Repair Rates (rev. 1 by Atoyume on 03-05-17, 03:03 pm)
Posted at 03-05-17, 03:02 pm Link | #1

Posts: 26
Joined: 02-24-17
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How about making the repair rates from npcs accurate. Failing to repair a weapon at 95% many times is a big no no.

Thank you~

Atoyume of Triona
post rev. 1 by SSBBWii on 03-05-17, 03:05 pm
Posted at 03-05-17, 03:05 pm Link | #2

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Beat me to it, was just saying in global how I failed 3 times out of 6 at Taunes with 95%. Might as well just Ferghus it at that rate.
Posted at 03-05-17, 05:02 pm Link | #3
Drahan GM

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They shouldn't be inaccurate, Mabinogi's RNG is just silly.

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