AR needs some work
Less durability consumption?
6 (19.35%)
G14 style buff?
24 (77.42%)
other? (please specify)
1 (3.226%)
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continuing the archery issue - Arrow revolver and durability (rev. 2 by Blackmore on 12-06-17, 12:28 pm)
Posted at 12-06-17, 03:33 am Link | #1

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For previous issue, refer to following link:

This time, my focus is regarding arrow revolver - human archer's only hope when missing enemy in close distance occurs.

However, as of for now, AR is nerfed version ( it was buffed later on around G14 if my memory, and korean wiki are correct) - but i am not asking to buff that.

Rather, i would like to ask a way to deal with its massive durability loss.

As of for now, it forces human archer to risk massive durability loss if constantly using it (and harder the hunting place, more you will need to use it along with CS)

Some say just use magnum instead, the inferior version of that of elf (i know elves are intended to be better on archery, so that is fine).

Rather than leaving human archer a pure inferior version, would there be a way to differentiate - at least a less chance to worry about losing durability (as eventually, NPC will fail to repair)

thanks xD

P.S not the most relevant one for this post, but i think having Spirit Liqueur of Blessing would be very nice too - it is literally the savior for AR archer using ego bow. According to cowe
theres 2 under the same name, diff IDs, 85038 and 85538, linking the first one
, the item exists in the database but i have not seen it ingame

P.S 2 I know some of you are wondering what the point of durability issue is; look at discord chat for further info.

To give a short summary, durability was an alternative suggestion in case some people think buffing dmg output or others to make AR more cost effective (as the cost-to-reward ratio is shit) is not appropriate.
Posted at 12-06-17, 11:34 am Link | #2

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Make final hit use no dura at the same time then.
Posted at 12-06-17, 12:09 pm Link | #3

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like a live one, you say (which is fine with me tbh)
Posted at 12-06-17, 12:39 pm Link | #4

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Some skills could use a rework anyway if you'd ask me.
post rev. 2 by Banned on 02-06-18, 04:15 pm
Posted at 02-06-18, 04:12 pm Link | #5

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I'm replying directly to OP

The way you talk about ar, makes it sound as if you're trying to use it exclusively.

"more you will need to use it along with CS)"
qoute from your post

Is being more inclined to use other parts of archery a bad thing? The game does rewards you well for it.

Arrow revolver isn't the only skill humans can use, nor should use exclusively. They get so much out of Ar, it can combo into charge, can lead into mags and more

It's even got a lot of safety on on the first shot, which can be loaded out of windmill, knockdown, and so on.

My point is, instead of using Ar exclusively, you can use it with other skills. It's not meant to be the only move you use.
If people are straight spamming ar, nothing else, that's why they are dropping in so much dura.

I'd really like to encourage people to think about these skills that takes into account the other skills around it, as this is a game that encourages you to eventually hybrid, it's not like we have classes or something that seperate skills from one another.

By the way, if it wasn't made clear, i just don't think a change is necessary.

tldr stop spamming ar


If I'm misunderstanding Op, I'll apologize, but this is what it sounds like.

I bumped, don't kill me mods

Posted at 02-06-18, 08:34 pm Link | #6

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So I played a human archer on live from g2-g15

From my experience the problem isn't the fact that you just spam Ar. I used archery as my primary damage source so anytime I wasn't using a skill with my bow I was at a disadvantage. So its not about spamming Ar.

Crash shot is insane super good mostly as an opener or if you dont have aggro on yourself in a party.

Mag, even "the inferior version of that of elf" is very powerful . Just because its a weaker version doesn't mean its not strong.

Human Range attack is awful firing one arrow instead of two means we deal nearly half the damage.

Support shot is really underused but its great to shoot off when you see a party member going in for a smash or wm, support shot spam on something getting hit by final hit SO GOOD.

Then there's Arrow revolver, this is the skill that defines human archers, this is your new default attack. That doesn't mean you spam it but it does mean you'll be using it a ton and it has layers of problems.

The damage is does on this build, 490%, is a little low. I feel it could probably use a tiny buff up to about 550% but this really isn't a problem and I believe its fine where its at.

