Archery, should it be fixed?
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Possible fix on archery? (rev. 2 by Blackmore on 11-15-17, 01:28 pm)
Posted at 11-15-17, 01:22 pm Link | #1

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I have noticed that on KR live server (or may be all live), archery has finally been modified to give less issue of "99% in front of enemy but still miss" kind of circumstance.

As far as my knowledge goes, the modification involves archery to have higher accuracy when charge is higher than 70% (and bonus when aim is at 100%)

(original in Korean: "2015년 2월 레노베이션 패치로 조준률이 70% 이상일 때 공격 실패 확률이 추가로 감소하게 되고(쉽게 말해 삑사리가 줄어들었다) 조준률이 100%일 때에는 행운에 의한 자동회피가 일어나지 않게 되었다. 삑사리가 사라진 것은 아니나 어느정도 완화되었다고 볼 수 있다."

translated: "via 2015 Feb 'renovation' patch, when aim is higher than 70% , a chance to fail attack has been reduced. When aim is at 100%, evasion based on pure luck / luck stat (i think this is what it meant) no longer happened. It did not completely solved archery's problem but at leasted lessened it."


Could something similar be considered?

Any thoughts?

(option in my view is directing touching range combat mastery / range attack OR buff other relevant stuff. I would go for former however)
Posted at 11-15-17, 04:01 pm Link | #2

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As long as the accuracy change is reflected in Throwing Attack, too.
Posted at 11-15-17, 04:07 pm Link | #3

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Throwing attack at rank 1 has a base hit rate of 99%
You hardy ever miss with that.
Posted at 11-15-17, 04:42 pm Link | #4

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Throwing attack at rank 1 has a base hit rate of 99%
You hardy ever miss with that.
Aha, shows how long it's been since I played a Giant. My bad.

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