Posted at 12-20-17, 03:28 pm Link | #21

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I plan to level my alts to rank things otherwise not accessible for giants. I don't see a issue with using alts to run with either when everyone is already busy doing something else or offline/away from the keyboard.
Posted at 12-21-17, 02:12 pm Link | #22

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I plan to level my alts to rank things otherwise not accessible for giants. I don't see a issue with using alts to run with either when everyone is already busy doing something else or offline/away from the keyboard.

The issue, from what I can see, is that people are upset that others are micromanaging alts in SMs to make money, rather than using them to AFK fish, run a shop, or w/e else. At the same time, this isn't so much of an issue because anyone can do it; the GMs allow us to have 3 accounts logged in at the same time.

People are worried that they won't be able to join up with other people because they will give spots to their Alts, or just run with their Alts all together. This removes the multiplayer aspect of the game.

Long story short: should alts be restricted to just life skills / afking, or allowed to be gold magnets in SMs?
Posted at 12-22-17, 09:09 am Link | #23

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I'm very much against multi-boxing, even manually.

A small community gets even smaller when people turn it into a single player game.

It's destroyed a great many private servers I've been on.

Though obviously some set ups are harder to tell the difference between.

Some servers are so strict you can get false positive temp-bans due to multiple people playing from the same house. Unless you jump through a lot of hoops to make it work.

I'd much rather see dungeon passes just replaced with unrestricted, and all shadow missions changed to a minimum of 1, if it means that you can just disallow multi-boxing.

If you're strong enough to do it alone, then let them do it alone.

But don't let them get bonus rewards because of it. that's already built into the server bonuses.
Posted at 12-23-17, 09:03 am Link | #24

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It's reasonable to think that multiclienting would kill the server given the rewards that come from it but I believe it isn't a concern for a game like mabi, especially in this server. Unlike other MMOs mabi pulls off the social aspect impeccably. For example, in PSO2 yes you are forced to run with people - but interact with them? I have never talked to anyone in that game or found the need to. The same goes for FFXIV, BDO, Dragon Nest, etc. Somehow, either from how these games are designed or the community culture that surrounds them; interacting barely goes beyond the baseline of telling people what they need to do for a mission or RP. From personal experience and from everyone I've met on mabi, it seems as if the game naturally draws out the sociability within people.
Let's take for example Chirio who is probably the most notorious for multiclienting here. Despite the fact she runs almost everything by herself and her alts, she still ran Peaca int with the Virus guild (+ Satella), gives enchanting services, and is decently involved with the community. Regardless of multiclienting or not, she also still runs an insane amount of shadow missions and would still be in a position of power regardless.
In regards to the community, I believe that this small community enforces a culture that people would rather run with others than themselves. News travels swiftly in mabi, and swifter still in a small playerbase such as this one. If someone were to refuse running with other people to run with themselves, I doubt it would go over well with the community and themselves. Pariahs do not do so well, especially in this server, as seen by Southgate members getting banned and muted. It could even be added to 1.3a Server Abuse - [Multiple Account Creation] that people reported for running exclusively with themselves could be filed under abuse, but as you can tell I don't see that being an issue for this server and if it is it would be important enough for GMs to take note of reports much like how Southgate was important enough to get banned.

I'd also like to add that if BiTW were 4 people like conflict, then multiclienters would at least be able to take leechers, but then people would complain about leechers as well. People are free to leech as much as people are free to not leech. People are free to multiclient to gain rewards as much as others are also free to not have a single additional account to their name. The only limit is hardware, and how much you're willing to even spam something by yourself.
post rev. 1 by Primate on 12-23-17, 09:34 am
Posted at 12-23-17, 09:14 am Link | #25

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I love you all equally
post rev. 5 by Alistine on 12-26-17, 07:42 pm
Posted at 12-23-17, 09:40 am Link | #26

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I'm not sure if this is possible, but if it is they could remove the 2x bonus gold for shadow missions and then consolidate the total gold rewards for the quest and split the pool among everyone who ran. That way if you can solo the mission you're still getting the same reward regardless of multi-client alt "abuse" and the same could be done with end chests. Reduce the total chance that rare items drop and divide the keys among whoever ran the mission. This way people are still incentivized to run with a group since it would be faster and you'd be getting more overall exp from the end of the quest, plus its safer and more fun... but if you wanted to solo everything you're not falling behind in gold or items. I mean it wont completely fix the problem because event abuse and raid missions will still be a thing, but it would be a nice step forward.
post rev. 2 by Sex on 12-23-17, 01:03 pm
Posted at 12-23-17, 01:01 pm Link | #27

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I plan to level my alts to rank things otherwise not accessible for giants. I don't see a issue with using alts to run with either when everyone is already busy doing something else or offline/away from the keyboard.

