Launcher update released! (rev. 3 by Drahan on 09-16-17, 08:26 am)
Posted at 03-09-17, 03:50 am Link | #1
Drahan GM

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Hello Milletians!

I am glad to announce that Primary MabiPro Launcher version 1.1 has been released.

Updating to version 1.1 is required to launch the game properly now, due to changes in how our backend launch system works.
This update has also broken our alternative launcher, but we will update that in the short future.

You can find the latest launcher on our downloads page by clicking here.

To update, just extract and overwrite the new files in your MabiPro installation directory.

* Changed backend version retrieval system
Posted at 03-09-17, 03:51 am Link | #2

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goodjob with fixing the server so fast
Posted at 03-09-17, 03:53 am Link | #3

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I love you, Mabipro team.
Don't get into the Totemizer.
Posted at 03-09-17, 04:37 am Link | #4

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Posted at 03-09-17, 07:09 am Link | #5

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I extracted the zip folder into the mabi pro directory but when ever I launch the game, it says "Checking for updates." and stays there.
Posted at 03-09-17, 01:07 pm Link | #6

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I extracted the zip folder into the mabi pro directory but when ever I launch the game, it says "Checking for updates." and stays there.

Just click "launch game"
post rev. 1 by Ish on 03-09-17, 06:13 pm
Posted at 03-09-17, 06:07 pm Link | #7

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I tried but it keeps checking for updates with the launch button being unclickable
post rev. 1 by Epsilos on 03-10-17, 08:38 am
Posted at 03-09-17, 11:56 pm Link | #8

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i'm trying to move/extract the new launcher files, while running winRAR as admin, but it says access is denied to this folder.

the folder's on my desktop, but read-only for some reason. unsetting that doesn't work.

how do I fix this?

EDIT: after leaving it alone for a while, I extracted the files while windows explorer wasn't focused on the folder
somehow, it worked. maybe the launchers turn the folder into some unattainable security level while they're doing their work, or something, and you need to not have used them before modifying files. or maybe w10 windows explorer just doesn't play nice with game files for no reason sometimes, so you need the folder not to be open.
just a few things to try if your computer's saying you need permission to move files, anyway
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 03-10-17, 12:20 am
Posted at 03-10-17, 12:03 am Link | #9
Drahan GM

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i'm trying to move/extract the new launcher files, while running winRAR as admin, but it says access is denied to this folder.

the folder's on my desktop, but read-only for some reason. unsetting that doesn't work.

how do I fix this?

I don't think this is a problem that is within my scope.

I tried but it keeps checking for updates with the launch button being unclickable
This seems to be a rather common issue - can you try using my dev version instead?
It will show popup dialogues whenever it progresses stages, please tell me the last popup that you see.
Posted at 03-10-17, 08:31 am Link | #10

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Posted at 03-10-17, 12:52 pm Link | #11
Still a casual gamer

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i'm trying to move/extract the new launcher files, while running winRAR as admin, but it says access is denied to this folder.

the folder's on my desktop, but read-only for some reason. unsetting that doesn't work.

how do I fix this?

EDIT: after leaving it alone for a while, I extracted the files while windows explorer wasn't focused on the folder
somehow, it worked. maybe the launchers turn the folder into some unattainable security level while they're doing their work, or something, and you need to not have used them before modifying files. or maybe w10 windows explorer just doesn't play nice with game files for no reason sometimes, so you need the folder not to be open.
just a few things to try if your computer's saying you need permission to move files, anyway

Note, this may be a security issue, not as in virus/anti-virus but as in security settings on your pc. I've played with them on windows 10, so i'll give a quick run down of what i'm talking about. Since your issue, Epsilos, is already solved this won't be any real use to you atm, but maybe it'll help someone at some point. And yeah,t his is a bit lengthy.

DO NOT mess with anything in your "Windows" directory!! This means any files or subfolders there, do not even think about touching security settings. You screw with those, you may well lock yourself out of your computer, and even a system restore will not work. I'm speaking from experience, of messing with some security settings, so trust me and don't mess with those, ever. I can't stress how important it is to leave those files alone.

Before we start, you will likely need to know your administrator password, or be on the administrator account in order to do this. Otherwise you likely won't get anywhere.

Go to the location of whatever file/folder has the issue. Right click it, then select properties. You'll want to click the security tab on top of the properties window, then click advanced.

You'll have a new window open, at the top are two lines, name followed by Owner. Make sure the owner is set to whichever account you want to play under. I'm heavily blurring this image, for privacy.

You can assign ownership of the file/folder to a guest account it seems, should you wish, but i heavily advise against that. The less permissions required to use the file, basically the easy it is to tamper with by programs that may have no business messing with it.
As you can see in the above image, when changing ownership there is a textbox to type the username into it. Type the desired name of your user account, not the mabi account but your pc account, then click on "check names" to the right of the box. It should convert the name into something along the lines of 'ComputerName/AccountName'. That means you spelled the name right, and how you know you're converting ownership right.

Click okay at this point, and it will close the name confirmation window, and leave you at the advanced security settings window again. It will likely warn you about how since you changed ownership, you must close the window before making any further changes. You'll want to quickly make sure you're not being denied any privileges though.

Under the "Type" column of this window, see above image for reference, you want to look for any "Deny" entries. If one exists, you need to see which "Principal" is restricted. The deny privilege, will take priority, so if the account you're on or updating under, falls under Deny's Principal, you won't be able to make changes, or even view the file, depending on what kind of "Access" is listed.

If there's no deny listed, or it doesn't affect the account you're on, you're good. So you can go ahead and click ok on the windows you opened, to safely close them and save the ownership changes. If there is a deny you need changed though, you will need to close and open the security window before making any changes, as you were prompted about previously. But by checking before closing the window, you know whether you're done, or actually need to open the window back up.

In the event you need to change something, you'll want to jot down the details of the exact entry you're about to change, or screenshot it and save the image in an obvious and easy to find location, such as the desktop. This is important, absolutely do not skip this step or try to rely on memory. If you botch anything up, then you could very well lock yourself out of not just one file, but all related files and folders in the related directory. Exact details are necessary.

In order to remove the access deny permission, i suggest just trying to swap it to allow instead. This is quite simple. Double click the entry, you'll get a window like below. (again, blurred for privacy)

There's a drop down box near the top, that should say deny. You click it, change it to allow, as seen in the image, then just hit ok. That's it, you're done. Just hit ok on any open windows at this point, to save changes and close them.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-10-17, 01:10 pm Link | #12

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I tried applying it as a manual patch ... checking for updates ...

What should I do?
Posted at 03-10-17, 01:13 pm Link | #13

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Game play button disabled ... Checking for updates ...

Posted at 03-10-17, 11:52 pm Link | #14

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Just says checking for updates... can't launch game.

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