Giant Melee Buff (in weapon form)
Posted at 12-06-17, 11:50 am Link | #1

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Can giants please get an equal tiered weapon in terms of stats as humans get battleswords.
I feel as a giant who's supposed to be stronger in melee damage/combat that my advantage is completely offset by the weapon choices we get for dual wielding.
All of our dual wieldable weapons are significantly weaker to maxed out battleswords. And im not including ego weapons in this.

Leave your oppinions down below.

Posted at 12-06-17, 01:37 pm Link | #2

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Dual wield 2h weapons?
post rev. 1 by Wil on 12-06-17, 03:28 pm
Posted at 12-06-17, 03:27 pm Link | #3

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Imho, Giants only need the smash buff and either Atlatl Upgrades or Throwing Attack buff (both will probably be op?). We already can 2h + Vales Shield, charge without shield.

Weapon wise, Battleswords (Max Roll) just have ~15 Crit and ~50 min damage above Warhammers and 5 max damage below (both monster dropped +4 dura type). Which help, but are not 'completely offset'. Also take into account that you can aƱso get -20~-40 dex (which affect your balance unless you have a very good amount of dex as a Giant i.e. 310~350) on the artisan upgrade, unless you go for the clean max roll and spend even more on removal tools.
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Posted at 12-06-17, 03:44 pm Link | #4

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In dual wielding max artisan battleswords they get up to 86 - 114 dmg with 44% crit, I dont see dual wielding any blunt weapon near that level.
Posted at 12-06-17, 05:06 pm Link | #5

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while higher raw damage may come from max artisan'd Battleswords, giants have the advantage of shield + 2h with crazy smash dmg buff
Posted at 12-07-17, 03:57 pm Link | #6

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[Posted by Krylia on 12-08-17, 10:08 am, deleted by Krylia]
  • #6607
Posted at 12-08-17, 10:11 am Link | #8

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If only we could have lances, but, that's a G14 thing, not G13, so welp.
Posted at 12-14-17, 07:34 am Link | #9

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while higher raw damage may come from max artisan'd Battleswords, giants have the advantage of shield + 2h with crazy smash dmg buff

That sadly means very little in the current state of the game were it's WM everything to quickly deal with it and maybe smash if it's 1-2 mobs left, or WM lock a bosses AI. Smash is left out in the cold in most cases. It's powerful, but slower than WM, takes on a single foe with some meh splash sometimes, and offers no defensive value as well and doesn't ignore prot to calc crit.
Posted at 12-18-17, 07:04 pm Link | #10

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I dont get how you're talking about endgame weapons but leaving out egos.. Giants are fine damage wise. just follow the meta
Posted at 12-26-17, 07:12 pm Link | #11
Arisa GM

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If only we could have lances, but, that's a G14 thing, not G13, so welp.
I believe lances are coming within the realm of possibility for us.
Posted at 12-26-17, 07:51 pm Link | #12

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If only we could have lances, but, that's a G14 thing, not G13, so welp.
I believe lances are coming within the realm of possibility for us.

yes please, I miss lance meta and being a giant for the first time i can finally do lance + cooking pot!! stoked if this actually releases
Posted at 12-27-17, 12:18 am Link | #13

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Aww shit lances!
[Posted by Zakkyurrdai on 12-30-17, 01:10 am, deleted by Zakkyurrdai]
  • #7191
Posted at 12-30-17, 01:12 am Link | #15

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In dual wielding max artisan battleswords they get up to 86 - 114 dmg with 44% crit, I dont see dual wielding any blunt weapon near that level.

perfect battle swords only hit that hard on basic attacks. smash, windmill, etc. (the attacks that matter) are calculated by adding both weapons' damage to the damage from your base stats and skills.

base max damage for windmill with dual battle swords (with perfect artisan rolls!): 54+54+60 (from artisan str) = 168
base max damage for windmill with dual warhammers (no artisan rolls required): 87+87 = 174

dual warhammers have higher damage, blunt mastery gives more damage than sword mastery, and giants get much more str.

this is not even accounting for the fact that blunt egos are much more poweful than any 1h sword ego.

giants don't "need" a damage buff to completely outclass humans. they already do.
post rev. 2 by Patogoloso on 01-08-18, 01:08 am
Posted at 01-08-18, 01:06 am Link | #16

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Atlatls, with their massive cooldown time, are a no-go atm as an alternative.
Even at r1 they can't compare to melee in barely any aspect.
Even if we had the atlatl upgrades, and implying they start hitting really hard, the cooldown would still make them a slow option.
Why not greatly reduce throwing attack skill cooldown time without improving atlatls? This would give giants versatility and more balooning-rafting chances.
This would also make the skill usable at all, and its training bearable.

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