The issue, from what I can see, is that people are upset that others are micromanaging alts in SMs to make money, rather than using them to AFK fish, run a shop, or w/e else. At the same time, this isn't so much of an issue because anyone can do it; the GMs allow us to have 3 accounts logged in at the same time.

People are worried that they won't be able to join up with other people because they will give spots to their Alts, or just run with their Alts all together. This removes the multiplayer aspect of the game.

Long story short: should alts be restricted to just life skills / afking, or allowed to be gold magnets in SMs?

As a mabinogi veteran player, I joined this server to relive the old combat experience as well as mainly solo play. It would be a shame if I was stripped away the freedom to solo run and reap the exp/gold rewards for doing three times the amount of effort of a regular mabinogi player. I value my other accounts exp/ap as well like I said previously.

edit: why would my gameplay of solonogi hinder anyone else's experience? for some reason that comes off as twisted from my perspective. if i was forced to play with other people, i would very much dislike that. i help or run with other people when i wish to.
post rev. 2 by Alistine on 12-23-17, 02:32 pm
Posted at 12-23-17, 02:24 pm Link | #28

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edit: why would my gameplay of solonogi hinder anyone else's experience? for some reason that comes off as twisted from my perspective. if i was forced to play with other people, i would very much dislike that. i help or run with other people when i wish to.

I'm fairly sure the main issue people are having is with certain people spamming missions with alts to make a godawful amount of gold (ie 3x on a 2x rewards server resulting in 6x gold from things like BITW int/adv) and destabilizing the market by having the ability to just buy whatever they want for whatever price they want, and also abusing the multi-client to gain 3x raid rewards and 3x event rewards. This being an issue because not everyone can run multi-clients with their computers.

Posted at 12-24-17, 07:34 pm Link | #29

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edit: why would my gameplay of solonogi hinder anyone else's experience? for some reason that comes off as twisted from my perspective. if i was forced to play with other people, i would very much dislike that. i help or run with other people when i wish to.

I'm fairly sure the main issue people are having is with certain people spamming missions with alts to make a godawful amount of gold (ie 3x on a 2x rewards server resulting in 6x gold from things like BITW int/adv) and destabilizing the market by having the ability to just buy whatever they want for whatever price they want, and also abusing the multi-client to gain 3x raid rewards and 3x event rewards. This being an issue because not everyone can run multi-clients with their computers.

Just stop being poor...

The only thing I will say in defense for those using the alts is that the gold does stimulate the economy of the server. People see things being bought, they will do the same in return with others.

It is an issue and is in a raw form cheating, but at the same time as long as nothing inflates in price they shouldn't be too bad of a problem.
post rev. 2 by Alistine on 12-24-17, 08:42 pm
Posted at 12-24-17, 08:40 pm Link | #30

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The only thing I will say in defense for those using the alts is that the gold does stimulate the economy of the server. People see things being bought, they will do the same in return with others.

It is an issue and is in a raw form cheating, but at the same time as long as nothing inflates in price they shouldn't be too bad of a problem.

I think the problem is that items either cost infinite amounts or sell instantly since people can just bankroll whatever they want. Take upgrade stones or trinity staves for an example, they either don't exist or cost 400k+/2-4m which means either abuse SM's or get something for someone who is abusing SMs or you wont get them from the market
post rev. 1 by Sex on 12-25-17, 02:33 pm
Posted at 12-25-17, 02:32 pm Link | #31

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The only thing I will say in defense for those using the alts is that the gold does stimulate the economy of the server. People see things being bought, they will do the same in return with others.

It is an issue and is in a raw form cheating, but at the same time as long as nothing inflates in price they shouldn't be too bad of a problem.

I think the problem is that items either cost infinite amounts or sell instantly since people can just bankroll whatever they want. Take upgrade stones or trinity staves for an example, they either don't exist or cost 400k+/2-4m which means either abuse SM's or get something for someone who is abusing SMs or you wont get them from the market

I do not think the price of the item directly correlates with "multiclienting". It's more of the fact that the supply of the item is very low. It's a rare drop. Also have been playing for a month and nobody sells upgrade stones for 200% of the original price.. not sure where you're getting your price checks, but most people who don't even multi client advertise selling upgrade stones for 200k for hours. If you don't agree with the price then try to offer or simply hunt it yourself and stop scapegoating first world problems.
post rev. 1 by OoThatGuyoO on 12-25-17, 06:53 pm
Posted at 12-25-17, 06:51 pm Link | #32

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The biggest issue would have to be end-dungeon rewards. Items, even with the doubled rates, are still really rare. The private server isn't large enough to have 7 channels worth of people running things to find these items. Having alts to open more chests is the solution to that problem, until the point we get popular enough to have the market flooded with rare items.