Durability sucks this gets compounded by the fact that Ar makes extra use of bow speed so fast bows are multiplicative damage boosts, the sheer amount of damage you can get out compared to a slower bow is pretty crazy. The cost of this is durability and that's ok range in general is hard on durability.

So the damage is okay where its at, mostly. The durability is a battle but overall a reasonable cost. So whats the real issue with Ar? Stamina usage.

Stamina cost of 16, SIXTEEN? That's crazy. Smash and windmill use 10 and aren't used at the same frequency Ar is. Normal attacks for consideration are 2 stamina.

Cyre is right. You shouldn't be spamming Ar and humans have great advantages for that, why i personally think post Ar buff humans are better archers. The aiming speed they get over elves, 300% compared to 200%, means you can be far more aggressive up close. Human's melee is better than that of an elves and they get more dex/base damage so their skills are harder hitting.

So they are able to better make use of other skills that are not strictly range. However the large stamina cost of arrow revolver makes this more punishing forcing a more cautious playstyle which tends to lead to more range spam leading to the feeling of these issues.

My proposal is to leave the damage of Ar relatively untouched, a small buff may be warranted but to decrease the stamina usage to post buff Ar state of 8 opposed to 16. I don't use durability as a real issue.

tldr: I don't think spamming Ar is the problem and believe that the g14 buff was necessary. However if its overall seen as unneeded I implore a stamina reduction.

Sorry about formatting, I sort of scribbled the information down and may edit as I do think some change is important.
Posted at 02-15-18, 06:57 pm Link | #7

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It's less that human ranged attack is awful and more that elf ranged attack is and has always been sort of absurdly overpowered by comparison. That's not to say I don't think AR could be better, just don't forget that fact.
Posted at 02-18-18, 10:01 pm Link | #8

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It's fine.
Posted at 07-14-18, 06:43 pm Link | #9

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As a human archer who uses an ego at all times, I find the durability manageable - expensive, however. The stamina cost is quite high, to be honest, and I often find myself out of stam before I realize. A slight reduction would be appreciated.

My main dissatisfaction would be the damage, I agree that it would greatly benefit from a damage boost to that of G14 . I don't think this would make the skill overpowered, but nicer to use. Elves ranged still has 2 chances to crit, which is huge for damage, and AR is useless in a lot of cases, ie anything that pings. However, a damage buff would make it more useable in HM/Elite SMs, and other content. Dealing less than base damage on the first 4 shots feels real bad. :<

G14 AR buff please!
Posted at 07-19-18, 01:12 pm Link | #10

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As a human archer who uses an ego at all times, I find the durability manageable - expensive, however. The stamina cost is quite high, to be honest, and I often find myself out of stam before I realize. A slight reduction would be appreciated.

My main dissatisfaction would be the damage, I agree that it would greatly benefit from a damage boost to that of G14 . I don't think this would make the skill overpowered, but nicer to use. Elves ranged still has 2 chances to crit, which is huge for damage, and AR is useless in a lot of cases, ie anything that pings. However, a damage buff would make it more useable in HM/Elite SMs, and other content. Dealing less than base damage on the first 4 shots feels real bad. :<

G14 AR buff please!

Its a Utility skill.
Posted at 07-21-18, 04:14 pm Link | #11

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Its a Utility skill.

I understand that it's currently only useful as a utility skill, but a buff would broaden its usability and give human archers a unique distinction, without buffing them too much. Clearly Nexon thought similarly as it was buffed in the next generation.
Posted at 07-28-18, 03:10 pm Link | #12

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Its a Utility skill.

I understand that it's currently only useful as a utility skill, but a buff would broaden its usability and give human archers a unique distinction, without buffing them too much. Clearly Nexon thought similarly as it was buffed in the next generation.

Nexon also did the whole combat revamp system, so it's not like anyone can really say that Nexon really knows what the fanbase wants :/
Posted at 08-01-18, 05:28 pm Link | #13

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If you want to give humans archery more on the same level without it being STRONGER then elves, give them the ability to use mounted archery aswel.

