Game Server Maintenance 12/23/2017 (rev. 4 by Flipend0 on 12-23-17, 10:21 am)
Posted at 12-23-17, 06:32 am Link | #1
Flipend0 GM

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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 05:21AM 12/23/17 EST.
All servers are running normally.
Please update your client.
Thank you for your patience.

Dear Milletians,

Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
02:30AM 12/23/17 to 05:00AM 12/23/17 (EST)
  • A lot more Christmas Gachapons were released than we had anticipated. You will need to use 10 gachapons to receive an item instead of 1.
  • Some hairstyles appeared twice in the character creation menu for human and elf females. This was fixed.
  • Sailor Shoes had some unexpected behavior behind the scenes. This bug has been fixed and in addition Sailor Shoes are now tradeable.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff
Posted at 12-23-17, 06:34 am Link | #2

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you have ruined my christmas
Posted at 12-23-17, 06:52 am Link | #3

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gms underestimated the players desire to grind events =u=''
Posted at 12-23-17, 06:53 am Link | #4

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Thank you for balancing!
Posted at 12-23-17, 08:22 am Link | #5

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Posted at 12-23-17, 10:33 am Link | #6

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A lot more Christmas Gachapons were released than we had anticipated. You will need to use 10 gachapons to receive an item instead of 1.

.... well excuse my French but fuck... I only have 20 and I was going to stop there... but if this is happening, now I'll only have 2 presents to open. Q-Q
Thanks a lot...
It's hard enough to actually get the pages.
Posted at 12-23-17, 11:40 am Link | #7

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Double nerf to the global gachapon. I'd understand it if I actually knew the prize pool as we need to give up 12 "mini-rewards" for 1 global and that have to be all the 12 pages, so maybe even more mini rewards. Imho players must know the worth of their time spent when grinding something.

I know the Gachapons here are handled similar to nexon in the past, but why not give us all the possible contents of them all so, anyone grinding for a specific Gacha know why (possibly) are they grinding it for. Having this knowledge doesn't affect at all that you guys can modify the rate of the contents as Common/Rare/Very Rare with the rate you think is fair or the RNGesus.

"Knowledge is power"
Mabi & Salsa Dance lover
post rev. 2 by Excelsian on 12-23-17, 12:35 pm
Posted at 12-23-17, 12:33 pm Link | #8

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I expected the content of the boxes that everyone has to be secretly reduced in terms of how often good stuff drops (although idk if that is possible since we already own the boxes), but this is also a way of fixing it I guess.

I mean ye, sucks that we were anticipating lots of rewards and now we get told that we get way less, but idk if ppl would still care for most of the rewards if 1000-10000 boxes are opened and anything rare that was supposed to drop and be a special reward, would be as common as a... dragon blade or dragon fang or something I guess (and yes, I think we do have atleast between 1000-10000 boxes since most of the time we have like 50-150 ppl online, and I know some people already hit the 100 cap).
Posted at 12-23-17, 04:21 pm Link | #9

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Hang on, so because I work full time and I pay for my own flat and utility bills (so leaving my pc on all day and night isn't the most cost effective thing I can do) I get punished because people got greedy and left 3 alts online 24/7 to obtain every gift that they possibly could. I was pretty happy seeing as I had 15 boxes to open, but now I can only open one gift? That's completely unfair on the casual players.
Posted at 12-23-17, 11:44 pm Link | #10

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Hang on, so because I work full time and I pay for my own flat and utility bills (so leaving my pc on all day and night isn't the most cost effective thing I can do) I get punished because people got greedy and left 3 alts online 24/7 to obtain every gift that they possibly could. I was pretty happy seeing as I had 15 boxes to open, but now I can only open one gift? That's completely unfair on the casual players.

