Gathering tools durability usage (rev. 4 by Alder The LoreKeeper on 10-26-17, 05:58 pm)
Posted at 10-26-17, 06:55 am Link | #1
Alder The LoreKeeper

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I am simply proposing the change of durability on equips when gathering be changed from .1 to either .01 or .001 as I currently believe that is far too fast and one of the fastest rates in the game.

EDIT: After consideration and debate within the community discord I have decided that a better rate to suggest would be between .07 or .05 durability loss per gathering attempt, leaving it still higher than all other forms of durability loss but cutting it nearly in half with blessings being .035 and .025 respectively. The next highest durability loss would be normal cooking with .2 durability loss per attempt and then melee/ranged with a durability loss range of .001 as the min and .03 as the max.
post rev. 1 by Vynthur on 10-26-17, 07:12 am
Posted at 10-26-17, 07:09 am Link | #2

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I totally agree with this. Life skills can be a pain to rank, so it'd make sense to make gathering/mining not waste so much durability.
Posted at 10-26-17, 07:55 am Link | #3

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I agree as well, especially when you think getting +10 dura from an upgrade for most tools is worthwhile and yet...just that in itself, it proves just how abysmal the dura loss is. (I'm looking at you, silk gloves.)

This isnt to mention how much gathering is generally needed for crafting or required for training other skills as well (like weaving to tailoring, metallurgy to metal conversion/blacksmithing, etc.).
Posted at 10-26-17, 08:23 am Link | #4

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Durability loss is annoying but I don't see a reason to change it. We can repair these tools quite easily and I can fill an inventory of wool (with pouches) before my knife breaks.
Therefore, I don't really care if such a change is applied or not.
Posted at 10-26-17, 11:35 am Link | #5

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I can understand why most would want this change. While you can slash people with a sword for several hours, just one gathering trip will destroy a single tool, and that's just not realistic at all. You're telling me I can use my sword, axe, or blunt, against heavily armored foes and have little ware and tare, but shifting some sand around on the beach, or cutting wool off a sheep will break it in a matter of minutes?? What on earth is that logic?
Posted at 10-26-17, 04:27 pm Link | #6

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I can understand why most would want this change. While you can slash people with a sword for several hours, just one gathering trip will destroy a single tool, and that's just not realistic at all. You're telling me I can use my sword, axe, or blunt, against heavily armored foes and have little ware and tare, but shifting some sand around on the beach, or cutting wool off a sheep will break it in a matter of minutes?? What on earth is that logic?
Posted at 01-23-18, 10:35 pm Link | #7

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For anyone against this..

Bring an Empty bag, and 2-3 sickles..
post rev. 1 by gmerc on 01-24-18, 07:08 am
Posted at 01-24-18, 07:07 am Link | #8

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honestly, i'd say the less useful a product of gathering is (or if the activity is worse than another option), the less durability that activity should consume. gathering flowers with a weeding hoe, for example, should use significantly less durability than potatoes. and even if they buff 2x2 ore stacks into the stratosphere, pickaxes could really use this sort of love.

maybe also go ahead and make the durability use of a hatchet as good as if not better than a gathering axe when used to gather wood, seeing as how it's not exactly a spectacular weapon and also doesn't benefit from any of the upgrades a gathering axe can get.

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