Posted at 10-17-17, 01:46 am Link | #1

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I'm not sure if this is even possible with the old-school mabi servers, but the only thing I really miss from live is the homesteading feature. Just because the housing in mab basically only function as shops, it was cool to be able to have a little private crafting station that you could decorate. Would be super cool if we could have that on here too.
Posted at 10-18-17, 08:51 am Link | #2

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I personally like homesteads but many players stated in the past that it was OP due to the herb patches.
With homestead, potion making and herbalism become easy to rank and we get constant supply of powerful potions (especially for mages).

In any case the question is irrelevant since homesteads were added in G14 and are not present in the G13 code currently used by mabi pro.
Posted at 10-19-17, 03:53 am Link | #3

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Don't you get herbs from clover gnus and pigs too though?

Bummer, I wasn't sure when homesteads got released. One G short I guess
Posted at 10-20-17, 09:34 am Link | #4

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Don't you get herbs from clover gnus and pigs too though?

Yes you get herbs from pets but it needs mana and you can't choose what you get. With homestead you can set up specific patches for mana and golden herbs if you want that. You can even set many to make an actual farm.
Posted at 10-20-17, 03:55 pm Link | #5

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Not that we don't already have people with a steady stream of pots. Whenever I say I'm out of mp, typically someone just throws upwards of 5 stacks of MP100s at me like they're nothing. It's really not hard to get pots thanks to pets. Not to mention Mondays we get an MP elixir and Tuesdays a high speed gather pot. Those two go hand in hand with a herb pet, even more so if a full party of people jump on one hyped up big with their gather pots.

That said, they could just remove the ability to make herb spots on the homestead or better balance them with making them a grow-able at the farm where you get around 20 back after a day or two. But sadly we can't have 'em atm, like redclad said, they're just not in the code.
Posted at 10-21-17, 06:38 am Link | #6

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Yeah I loved homesteads as well still that's the only little thing that I miss, everything is is on point on my childhood
Posted at 11-29-17, 08:43 pm Link | #7

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Honestly, if they could somehow add HS's into Mabipro, how hard would it be to just plain remove the ability to plant herbs? I'm not a programmer at all, but I would think it would be as simple as highlighting all the code to add the herbs and then hitting delete/backspace.
Posted at 12-19-17, 11:22 pm Link | #8

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post rev. 1 by Drahan on 12-20-17, 05:26 am
Posted at 12-20-17, 05:26 am Link | #9
Drahan GM

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Honestly, if they could somehow add HS's into Mabipro, how hard would it be to just plain remove the ability to plant herbs? I'm not a programmer at all, but I would think it would be as simple as highlighting all the code to add the herbs and then hitting delete/backspace.

Currently, the "code" for homesteads literally doesn't exist at all.
If we added it, we'd be re-creating it all from scratch and could simply not add anything related to herbs if so desired.

The amount of work required to actually add homesteads is in the hundreds of hours and to be quite honest, it's not really feasible for us to do.
Posted at 12-20-17, 08:57 am Link | #10

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Don't forget that Homesteads are, by design, literally anti-content. They exist solely to disincentivize actually playing the game.

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