Would this be a good event?
yah it sounds like a fun time!
6 (100%)
this sounds dumb. how dare u >:(
 0 (0%)
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Iria Backpacking Event (rev. 2 by desporous on 11-21-17, 11:48 pm)
Posted at 11-21-17, 11:46 pm Link | #1

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Hi! I was wondering if there would ever be a possibility if Mabipro could have create an event where it'd require players to explore all of Iria together? or like a scavenger hunt with no mana tunnels. So it'd allow players to explore together and stuff :o Just a suggestion! Although, I'm not sure other ppl would like this. It seems like it could be player hosted as well, except the mana tunnel part. Does this sound like a cool idea? Not sure well anyways its just an idea!
Posted at 11-22-17, 12:57 am Link | #2

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The idea is cute, but the biggest concern i see is that as is, a lot of players have 3-4 alts that they just drag around with them. Ive seen multiple people doing current events and past events by bringing their alts via summon capsules, or vise versa in the case of your event here. If it was redo-able they could just leave alts at certain locations and use them to quick hop their player. It's depressing doing a group event and seeing that there are multiple people using alts to just leech more rewards.
Posted at 11-22-17, 12:58 am Link | #3

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closest thing that'd be easy; the old iria treasure chest event. essentially the loot boxes you got from l-rod exploration, but they had better loot in them.
Posted at 11-22-17, 01:05 am Link | #4
Drahan GM

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closest thing that'd be easy; the old iria treasure chest event. essentially the loot boxes you got from l-rod exploration, but they had better loot in them.
The Iria Treasure Hunt event was ran earlier this year.
Posted at 11-22-17, 01:13 am Link | #5

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closest thing that'd be easy; the old iria treasure chest event. essentially the loot boxes you got from l-rod exploration, but they had better loot in them.
The Iria Treasure Hunt event was ran earlier this year.

Oh drats, wish I hadn't missed that
Posted at 11-22-17, 02:36 am Link | #6

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oooh true! forgot bout tht event! i missed tht one too XD

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