Posts: 24
Joined: 02-08-17
Last post: 1906 days
Last view: 1297 days
There are a number of problems, inconveniences, minor annoyances, and grievances surrounding fashionogi and crafting currently. Here are a few notable ones.
Equipment locked behind Gachapon and Events
Gachapon alone accounts for 90 equipment items (weapons not included) that are currently unable to be obtained by player means. Adding events into the mix brings the count to well over 120. This does not include items that were gacha/event only that have already had a method to obtain put on the server already (Iris Headdress, Nakuru Dragon Pattern Robe, etc.).
Suggested Solution: Add tailoring patterns and blacksmith manuals to Shyla's shop for these equipment items. Alternatively, put them in rewards for exploration, connous underground and solea treasure chests, fishing, and other underused content. This way, not only will players not have to wait for events or gachapon to obtain these items, players will be able to use a greater variety of patterns/manuals when training tailoring and blacksmithing.
Equipment locked behind Character Cards
Much like the above issue, there is no way to obtain these items without a GM spawning them in. There are about 9 sets of equipment not able to be obtained thanks to these cards.
Suggested Solution: Add character card coupons to Shyla's shop. A standard character card should be put in for a sizeable sum of gold. Characters cards with outfit sets should be slightly more expensive. This allows for a good gold sink, the creation of more characters, and faster progression for those who desire it.
Items in the database but unable to be obtained
There are several items currently in the database that weren't able to be obtained in the g13 era. Examples include the Vanalen formal sets, the Belmont set, and the Bohemian set.
Suggested Solution: Same as what can be done for equipment locked behind gachapon and events. Whether or not pieces like Belmont and Bohemian keep their bonuses should be up for debate.
Lack of Merchant Destiny
Life skills are the only skills without 4x training as a choice yet are the skills which most players would want 4x training for.
Suggested Solution: A) add the merchant destiny. B) set server standard rates to include 2x life skill training in addition to the 2x all skills training.
Age Restrictions on Outfits
This is something I have long since suspected of being an underhanded way of selling more character cards. There is not much reason (other than the finishing materials to make these outfits) for the age restriction, given that models outside the range work fine when age potions are used. Age pots work as a solution for it fashion wise, but the character's stat gain will still be affected.
Suggested Solution: Remove them. They've never been anything more than a nuisance.
Crafting Materials
Obtaining them and using them can be a hassle. Anyone who's done weaving knows the pains of not being blessed by RNGesus. Not only is obtaining the mats tedious enough, but accidentally sticking a stack into a crafting window will eat the stack even if it only asked for one of that mat. There is little more frustrating than using a stack of finest silk when only one was needed.
Suggest Solutions: Add fine and finest fabric to general shops that sell cheap and common fabric. Silk should still be crafting only, but if possible make the silk weaving gloves affect chances of making certain silks much higher. Like 'Live' Mabinogi, crafting should not eat an entire stack of mats if the recipe does not call for it. The 'Add Materials' button from live would also be a great quality of life addition.
Magical Clothing Upgrades
Magical clothing is unable to receive upgrades despite having upgrade slots. This may be due to the near useless magic passive defenses most magical clothes have.
Suggested Solution: Classify magical clothing as clothing or apply clothing upgrades to magic clothing.
Feel free to show support, criticize, or share more ideas, suggestions, and solutions.