Weeaboo Merchant
Posted at 03-04-17, 10:49 pm Link | #1

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Joined: 02-08-17
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There's a lot of Japanese items that (at least in the NA version) were either event only/gacha only. For example, here's all of the Japanese themed swords, and a few clothing options.

Japanese Traditional Clothing (M)
Yukata (M) (F)
Yukata Mini (M) (F)
There are of course more clothing that's available as well.

The spin would be pretty simple, a weeaboo has been given an ultimatum from his mom that he has to sell off all of his Japanese paraphernalia or else he will be kicked out of the basement and will have to live on his own. You could spin his dialogue as something along the lines of "My mom is making me get rid of my superior Japanese items or else she's going to boot me out. You're not getting it for cheap though, these superior weapons can cut clean through steel because they've been folded over a thousand times!" Even if you only made him a temporary NPC, I'm sure quite a few people would stock up on the various items, as unless JP was more widely different with methods to obtain these, all of these in NA were either Gacha or event only. Thanks for the consideration.
Posted at 03-05-17, 05:58 am Link | #2
Drahan GM

Posts: 2147
Joined: 02-06-17
Last post: 393 days
Last view: 17 days
This is funny. I like it. Maybe we could do this in the future. Thanks for the suggestion.

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