Exploration Stuff (rev. 1 by ZanathKariashi on 12-24-17, 02:13 pm)
Posted at 12-24-17, 02:11 pm Link | #1

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Would be nice to get some more exploration options.

Or fixing some of the more annoying design decisions Nexon made.

Possible Easy improvements:

Buff exploration xp sources across the board.

Even on live they buffed base exploration xp significantly for discoveries (you currently get around 40 xp for a monkey statue on here, where as on live with no other boosts it's around 320 (or might be 280) or a lot more with exploration mastery skilled up).

Up the exploration xp from quests by about double. (their time to xp ratio is completely pathetic, could even swap the values so the explore xp is the big value while the normal xp is the small value).

Add exploration artifacts to Iria Dungeon end chests similar to how live did it, with a guaranteed artifact drop of random value.

More complex stuff:

Changing the zone-wide pulse that clears all active exploration sites in Courcle to a 5 minute pulse or at least Sync up to the Server clock (so that it pulses every in-game hour on the turn of the hour) so that it pulses at a predictable time so people don't constantly get nailed with their chests disappearing the instant they spawn or only having a couple seconds to beat their guardians.

(to be honest though I'm not sure what purpose the pulse even serves besides to annoy the crap out of people stupid enough to do exploration. It doesn't shuffle Artifacts sites around or anything, it just despawns all active sites at the moment of pulse. And the discovery sites in the other regions use individual spawn timers, so you have around 2 minutes to do something with your discovery before it despawns. I imagine it's some server stability relic from the release of Iria (back when people were all over Iria spamming crap) that has long since been rendered pointless and simply relegated to a mass frustration feature).

Just raise Vioght's success rate or just removing the failure chance altogether (could reduce or remove gold payout due to fewer wasted artifacts and turn it into a gold sink for exploration XP. Gold pay-out remains on appraised but non-restored artifacts).

(that's essentially what the Artifact Investigation skill did on live, since you couldn't make money using that skill for turning in Artifacts, any profit you made came from completing Artifact books and selling the rewards, which unlike turning in the Artifacts, doesn't create Gold from thin air, it just moves it around between players).
Posted at 12-24-17, 03:39 pm Link | #2

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Exploration Levels are annoying as heck to obtain. and unfortunately a lot of newer players dont even bother
post rev. 1 by Slayerj on 12-24-17, 06:26 pm
Posted at 12-24-17, 06:24 pm Link | #3

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Exploration is currently one sided. It's Ballooning > Rafting > Cor expl > Expl quests > Dungeon expl reward >(???) Egg mini game reward?? (Holyshit I forgot fossils where a thing. Where do those even fall on this list? lol)

There's a lot to iria, but 90% of it is ignored because why bother? The expl quests that want you to go around it don't really reward you shit. The best they give is a wool pouch, a skill book, and glowing statues that you don't even turn in. They have no varying rewards. Even if they did, and even if you buffed their expl exp a good bit, the top three would still be better by a mile.

I'd love to see an iria exploration overhaul one day.

Change up the reward system for Ballooning and Rafting. No longer reward so much expl from them, mainly normal exp, some gold, a few other rewards here and there, but sometimes a map that gives you a vague hint, of a location to go to and use exploration to get a chest for some gold, sometimes an item from a special pool, and a nice large chunk of expl exp for your time. Course you'd need the item in your inv to do this. No sure if that's doable without a lot of work, thus wanting it during a large overhaul.

Cor exploration could be changed to not run on that reset timer from hell, or at least put it on an hour reset like you suggested. Make the artifacts usable in quests sometimes for more expl exp or a new reward, but slightly lower their output on expl exp.

Dungeons could have their base expl exp raised and sometimes have a statue or something to sketch within the dungeon that gives some more expl, and the sketch can be sold to an npc in qila base camp (one we already have) for some gold and expl exp. One sketch per character per run, not trad-able.

And the largest change would be base exploration quests. Boost up their expl exp a tad bit, but vary up their rewards better. One way to do this would also benefit life skills and make a market for these items. Make those mob drops from iria mobs be usable in some crafting as a replacement for something else. Like, 10x of x item instead of y mat. Or synthesis for them into normal mats, or just use in new crafting recipes. Then lower the drop rate for them from their mobs greatly, and put them as rewards in some quests. Gives a large chunk of iria a use. (Still need to talk with someone to see if this is actually doable in general)
Posted at 12-24-17, 07:17 pm Link | #4

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Fossils are similar to Cor Artifacts in terms of explore xp but only if you can get them really well restored consistently.

I have a condition with my mouse hand that makes it basically impossible to do fossils, so I didn't list anything with those because I've only done it a couple times to try it out and couldn't really suggest anything beyond maybe making the mini-game more forgiving for lower end restores.
Posted at 12-25-17, 12:17 am Link | #5

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Im tired of only doing Cor Exploration for explo exp. Make it fun at least plssss Flip/Drahan =D
Mabi & Salsa Dance lover
Posted at 12-25-17, 02:36 pm Link | #6

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I agree, as a new player and also giant who cannot raft or hot air balloon , it is very difficult to gain exploration levels without asking for assistance(carries). The most I can do is artifact appraise and turn in artifacts for decent exploration exp at most. I would like a small buff or a different means to gain exploration if possible to not feel much of a monotonous grind every 2 weeks.

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