Keith PTJ (rev. 1 by Pegwald on 11-06-17, 07:47 pm)
Posted at 11-06-17, 07:47 pm Link | #1

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Joined: 08-21-17
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Is there a way to improve the function of this PTJ so that the recipient of the item is not an afk alt? There are just too many alts fishing with their mains being afk, so if there is a way to improve this, I would appreciate it a lot.
People who have moved for the past 5 min, for example, if there is a way to have the PTJ target this group of people, it would actually be possible to complete those PTJs.
Posted at 11-08-17, 11:56 pm Link | #2

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How we used to do the PTJ a while ago was to put all ur alts at Keith, allways be logged in with 3 clients and try the PTJ. Chances are at least one of them Will have a non afk target. Maybe even one of your own alts. This works better if you do it with more people, We used to have 9 chars at Keith. It would ofcourse be nice if that wouldnt be necesarry.
Posted at 12-22-17, 08:20 am Link | #3

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IMO I'd just redesign it entirely to deliver stuff to a specific NPC instead of a player.

it's always been one of the most maligned PTJs because it generally wastes your time due to no fault of your own.

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