A request to the Mabinogi Professional community (rev. 2 by mesmerrow on 12-31-17, 12:21 am)
Posted at 12-30-17, 11:22 pm Link | #1

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Hello everyone, over the past few weeks i been playing more often then usually, and i noticed one thing that keeps on growing like a tumor, and that's Mabinogi Professional's toxicity, i mostly been ignoring it because i don't often write anything in the global chat, therefore i am rarely meet with any toxicity on a personal level, however i simply have to draw a line at some point and this is it, today a friend of mine was harassed again for no reason, in fact for making a harmless joke, this was not the first time he was attacked by some of the Mabinogi Professional's community on the global chat, and this was also his last day on Mabinogi as a whole, not only did he leave Mabinogi Professional, he also decided to leave the live servers for good.

This is obviously only one out of many such stories that unfolds on a too common basis, and i have seen such attacks take place too many times, i would therefore ask the Mabinogi professional community to avoid such toxicity and elitist behavior, we should not forget that we are a very small community and we should welcome veterans as well as newcomers to Mabinogi Professional with open arms, and help one another, our community is the very balance that decided if we can thrive or fail as a Mabinogi Professional community.

Note: When i first started playing early 2017 people where just happy to have a Mabinogi private server, we where an even smaller but much more friendly community.
Posted at 12-30-17, 11:45 pm Link | #2

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Is this about someone called OoThatGuyoO? Because I saw him say he quit on global today after he asked about the current state of highest ranked lifeskillers and someone was confused by his question (I don't recall/know the details exactly since I didn't pay full attention to it or participate in any of the conversation, just found it a strange reason to quit).

If it's someone els, I'm interested in what actually went down.
Posted at 12-30-17, 11:49 pm Link | #3

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Is this about someone called OoThatGuyoO? Because I saw him say he quit on global today after he asked about the current state of highest ranked lifeskillers and someone was confused by his question (I don't recall/know the details exactly since I didn't pay full attention to it or participate in any of the conversation, just found it a strange reason to quit).

If it's someone els, I'm interested in what actually went down.
The person has kindly asked me not to share his username or his story sadly, however that is just one of many such stories, the important thing to remember here is that this issue could affect anyone, regardless of their explanation.
Posted at 12-31-17, 12:07 am Link | #4

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To be honest I really don't think this thread should exist, as sharing "stories" will just incite drama among the community even further. This entire thread could turn into a shit storm if everyone starts namedropping and posting their issues with people on the server. While I understand your concern with toxicity, there's two sides to every story and those stories in no way need to be a public. I really think this is a potential breeding ground for personal attacks against people and would therefore negate your initial intention anyway which seems to be to prevent this kind of conduct in Mabi-Pro. Regardless, I'm sorry to hear your friend decided to quit and had this experience. Harassment is never okay and I'm sure if any severe lines are crossed the GMs would be the best people to contact.
Posted at 12-31-17, 12:27 am Link | #5

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To be honest I really don't think this thread should exist, as sharing "stories" will just incite drama among the community even further. This entire thread could turn into a shit storm if everyone starts namedropping and posting their issues with people on the server. While I understand your concern with toxicity, there's two sides to every story and those stories in no way need to be a public. I really think this is a potential breeding ground for personal attacks against people and would therefore negate your initial intention anyway which seems to be to prevent this kind of conduct in Mabi-Pro. Regardless, I'm sorry to hear your friend decided to quit and had this experience. Harassment is never okay and I'm sure if any severe lines are crossed the GMs would be the best people to contact.
I edited my post to avoid such actions, however i would like to state that these things happen often without any punishment, there is many ways one could be attacked and harassed indirectly or without the obvious use of cursing, threatening or other explicit ways of breaking the rules.
[Posted by Nik on 12-31-17, 12:45 am, deleted by Drahan: High toxicity; no contribution]
  • #7213
post rev. 1 by Nickel on 12-31-17, 01:14 am
Posted at 12-31-17, 01:14 am Link | #7

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certain higher level players are unironically toxic to others in the global from time to time, you learn who they are and just avoid talking to/at them.


Small community, makes the overwhelming cockiness of elitism that much more present.
Posted at 12-31-17, 02:28 am Link | #8

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Small community, makes the overwhelming cockiness of elitism that much more present.
u wot m8
Posted at 12-31-17, 02:43 am Link | #9

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I'm afraid I don't see the correlation between your friend leaving Mabipro and live. Could you please define 'toxic' and 'elitism' as they've lost any meaning from overuse. I'll then be able to better understand your friend's situation, thank you.
Posted at 12-31-17, 05:00 am Link | #10

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if you're offended by a imaginary term elitist, i think it's best to say mabinogi is not the game for you no matter where you run or hide
Posted at 12-31-17, 05:18 am Link | #11
Red Lion

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Adding my two cents in; my thoughts regarding rampant "toxicity".
You can report as many people as you want over everything that offends you, anything you consider Toxic or offensive. What's offensive to one person is different to what's offensive to another, so when given enough people, you're bound to find someone toxic, at least through the eyes of another.
Report them all you want, if it's a legitimate issue, and the GMs are usually quick to respond. Maybe that person gets dealt with quickly, and they can Reform and learn from their mistakes.

How long is it though, until someone else comes around and offends you, or is toxic? When eventually they quit, over whatever reason they have, how long until someone else comes around to get offended by the same things left behind, or new things that haven't been cracked down upon?
The Internet is a very fast form of connection that allows people from all around the world, with all sorts of differing viewpoints, opinions, lifestyles, etc., to connect together. You can't stop someone from getting offended.
Report as many people as you want, for what you consider toxic, to make room for the next little thing to offend you. The first and easiest way to stop being offended, is with yourself.
Use your blacklist, understand that sarcasm is difficult to convey through text and that people don't always mean what they say, and if it really is an issue, talk to the person first and then report them if it doesn't go well.