Now before y'all start yelling at me for saying that, keep in mind that elves still have the following advantages:

-Aiming while moving
-Keeping partial aim while moving
-Higher max accuracy on moving/running targets
-Faster loading magnum shot
-Faster loading regular shots, double shot (and its faster loading then AR)
-Mirage missile (not really an advantage but still an extra available skill)
-Final Shot
-Elven Magic Missile (its technicly a hybrid magic/archery skill)
Posted at 08-04-18, 01:02 pm Link | #14

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If you want to give humans archery more on the same level without it being STRONGER then elves, give them the ability to use mounted archery aswel.

Now before y'all start yelling at me for saying that, keep in mind that elves still have the following advantages:

-Aiming while moving
-Keeping partial aim while moving
-Higher max accuracy on moving/running targets
-Faster loading magnum shot
-Faster loading regular shots, double shot (and its faster loading then AR)
-Mirage missile (not really an advantage but still an extra available skill)
-Final Shot
-Elven Magic Missile (its technicly a hybrid magic/archery skill)

All races should be able to do that anyway. It's not difficult to imagine someone on a horse shooting a bow because it's supposedly exclusive for elves to do. Additionally, giants should also be able to shoot.

FINALLY. Mages cast on mounts :>
Posted at 08-05-18, 06:07 pm Link | #15

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All races should be able to do that anyway. It's not difficult to imagine someone on a horse shooting a bow because it's supposedly exclusive for elves to do. Additionally, giants should also be able to shoot.

FINALLY. Mages cast on mounts :>

We fire emblem in here now BOIS.

If you want to give humans archery more on the same level without it being STRONGER then elves, give them the ability to use mounted archery aswel.

Now before y'all start yelling at me for saying that, keep in mind that elves still have the following advantages:

-Aiming while moving
-Keeping partial aim while moving
-Higher max accuracy on moving/running targets
-Faster loading magnum shot
-Faster loading regular shots, double shot (and its faster loading then AR)
-Mirage missile (not really an advantage but still an extra available skill)
-Final Shot
-Elven Magic Missile (its technicly a hybrid magic/archery skill)

Being able to shoot while mounted is possibly the greatest advantage that elves have over humans and one could argue it is part of their "design identity". I think it's important to have these differences to prevent races/classes from feeling homogenized, in any video game.

If this change happened I don't think anyone would be too mad, but I can't really see a good reason to do it. For any balancing that we mess with there has to be a very valid reason, I think. It is really hard to justify these along with any changes to balance in general in my opinion.
Posted at 09-26-18, 07:26 pm Link | #16

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All races should be able to do that anyway. It's not difficult to imagine someone on a horse shooting a bow because it's supposedly exclusive for elves to do. Additionally, giants should also be able to shoot.

FINALLY. Mages cast on mounts :>

We fire emblem in here now BOIS.

If you want to give humans archery more on the same level without it being STRONGER then elves, give them the ability to use mounted archery aswel.

Now before y'all start yelling at me for saying that, keep in mind that elves still have the following advantages:

-Aiming while moving
-Keeping partial aim while moving
-Higher max accuracy on moving/running targets
-Faster loading magnum shot
-Faster loading regular shots, double shot (and its faster loading then AR)
-Mirage missile (not really an advantage but still an extra available skill)
-Final Shot
-Elven Magic Missile (its technicly a hybrid magic/archery skill)

Being able to shoot while mounted is possibly the greatest advantage that elves have over humans and one could argue it is part of their "design identity". I think it's important to have these differences to prevent races/classes from feeling homogenized, in any video game.

If this change happened I don't think anyone would be too mad, but I can't really see a good reason to do it. For any balancing that we mess with there has to be a very valid reason, I think. It is really hard to justify these along with any changes to balance in general in my opinion.

If they did make it so humans could use archery from a mount, it should be only on the slowest mounts IE: Shire-meanwhile elves can do it on any land based mount. I mean, throughout human history mounted archers were a force to be reckoned with (Mongolian Keshiks, War chariots, literally some random dude on a horse with a bow and arrow), so it makes no logical sense to completely restrict. Elves are made to be better archers and mages, that's non-disputable, but it doesn't mean that something that it known to be done is suddenly a foreign concept because game balance. Just make elves better at it, and it'll be fine.

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