Posts: 106
Joined: 05-12-17
Last post: 2190 days
Last view: 1623 days
It's nice to have things that drive players in running events but I don't quite like the fact that this marquis accessory is clearly the best possible prefix on an accessory that is not available by any other mean than this event.
I'm not saying it's broken in term of raw "power" but it's still better than anything we would need to put effort into with normal content (e.g. stout accessory).
In my opinion, events could provide good items but not the best possible end gear that would render any work on other equipments pointless . For example, swarming accessory is good and worth running the event but not the best possible enchant on an accessory. Also the current reward marquis enchanted accessory is personalized, so it can't be traded or sold. Therefore, those missing the event or being unlucky have no way to get it after the event (there are pros and cons for that, not sure if it's a good or bad thing imo). EDIT: I thought it would work like personalized ES which are not tradable at all but enchanted items can be traded until they are equipped.
I would prefer this kind of end gear item available through permanent content like new elite SM (difficult and rare).
I would also suggest to make custom and balanced enchants for rewards. It's possible to make interesting but non broken custom enchants (e.g. points in mp reduction and explosion resistance or some magic enhancement on a single enchant but no stat bonus).
Of course this is my personal opinion, there is no absolute answer on such a matter.