I don't want to be dropping the forbidden B word on people, or to insult anyone with my post, but it's extremely hard to differentiate between legitimate cases of abuse, and people who are unfortunately a little oversensitive on a video game. There are plenty of practices already in place to handle harassment, and plenty of people who properly use them. Making a scene over every little thing that goes wrong is a pretty big waste of time that only serves to cause drama, increase hostility between groups of players, and wastes GMs' time with tickets that could easily be resolved with a simple blacklist.
Posted at 12-31-17, 10:58 am Link | #12

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Just to toss my 2 cents on my situation: made a dry humor joke to a dormant global chat for it to blow up saying they hate beggars, mentioned I had r1 weaving and knew what I was getting myself into (didn't matter because live was nerfed), said I wanted to offer a free service because there wasn't anyone on the forum post (people start listing off names left-and-right). My only "sensitive feelings" was me trying to make a joke and mention what I was up to just for that to nose-dive into the ground by others.

Point is people are taking this game so seriously that I can't even make a joke without (what seems like) everyone blowing up. Just as a hint, if someone says "anyone have any leather and doesn't want to make money," typically that means they are joking.

Am I upset? No. People have a right to be as toxic as possible on the internet. It's all part of the internet experience. I'm not here to police people, I'm simply moving on because I refuse to play this game without global enabled or a guild to talk to. Did the people upset me? Not to the extent everyone thinks. It hurts my feelings that I can't mention what I'm up to without others being a downer. Again that is the internet experience, been on it for well over a decade to know how it works.

My parting advice is this: power in MMORPGs is all about time. Just because you are stronger than another player doesn't mean you are better, just means you put in more time. If you want skill to be a major factor then go play an action game or a shooter.

So for now, bon voyage MabiPro. Say what you will, I got other stuff to do. Hopefully this will end in a positive result rather than everyone ripping on each other for opinions (but being the internet I highly doubt it).
Posted at 12-31-17, 11:48 am Link | #13

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Apologies, but I'm having a little trouble believing that you've 'been on it well over a decade' and yet you still manage to write up all this. Regardless, your conviction is of stone as it were from the moment you joined right down to your decision to leave as nothing will change your mind. Godspeed, you 750 gold page shearing mad man.
Posted at 12-31-17, 12:14 pm Link | #14

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Apologies, but I'm having a little trouble believing that you've 'been on it well over a decade' and yet you still manage to write up all this. Regardless, your conviction is of stone as it were from the moment you joined right down to your decision to leave as nothing will change your mind. Godspeed, you 750 gold page shearing mad man.

i love you whoever you are, mr/mrs. sbs4lmp i believe your story 110%
Posted at 01-01-18, 01:29 am Link | #15
Jade GM

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People have a right to be as toxic as possible on the internet.

I disagree. In general this might be true, but here on MabiPro we have part 2.2a in our Terms (http://mabinogi.ir/terms) which includes restriction against harassment and toxic behavior.

As a team we are currently evaluating how to handle these situations on an ongoing basis, but for those affected by or witnessing toxic behavior, you are encouraged to report the players responsible in tickets to us. We actually receive relatively few of these tickets, so it is difficult to determine when an actionable offense has been made, vs. when joking and memeing is taking place that isn't actually bothering people. Please include screenshots in your tickets so we can confirm the behavior, and be aware that we have the ability to check logs when needed, so selectively trimming screenshots as a means of gaslighting staff members or creating further theatrics will be dealt with accordingly too. I hope that we can all work together to make MabiPro a welcoming and accepting place to be, and personally I'm sorry to see you go!
Posted at 01-01-18, 09:11 pm Link | #16

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People have a right to be as toxic as possible on the internet.

I'd have to disagree. In no way should anyone be toxic online or offline. If you think toxicity is justified on the internet, may need to see a therapist for mental illnesses.
Posted at 01-02-18, 03:39 am Link | #17
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People have a right to be as toxic as possible on the internet.

I'd have to disagree. In no way should anyone be toxic online or offline. If you think toxicity is justified on the internet, may need to see a therapist for mental illnesses.

hopefully the therapist will let you guys know it's in human nature and you guys can't ever get rid of toxicity, it's going to stick around and the nazi gms can do nothing about it except kill their server growth by punishing players who want to have fun and have "banter" aka talk shit. you're not allowed to speak your mind if it goes against what the gms want, so they will just delete your shit, you guys can't just cater to the sensitive fucks all the time, you have play both sides if you wanna be bias.
mabi.northkorea ran by Kim Jong-Drahun and his staff of communist gms
Posted at 01-02-18, 03:55 am Link | #18
Drahan GM

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hopefully the therapist will let you guys know it's in human nature and you guys can't ever get rid of toxicity, it's going to stick around and the nazi gms can do nothing about it except kill their server growth by punishing players who want to have fun and have "banter" aka talk shit. you're not allowed to speak your mind if it goes against what the gms want, so they will just delete your shit, you guys can't just cater to the sensitive fucks all the time, you have play both sides if you wanna be bias.

Maybe you shouldn't be so tilted when you get punished for violating the rules.
Posted at 01-02-18, 03:56 am Link | #19
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I don't get tilted by your shit drahan, you don't have to protect my feelings
mabi.northkorea ran by Kim Jong-Drahun and his staff of communist gms
Posted at 01-02-18, 03:59 am Link | #20
Drahan GM

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I don't get tilted by your shit drahan, you don't have to protect my feelings

Judging by your response and timing (right after your mute?), I don't seem to believe you.
You claim that we're too strict (judging by your signature) yet everybody else seems to think we're too uninvolved.

For a claim like this to happen right after you get punished....really gets your noggin' joggin'.

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