I totally I agree with this one. I can't get on Mabinogi unlike almost everyone here, because well, work and adult-like stuff. I don't have any other alts besides just this one. I don't mind the idea of having alt accounts, but I don't like having one sitting idle to collect stuff like this event. I was happy to open at least 20 pressies because I know at least half of them will probably be junk. But now I only get to open two presents this year because some greedy a**hole wants to get over 100 presents on their alternate account. But as the saying goes, "one rotten apple ruins the whole tree." So congratulations, everyone. I hope you're happy with your gifts that you sat idle while some of us tried to grind their ways to share how much "love" we care about you lot.
Posted at 12-24-17, 09:34 pm Link | #11

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The change is just silly to me. It would make more sense to make getting gift box harder instead of completely nerfing them. The whole point of event is for ppl to advantage them. What's the point of having event in the first place when you are going to nerf them when ppl just decided to participate?
Posted at 12-25-17, 12:38 am Link | #12
Drahan GM

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The change is just silly to me. It would make more sense to make getting gift box harder instead of completely nerfing them. The whole point of event is for ppl to advantage them. What's the point of having event in the first place when you are going to nerf them when ppl just decided to participate?

getting gift box harder
That's...exactly what we did. We made it 10x harder...
Posted at 12-25-17, 04:30 am Link | #13
Arisa GM

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I should mention that there are now over 30,000 gift boxes out in the world. If the boxes weren't 10-to-1 the items inside would likely be heavily oversaturated to the point of providing less value than they would have had, had they taken 10 boxes to receive (which is currently the case).
post rev. 1 by epsilon on 12-25-17, 10:46 pm
Posted at 12-25-17, 10:46 pm Link | #14

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getting gift box harder
That's...exactly what we did. We made it 10x harder..

I meant getting NEW gift box harder, not removing gift box from player. As for too many boxes exists, event are meant to make things cheaper. Prices go up and down as ppl progress. The market won't completely die from just 1 event. It might be better for things to go cheap to help new players anyway.
Posted at 12-26-17, 01:51 am Link | #15

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Not trying to fight/argue with a GM because I know that will get me either kicked from the server or even just temporary banned, so just hear me out without pulling strings or getting bent out of shape. I am not looking for an argument rather just my say on this server as a whole.
What I am trying to say is that if you didn't want to distribute that many gift boxes, maybe limit of how many can go to each account. Yes, each account. Not per character. And if that would be difficult, perhaps you should have thought of that a lot earlier when people made multiple of pack mules where they can just sit idle in Dunbarton and wait for the gifts to arrive to them. Or even just made this event harder to begin with. Now I'm not saying every person uses their pack mule for events such as this. Some use it for fishing, others use it for Life skills as I've seen some mention...
I've lost faith in the MabiPro team due to this event. This event is meant to give happiness and joy, but instead you guys gave out harder ways to obtain the event. I understand your intentions but sometimes you guys make things a bit more complicated or even just half-assed. I'm not saying make things easier but just think about what you guys are doing before you set it out in the wild. I love you guys as I really care for the server and for what you guys are doing here...

But this sorry quote for an excuse,
That's...exactly what we did. We made it 10x harder...
does not make things any better.

I'm heading back to the Live version of Mabi... No, this doesn't mean I want my account deleted. I'm just... taking a break from old-school and heading back to the new. I might be back, just don't expect it any time soon.
Good luck in your future endeavors and events.
~ Hope
Posted at 12-26-17, 05:15 am Link | #16
Drahan GM

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Not trying to fight/argue with a GM because I know that will get me either kicked from the server or even just temporary banned
We encourage as much feedback as possible. We would not exile you for speaking your mind.
It's sad to see that you even consider such things as a possibility.

I've lost faith in the MabiPro team due to this event. This event is meant to give happiness and joy, but instead you guys gave out harder ways to obtain the event.
This event has been harder for us than it has for you guys. We tried our best to rectify our mistakes in the best way possible, but unfortunately it's not possible to make everybody happy.

We've certainly learnt from our mistakes and will avoid situations like this in the future.
Posted at 12-26-17, 06:11 pm Link | #17
Arisa GM

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Not trying to fight/argue with a GM because I know that will get me either kicked from the server or even just temporary banned, so just hear me out without pulling strings or getting bent out of shape.
Don't be ridiculous, you as a player are allowed to say what you want to say about the game, even if it's hard to word it nicely.

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