Bottom line, in my opinion, is that if you think it is a disadvantage, then even the playing field. Run some alts in missions you can handle. Otherwise, don't sit and gawk at those taking advantage of it.

To reiterate the entire point of the first post: some people want to run things with other people, not have those slots filled with alts. People are worried that these alts will prevent people from joining sms.

YOU CAN'T FORCE PEOPLE TO DO THINGS THEY DON'T WANT. If people don't want to run something, they won't run it. If the alts are causing this issue then the GMs should disable multiclient. Not going to happen because this isn't "super official Live."
Posted at 12-26-17, 04:18 am Link | #33

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Player's aren't going to socialize if the game is easy, and mabinogi is by all means easy.

The situation wouldn't change if multiclienting was a bannable offense or whatever. The players who were going to multi client, or solo, would still have the same incentive to actually cooperate. To help someone else, that's it, and in Mabinogi, that really is it.

You don't need help to handle any sm and having 5 naos and one replenish every ingame day further lowers the need to ask for help.

Community doesn't just happen just because their is a talk function, community happens when someone needs something from someone else and vice versa. And mabinogi at it's best just doesn't give you that (Except when everyone is early game), team combos are generally quite simple, and even if they can get more complex, it doesn't matter because windmill exists, and most mobs will get trashed in a few hits, meaning it's more efficient to not fight together. And it's even more efficient to not group dungeons, because you not only have more chests if multiclienting, but you have more chances at rolling drops from mob deaths, and more exp.

The only thing you get with another player is potentially finishing the run faster. You generally don't even have to communicate when running with someone else. Because in this game, stats are more important than good play, and good play isn't that huge in this game.

It's just a flaw of mabinogi. I don't think there is much that can change it other than new player's sticking together at least for awhile.
Posted at 12-26-17, 06:13 pm Link | #34

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I do not think the price of the item directly correlates with "multiclienting". It's more of the fact that the supply of the item is very low. It's a rare drop. Also have been playing for a month and nobody sells upgrade stones for 200% of the original price.. not sure where you're getting your price checks, but most people who don't even multi client advertise selling upgrade stones for 200k for hours. If you don't agree with the price then try to offer or simply hunt it yourself and stop scapegoating first world problems.

Where I'm getting my prices is putting them up for 300k and having them sell in a matter of minutes. I've never seen a single one in dunbarton for under 275k so I'm not sure where you're seeing them for 200k. And I personally haven't been looking for either of them at either price recently, they were just an example to show how ludicrous the price of endgame items is.
But even if it was only 200k like you said, how long do you think it would it take for you personally to make that without abusing SMs with alts? In my experience even if you're doing SMs with a group you still wont be making nearly as much as if you were just using alt accounts and soloing the missions, so even then it takes significantly longer to farm the same amounts, whereas I could easily farm 200k in less than an hour, probably closer to 30 minutes with alt accounts spamming SMs, and I'm only total 460

Bottom line, in my opinion, is that if you think it is a disadvantage, then even the playing field. Run some alts in missions you can handle. Otherwise, don't sit and gawk at those taking advantage of it.

To reiterate the entire point of the first post: some people want to run things with other people, not have those slots filled with alts. People are worried that these alts will prevent people from joining sms.

YOU CAN'T FORCE PEOPLE TO DO THINGS THEY DON'T WANT. If people don't want to run something, they won't run it. If the alts are causing this issue then the GMs should disable multiclient. Not going to happen because this isn't "super official Live."
I'm in no way worried or upset that people aren't grouping up to play the game, that's just dumb. If you want to play alone then feel free to. The problem I have and the reason i'm advocating for changing the way SMs work is because of the ungodly amount of gold you can make in a few hours and how much it unbalances the economy, see above.
And as far as "evening the playing field" not everyone's computers can handle running 3 clients at the same time. This game isn't exactly the most resource efficient to run, which was the point of my previous post that apparently you missed. I wasn't saying "Just stop being poor in the game" I was saying "just stop being pore in real life"
post rev. 1 by Alistine on 12-26-17, 06:26 pm
Posted at 12-26-17, 06:26 pm Link | #35

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Also I'd like to point out that I don't think we should remove multi-client nor am I advocating for the removal of alt accounts. I just think we should try and diminish the perceived need to use alternative accounts as tag-alongs to boost item drop rate and gold generation. I still think there should be some bonus rewards for being able to solo the more difficult content, however I don't think the current "meta" of dragging alt accounts everywhere is a bit inefficient for both the server and players. See my recommendations at post 26 in this thread for more on this.
Posted at 12-29-17, 08:10 am Link | #36

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Man i hate people and i hate party play
Posted at 12-30-17, 01:19 pm Link | #37

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This meme will never die, tbh

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