Game Server Maintenance 10/13/2017 (rev. 7 by Flipend0 on 10-13-17, 08:23 am)
Posted at 10-12-17, 08:59 pm Link | #1
Flipend0 GM

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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 04:22AM 10/13/17 EST.
All servers are running normally.
Please update your client.
Thank you for your patience.

Dear Milletians,

Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
03:00AM 10/13/17 to 06:00AM 10/13/17 (EST)
  • Cobweb stack size increased from 5 to 10 (Content Poll #3, Question #1)
  • Thread stack sizes increased from 5 to 10 (Content Poll #3, Question #2)
  • Alchemy crystal stack sizes doubled (Content Poll #3, Question #3)
  • Shields are now dyeable (Content Poll #3, Question #4)
  • Wands are now dyeable (Content Poll #3, Question #5)
  • Bows are now dyeable (Content Poll #3, Question #6)
  • Siren's masks are now dyeable (Content Poll #3, Question #7)
  • Meditation has been buffed to match the newer rates (Content Poll #3, Question #11)
  • Rank 5 Composing book has been added to Nele's Shop (Content Poll #3, Question #15)
  • Rapiers are now special upgradable
  • Fixed a bug involving manuals for Lance Feather Outfit (Female) and Lance Feather Outfit (Male)
  • Fixed a graphical glitch involving the Ghost Flying Puppet

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff
post rev. 2 by MangoPom on 10-12-17, 09:44 pm
Posted at 10-12-17, 09:43 pm Link | #2

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Awesome! This is great news and good job to the GMs who were able to make this possible. However, you didn't mention about changing guild leaders. Did it not pass?
Posted at 10-12-17, 09:47 pm Link | #3
Flipend0 GM

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Awesome! This is great news and good job to the GMs who were able to make this possible. However, you didn't mention about changing guild leaders. Did it not pass?

That passed, but that will most likely to be worked on later on (Web dev isn't in my field)

In my field, I still need to do 18, 19, and 20. Which will most likely be done in the next patch.
Posted at 10-13-17, 07:05 am Link | #4

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Thanks a lot <3!
Posted at 10-13-17, 04:07 pm Link | #5

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Awesome! This is great news and good job to the GMs who were able to make this possible. However, you didn't mention about changing guild leaders. Did it not pass?

That passed, but that will most likely to be worked on later on (Web dev isn't in my field)

In my field, I still need to do 18, 19, and 20. Which will most likely be done in the next patch.

Well number 18 can be done in less than 1 minute....
Just update the following xml in the .pack (look that the part in bold)

<Skill SkillID="30101" SkillEngName="Lightningbolt" SkillLocalName="_LT[xml.skillinfo.38]" SkillType="3" TriggerType="3" SkillCategory="3" Season="1" Version="1" DescName="Lightningbolt" UIType="0" MaxStackNum="5" StackLimitTime="0" UseType="0" RaceBasic="0" BasicType="0" IsHidden="False" IsSpecialAction="False" LvZeroUsable="False" OnceALife="False" TransformType="0" ParentSkill="0" TargetPreference="enemy|prop(/Lightningbolt/)" TargetRange="1200" ImageFile="data/gfx/image/" PositionX="5" PositionY="2" ClosedDesc="_LT[xml.skillinfo.116]" SkillDesc="_LT[xml.skillinfo.194]" PrepareLock="lock(walk,run)" WaitLock="unlock(attack,equip,stance,useitem)" MasterTitle="10015" DecreaseDuraByBrionac="0" Venturer="1" Knight="1" Bard="1" Merchant="1" Alchemist="1" />
Posted at 10-14-17, 11:43 am Link | #6

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Awesome! Thanks for fixing the stack sizes on cobwebs and threads. Could you guys plan to do the same for wool in the future? Those things take up a lot of inv space x.x
Posted at 10-14-17, 11:55 am Link | #7

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For wool there are wool pouches, you can get them from a Quilla Base Camp exploration quest.
Posted at 10-14-17, 03:48 pm Link | #8

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For wool there are wool pouches, you can get them from a Qilla Base Camp exploration quest.

Yes, I knew that.
Posted at 10-14-17, 05:16 pm Link | #9

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wont let me lunch game patch says fail to update files all ready exist
Posted at 10-14-17, 05:17 pm Link | #10
Drahan GM

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wont let me lunch game patch says fail to update files all ready exist
faq Frequently Asked Questions from MabiPro's Tech(..)
Posted at 10-17-17, 06:53 pm Link | #11

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can't dye my ego wand tho? so fix it ty
Posted at 10-17-17, 06:55 pm Link | #12
Drahan GM

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can't dye my ego wand tho? so fix it ty
You can't dye ego weapons with standard dyes.

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