time limit be removed?

Question 20 Currently, the server rates only apply to channel 1. Should they also take effect on the housing channel?
Yes, off Course!

Thanks for your time!
post rev. 1 by Flipend0 on 09-28-17, 07:05 pm
Posted at 09-28-17, 07:04 pm Link | #12
Flipend0 GM

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Really pushing for more dye-able equips. Any say on which palette they'll use or fixed dyes only?

DevCat interestingly already include palettes for most of the items even if they are undye-able.
If approved, I will try to make it both for regular dyes and fixed dyes
Should an item not have a dye-able palette, I will set it to default (which is the common rainbow colors)
Posted at 09-28-17, 07:19 pm Link | #13

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Really pushing for more dye-able equips. Any say on which palette they'll use or fixed dyes only?

DevCat interestingly already include palettes for most of the items even if they are undye-able.
If approved, I will try to make it both for regular dyes and fixed dyes
Should an item not have a dye-able palette, I will set it to default (which is the common rainbow colors)

Just out of curiosity, do wood items have an unused palette?
Posted at 09-28-17, 09:55 pm Link | #14

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Questions 1-7 I think are pretty no-brainer questions, as in, why would we not want to dye absolutely everything? So I will skip the explanations for those and start with Question 8.

Question 8 Currently, Shyla appears in all of her locations simultaneously. Should she instead only be at one location at a time, like Price?

Nope, I don't see a reason to make her harder to get to. Simply put we need her for basic things even like 1k stack arrows so who wants to be chasing her around Uladh and Iria just to find her to buy some necessities.

Question 9 Should a new tier of lesser gachapon be added to contrast the expensive seasonal gachapon? It would be purchasable from Shyla for a small number of red coins, and contain less valuable items.

Yes, but I wonder whether anyone would actually do this? I mean, the current seasonal gacha can give absolute crap so a lower tiered one I don't think would be appealing to most people, but that depends on what kind of items you wanna put in them. Also if they never give anything rare then why would you waste coins on them in the first place. It'd be better to save up for the seasonal one to get better stuff. I personally think a gacha that is more expensive and allows us to fight field bosses (monster summoning urn PLS) would be a much nicer thing to have. Simply because you will nearly always get something useful (not necessarily rare but useful) AND you can fight a field boss.

Question 10 Currently, there are no obtainable pets in the game with area-of-effect (AoE) abilities. Should AoE pets become available through Shyla's shop?

I think either 1 pet per account or AoE pets with the ability removed will be fine. I know people will say "omg you can spam" but you can't if you only have 1 pet and you certainly can't if the aoe effect gets removed. I have posted so much on a thread about this issue so I won't repeat myself too much, but I hope one of these two optionss get passed. That way the problem of aoe pets is minimal or non-existent but we get cool looking mounts. Win-win in my opinion.

Question 11 Should the rate at which MP is regenerated through the use of the Meditation skill be increased?

I think meditation should be stronger, but I'm no mage an I have no idea how "strong" Nexon's Mabi's meditation is, but I vote yes to a buff.

Question 12 Should we run a special content poll that revisits some past questions that failed to pass at the time?

PLEASE. This is the biggest one for me. I hope SO much this gets passed because the community is continually changing and so those who played in Open Beta may not play anymore now and may have had drastically different ideas to those who are playing now. For example, why on EARTH were reduced level restrictions on SMs etc not passed??? It would mean many more people at lower levels could access harder content quicker, and since we already have double ap and double exp people are more than able to do HM shadow missions at total 750 maybe even earlier. I hope this gets passed so much.

Question 13 Should knuckle weapons be added? There would still not be any knuckle-specific skills.

Sure, I see no problems with this or why it wouldn't be wanted.

Question 14 Should some future pets be released on a rotating schedule? They will only be available for a limited amount of time until another set of pets becomes available for purchase. No pets introduced in this fashion will become permanently unobtainable - they will always eventually become available again.

If they become obtainable again at some point in the future then I don't really see the problem with this. It'd be nice to have seasonal pets actually over time or something.

These are my thoughts on all the questions I'm particularly interested in. Overall I'm really looking forward to how this poll will turn out.
post rev. 1 by Rezi on 09-30-17, 11:13 am
Posted at 09-30-17, 11:11 am Link | #15

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1. All stack sizes should increase.

2. All items should be dye-able.

3. Those pets are OP, but it would be fine if they were nerfed in that all 3 yes options are implemented - only one per account, costs a lot of red coins, cost increases based on power, AND there should be a limit per day or cooldown for the AoEs. That said, restricting pet models is bad, so maybe have an AoE and non-AoE version of them, and they come non-AoE but can be traded at Shyla for AoE if no AoE pets are already owned.

4. Why not make Price stay at all locations instead? Also I would prefer the gachapon idea to instead be that certain items that would have been in a gachapon be released in limited shops that rotate to continuously allow the items to be purchased directly; this would not extend to seasonal items, of course.

5. Weapons, skill upgrades, etc should all be yes. Although the meditation shouldn't be live strong. The poll should ask whether Knuckles would be race-specific or not.

6. Special content polls should be seasonal.

7. Yes for time played, and it should be publicly visible; I don't believe people will troll about playtime since most of us are Mabi veterans, so I see no reason to hide it. A voting system should be established for new guild leaders requiring a certain percentage of active guild members to vote or the vote won't count; in case of the latter, the active guild member with the longest membership time in the guild will become the new leader. Only members with a certain length of membership in the guild should be able to vote, and only they would count for the voting percentage requirement.

8. Server rates should affect all channels, or else each server should get its own rates. In the case of Housing, perhaps guilds could decide which days get which rates, as incentive for players to buy homes and/or castle dungeon in that guild's town.

9. Lower and buff red envelopes.

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